So last weekend my little guy woke up with a fever and complaining of a sore tummy. I was completely freaked out but was convincing myself that it was just another case of tonisllitis as he gets it frequently and it always starts with a sore belly... strangely enough.

Anyway, I took him to the doctor and he v* all over me as I tried to take him to the bathroom. I was beside myself however very proud as I spoke calmly to him and cleaned the mess up without scaring him or freaking myself out too much.

He was sick again that night and the doc had said that it could be tonisillitis, sv, flu virus... a huge list because he basically did not know what it was. I took him back to the docs the next day to just check his tonsils and he said that he had "Slapped Cheek Syndrome" because he had bright red cheeks (he also had a warm jumper on).

I tried to get myself into this thinking but kept coming back to the fact that he had an sv.... so anyway, it has been 8 days since he was sick, no one else in the family has had it and I even went away for a couple of days to a girlfriends house even though there was the chance that I may come down with it.

I'm very proud of myself.

The little guy now goes into hospital on Tuesday to have his tonsils out and that is freaking me out. He is only 2. My eldest son has had 8 operations so you would think that I am used to the whole procedure but this is the baby and I'm really worried for him....[img]smileys/smilies_16.gif[/img]