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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    We spend so much of our lives as emets bein afraid to try new things, but I got this idea from another forum to make lists of all the cool and different things we've done/been in our lives. My list thus far (I am yet young) is:
    <LI>I've walked barefoot in the snowfor the hell of it
    <LI>I've been to Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and the USA
    <LI>I've been to Disneyworld and Euro Disney
    <LI>I've had 7 parts (Only two non speaking)inone year 6school play of Bugsy Malone(Tied up man, washer woman, talent show contestant, down and out, gangster, horse rider and - my proudest moment - a lamp)
    <LI>I've been to a wild party at a vicarage - last night actually, apparently the priest is a close friend of the birthday girls family, it felt somehow wrong to drink in what felt like a church...
    <LI>I've had the flu in Disneyland - and carried on going to the rides for the first couple of days of it
    <LI>I slept through the millenium</LI>[/list]

    Please add, peoples!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Oh and broken my foot slipping in the bath, getting up was fun...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Well............What a fun topic!!! Can't wait to see other people's lives!!

    * I was in 2 movies

    * I modeled for a short time--FUN!!!!!!!!!!

    * I drove cross-country twice

    * I survived an abusive marriage

    * I gave birth 3 times with no meds au naturel!! oh my!!

    * I've grown my natural nails out to 1-1/2 inches.

    * I've been to Disneyland - YAY!!!!!!!!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    This is FUN!
    * I've been bitten by a brown recluse poisonous spider and had to take
    leprosy medication to keep my skin from dying in that area.
    * I stepped on a rusty carpet nail and it stuck and broke off in my heel
    bone and had to have surgery to have it removed- Aaaaccckkkkk!
    *I flicked a cigarette ash out my car window and it blew back in my face
    and burnt a hole in my retina and I had to go to the ER to get it cleaned
    and scraped then had to wear a bandage on my head that looked like I
    had some sort of brain surgery.
    * I jumped off a bridge into the ocean that was about 4 stories high.
    * I bought a ninja motorcycle and learned how to ride it just for the h*ll of
    *Just last week survived a tornado and actually saw it coming

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States



    So, do you have "nine lives"??


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    <LI>let the hairdresser dye my hair purple for a photoshoot</LI>
    <LI>drove from california to ottawa with my boyfriend, and we are still together!</LI>
    <LI>have been going inside a high-medium prison for men for almost 4 years (and in the process have met many people I now consider my friends)</LI>
    <LI>been to australia for conferences related to my studies, and managed to turn into elephant woman via a really bad sunburn</LI>
    <LI>danced nekkid in the rain (I hope the neighbours weren't up)</LI>
    <LI>travelled around france, and been to eurodisney (LOL)</LI>
    <LI>told-off an on-duty police officer for making an innappropriate comment about what I was wearing</LI>
    <LI>got drunk and high in a church (well, not an active church....a friend of mine's family rented it after the congregation moved to a larger facility). I bet not that many people can say that they hot-boxed a confessional!</LI>
    <LI>had sex on the beach [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]</LI>[/list]


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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Very Interesting lists folks! Mine wont eb nearly as excitin

    * Recently did a road trip to Sc with my mom.. 3,000 miles round trip, great adventure!

    * Survivied getting hit by a pickup truck..i was crossing in a crosswalk.

    * Found the courage to end a 4 year relationsip (2 years of marriage) and became a MUCH happier person!

