Just want to put this out there and get some feedback to help me sleep better tonight.

This afternoon (right now actually) my wife and I had some relatives over. So our baby is here and everyone is fine and playing with him and all. So they are all older (late 50's to early 70's) and they are all talking about how many ailments they have. So i go to try to put the baby to sleep upstairs as everyone begins to eat. As I go up I hear my wife's aunt mention how she had a headache this morning and isnt feeling well.

As Im feeding the baby and rocking him to sleep, my wife comes up and tells me that the aunt just v* in the bathroom downstairs. My immediate thoughts are that the baby was in her arms and I kissed her on the cheek on the way in and everything.

So my wife washes the baby's hands and face I wash my hands and face and we go downstairs after a little while of trying to put him to sleep, which didnt work. Anyway now she is fine. She doenst seem sick she is talking and laughing and joking. They were talking about maybe something she ate this morning.

Anyway, I am not as freaked as I was b/c it doesnt seem like a sv but I dont know. Someone give me some feedback.

Thanks in advance.