Two weeks ago my little one ved violently in bed, even "getting me" in the process. I didn't know what to do I just sat there frozen...About an hour before he ved he woke up out of the blue crying uncontrollably for about 10 mins and then dozed off again. An hour later it became clear that he was probably crying like that because he was feeling ill. After my husband and I cleaned up the bed and the baby, I slept in the living room that night terrified that the babies illness would get everyone else sick and it would be a house of ving people god forbid. He stayed ill for the whole week but luckily only ved 1 more time. thank god no one else got it...For a whole week, I was scared to sleep next to my own child and I made my husband sleep next to him and care for him.I think about it and I feel so guilty and I hate that being an emet controls my life so much! Tonight @ about 3ammy little one woke up crying again out of the blue uncontrollably and I immediately went into emet panick mode telling my husband nervously this is how he criedbefore he ved a couple of weeks ago.

I got up and began my nervous walking around and picking up/cleaning, which I normally do when I have my emet panic attack. I've been up an hour and a half now and all appears to be okay in the room...I am just trying to sit out the 2 hour window to make sure he doesn't v before I go back to bed. My stomache hurts too now ofcourse and I am wrecked with guilt about running from my child. My husband is usually pretty good about my emet and just kicks in with taking care of the baby when I disappear. I was amazed that when the baby got sick a couple of weeks ago that I handled it as well as I did. But then again I kind of had no choice it happened so the moment, I didn't do so bad but after the fact then the good old emet habits kicked in and i stayed away/ran as usual...*sigh* It is now 5 am. I have to get up for work in about an hour and a half I guess I will go to bed and try to get back to sleep...God my stomache hurts!

What's sad is my husband wants another baby and at first I didn't want another but now I have been thinking about it...but then my emet comes into play and I realize that I am holding back because Ifear more children emensely because of their ving often. Sometimes I think the joy of being a parent far out weighs my fear since kids only get ving ill several times in their lives (usually) and I get through it sure with some major panick episodes but I do...I am just torn...

Those of you with kids out there how are you when your kids get sick? Do you completely shut down? Do you handle it and then shut down?Do you handle it but are a wreck through the entire thing as you are dealing with it? Do you handle it to a point but then your partner automatically steps in and takes over? All of the above that I listed applies to me, it's really weird. I'm just curious to know how the rest of you handle it.

Okay I better go to bed. I can't believe I have been up 2 hours panicking like a fool...gosh my stomache is killing me here! geeze!

Thanks for listening...

Heth 34

DH 30

DS Cylle 14 yrs

DS Seth 2 yrs