Hey everyone,

I hope that if any of you live in the Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, or Kentucky areas that you are all okay tonight! It has been one crazy day and that is putting it midly!

I went to work today knowing that the weather was supposed to get worse as the day went on, but never did I imagine it getting as bad as it did. We were supposed to be open until 7:00 tonight and at about 5:30 we were forced to go into our designated "natural disaster" area of our store and all the customers were forced to exit into the safety spot in the mall. Therehave been close to50tornado warnings (meaning there is rotation in the clouds and/or a funnel cloud spotted) throughout Kentucky and 5 here in Lexington (where we've only had 7 total tornadoes in the past 54 years!). The flooding right now is terrible, you can't leave your houses to go driving anywhere because roads have up to a foot of standing water on them, the rivers are flooding and there are mud slides. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen and it's still not over yet as there's a HUGE storm due to arrive in the next several hours (no sleep tonight again!). So much for a memorial day picnic! I know that Indiana and Illinois recieved the storms before we did and that there was significant damage in Indiana and Louisville, Ky.so I REALLY hope that all of you are okay if you live in those areas! We've got a tornado watch right now as the storm's approaching much faster than they thought it would.

Hope everyone's okay! Nothing makes me have anxiety quite like a storm this bad!! Couple that with my still remaining headache and all I can say isBLECH!

God Bless Y'all!
