Okay I was just thinking about this (I know this is my second new topic in a day but I would REALLY like to know what you guys have to say) I was wondering were any of you teased in school?

Growing up I was teased A LOT. Not so much until about 4th grade, that's when the teasing got really bad. When I was in kindergarten I loved rats, yes rats, I thought they were cute and furry and I just loved them. Well in 5th grade some one (A girl who used to be my friend) started calling me rat girl. Okay not so bad right? Wrong. It was annoying and humiliating. Then someone decided to CARVE a picture of me looking like a rat into one of the bathroom stalls at school. It took them two or three months to paint over it.

In 7th grade I was transferred to a private school. I was a sci-fi freak in 7th and 8th grade. And yes I was made fun of because of that. I only had 3 friends. Then I had a friend in 7th grade who went to a different private school.I some how convinced her mother to have her transfer to MY school. I thought "Great I'll have a new friend!" Well guess what, she was accepted into the popular crowd and once again I was left out. One day I asked the leader of the group WHY I wasn't allowed in the popular group and so I was told that I wasn't "Pretty Enough"

The middle of 8th grade year I went back to public school (After being kicked out of the private school after some TERRIBLE crap happened to me) I wasstill a sci-Fi freak and I didn't reallyknow that many people. I had 2 friends who I would sit with every day at lunch but I didn't really see them outside of school. They were the only people who would actually talk to me during school. I remember once during 8th grade a popular boy putgum in my hair and started to tease me about it so I punched him.

Then in9th grade things were pretty crappy.I was a bit gothic, wore only black and I've always been pale so that didn't really help. There was a girl named Jessie who had hated me ever since first grade who totally spread every rumor that she could about me. I know it was her because when people would ask me rude questions or say something mean about me I would ask them where they heard it and they would always say Jessie.

So one day she was sitting in front of me talking S**T about me like I couldn't hear her and I got mad and pulled one of her pigtails back and punched her in the face. Now let me make thisclear, I'm NOT in ANY WAY A violent person, if you can get me to the point where I want to hit you then you MUST have done something wrong. Anyway they expelled me, they saidif Iappologized to her then they would let me back in but I freakin was NOT going to appologize to that girl.

Then the next year I was transferred to another private school. It was an alternative school for kids who didn't get along in regular highschools. (It was basically a place for the violent outcasts) and the first year there was TERRIBLE for me, I cried like every day and got beat up like every day.

This stoy has a happy ending though because the next year, up until I graduated I was popular. Very Popular. How that happened I'll probably never know.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to fill in you guys what it was like for me in school and I was wondering if anyone else got picked on when they were in school, or if they still ARE in school if they get picked on now.
