So I finally decided after 2 years of fighting these panic attacks to get on some medication. I've had a very rough 2 weeks with multiple attacks every son and I have been around many sv's lately, including one that went through our house but didn't get either him or me, thank God. But anyway, I had mentioned it to my bf once before that I was thinking about getting some meds and he said he thought I could get through the attacks without meds and I kinda agreed, I hate the idea of being medicated every day. But with the frequent attacks lately he and I both agreed that I need something, even if it's temporary, just to help me relax and get a hold on the situation. I just want to enjoy my life again, that's it.

So I talked to the pharmacist I work with and she mentioned Wellbutrin. I asked my doc for a prescription today and he told me to try it fora month. He also mentioned an anti-anxiety called Buspar (buspirenone) and I wasn't very familiar with it so I took the Wellbutrin instead. Then when I went to get the medicine the pharmacist gave me a pamphlet on Buspar and it does sound like it fits my situation better that the Wellbutrin would. But I will try this Wellbutrin for a month and see what happens.

Is anyone else taking Wellbutrin or Buspar?? I'd like to hear experiences of both. My Wellbutrin pamphlet says something about it possibly causing insomnia, which is really worrying's getting close to Finals week at college and my job requires me to be very responsible handling peoples' meds of course, so I can't be tired and groggy...any advice is appreciated.