Thanks Sage for your feedback. That was interesting to read- a "perfect storm" of contributing factors. Yes, I agree as I sit here logging who had what kind of background. According to the people that answered here, 17 if I'm counted correctly, of those 17:

29% suffered from some kind of sexual abuse or molestation.

35% of you had a pretty normal childhood w/ nothing negative to say.

35% of you were NOT sexually abused BUT DID suffer from some kind of trauma being verbally or emotionally abused, controlled by parents, bullied, humiliated in school etc.or genetics

Kimmy, I'm so sorry you had to go through that with a teacher. What a jerk! I guess he felt he had so much physical beauty himself that hehad the right toput down others or lacked his own confidence so therefore, had to put others down to make himself feel better. Either way, it is WRONG! Sorry about it. I too relate to you on the little girl. That was the first thing I answered my therapist when she asked me, "what do you feel about what happened to you?" The first thing I said was, "I feel so sorry for that poor, cute and innocent little girl who didn't deserve this." Then of course, she couldn't understand why I didn't feel angry towards this relative. she wanted to know why I was protecting this sick person as she called him. She was trying to force me to feel anger when I was calm about talking about it. I didn't feel comfortable with her approach and never went back. I do wonder though, why do I feel sorry for myself? Why do you feel sorry? Maybe you'll have my answer as well.

I now have a better understanding of my question, "Why do I have emet?" I didn't know how to invest my money. I want to see a therapist and had to choose to either deal with sexual abuse past or emet. I can get free therapy through our city program on the sexual abuse and pay for extra, private and designed treatment for my emet. I had to see what to pay for with the therapist. At some point, I will find out how and where it really stemmed from.

Thank you all for being supportive and open about this difficult topic. We can still continue to share about this if anyone here feels better knowing you are not alone in this. I have no problem talking about my past with anyone here. You can post here or privately.