I think I just had a breakthrough, my little son had eaten way too much, he's 8, yes I know 8 is not 2 or 3, but it's still young. My wife was away, at work, and I was alone with the little man. He turns to me, and tells me Dad I feel very sick. I don't want to throw up alone, my nerves went in to overdrive, he started to the bathroom sniffing, and I could tell he was going to cry. (He must have felt very bad.) I was just sitting there on the couch, my stomach in knots, my palms starting to sweat, I was afraid, seriously afraid.

He come back to me, and said Dad, please help me. I wasn't thinking it was just like something come over me. I got up and walked in the bathroom with him. I have hidden my problems from my son, I never told him. He had no idea how hard this was for me. He went in our bathroom, and it wasn't a second before I made it through the door, he had his very long moment. It seemed like it lasted forever. I was grounded in one spot. He never cried. He just did his thing. I got a wash cloth, flushed the toilet, wiped his little face, andasked him if he wanted to brush his teeth. Now by this moment I am shaking, He brushes his teeth,I get a bucket and lay on the couch with him,in case of emergency.

Holding my son I felt calm,if I lost control and paced, and flipped, he would have no idea what is going on. I couldn't do that to him, he had been so brave, and then I came to a conclusion, laying here, the bathroom, everything.... I had been brave, I am so proud of myself. I accomplished something today, maybe not something massive, but a big step, I was within 3 feet of someone ill,seen it, even helped clean it up and stay around them, I was worried I would be ill, or catch a bug.

My wife came in seen the bucket, and said Oh no he saw you have one? When we discussed what happened she was so happy, she also explained to me that when Drew over eats, he gets sick, I have had dinner since then, and so far no attack, and it has been far from my mind.