    *said ta hell with it and flirted with an old friend on-line..we have
    been together for almsot three months now and I am ehad over heels for

    And now I\'m glad I didn\'t know
    The way it all would end the way it all would go
    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
    But I\'d of had to miss the dance
    Garth Brooks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006



    I like this topic, and lgood - you are a very mad mad person (but I am envious of some of the stuff):-

    1. Sang backing vocals on a charity record that made it to #38 in UK music charts

    2. Got to #1 in local music charts with old band

    3. Had sex on a bus, when there were other people on it (it was many years ago, and I was very young - please don't judge [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img])

    4. Ran 2 marathons, and a 40 mile ultramarathon (not in the same day)

    5. The best and most memorable groovy thing I have ever done is watch as my son was being born (and crying like an idiot afterwards)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    I would just like to add to my list what I did last night:
    <LI>Remembered a coursework deadline suddenly and wrote 17 pages 11pm - 4am</LI>[/list]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Cool topic!
    -Recently traveled to N.C. with my kids and hubby to visit family, and didn't have a panic attack on the plane

    -Gave birth to two wonderful, beautiful, crazy-making girls (the last one was unmedicated)

    -made a snow angel in my nightie (as a kid)

    -read a ton of books

    -reached out to people on this site (we should all be proud of ourselves for this)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    *I have seen at least 500+ bands.

    *In high school I used to make jewelry for musicians. Probably the most famous person who wore my jewelry was Layne Stayly from Alice in Chains. (he wore something I had made for him at a televised show at Madison Square Garden in the mid 90's, so I got to see my jewelry, on him, on t.v) That was exciting for a 16 year old girl!

    *I saw Nirvana for $7 in a small club before the release of "Nevermind".

    *I've seen Bad Religion everytime they played in Cleveland since 1992 (ish). (with the exception of the time they toured with Blink 182.. puke). And got to hug Greg Graffin.

    *I got to see Social D in Southern California. (very cool)

    *I moved away from my family when I was 17 and endured the life of a military wife.

    *I gave birth to a beautiful daughter!

    *I left an abusive marriage.

    *I traveled by myself across the country (by plane) to spend a week in California, strictly for me time.

    * While in California, I met Harry Perry and he sang for me the song that he sings to Perry Farrell in the movie "Gift" while he is also on the boardwalk at Venice Beach.

    * I shrunk uterine fibroids on my own with diet and natural hormone therapy.

    * Because of an anti depressant that I was on, I became borderline diabetic and have also managed to reverse that with diet and excercise.

    * I have posed nude for an art class.

    * I had sex on the roof of a school.

    I guess those are my favorites... Kinda long, but I don't know what to remove.

    \"This too shall pass\"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Ok, mine will seem really dull but here goes.

    1. Lost my shoe in the middle of a street parade whilst playing my clarinet and had to run back to collect it.

    2. Had a 8lb8oz boy and a 9lb11oz boy completely natural

    3. Flew to Brisbane with my family on a plane and didn't freak out

    4. Signed up to become a leader at my son's Sea Scouts which entails a flying fox next month (omg)

    5. Had a huge stack whilst rollerblading and being an idiot and managed to slip 2 discs in my back

    6. Was offered a parliament internship (regretfully declined due to being pregnant)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Mine aren't that great but here goes anyway

    1. I've survived 2 massive head injuries (Okay maybe not MASSIVE but they were bad enough to make me pass out)

    2. Did a commercial for a radio station when I was like 5 or 6

    3. Met Brad Delp three years ago and and got free tickets to his concert and back stage passes(He's the lead singer in the band Boston...LoL I like old music so sue me)

    4. I guess this one isn't something to be THAT proud of but I sort of am. Ihelped write a eulogy and then read it for my Aunts funeral a few years ago. I was the only one in the family who could speak without crying.

    5. Did some modeling work, some nude pictures

    6. Worked at a stripper for a year and made some AWESOME money

    7. Survived (And still surviving) with Emetophobia for 21 years!

    8. Have had gum surgery, a root canal, and EVERY TOOTH in my MOUTH filled from cavities, and my four bottom teeth in the front are fake. (This damage is due to the fact that I have acid reflux disease and it eats away at my teeth)

    Other then that I have nothingelse to say!


    PS: LGood...WOW...you have some AMAZING stories to tell!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Mine aren't as amazing or death-defying as everyone else's but what can I say, I'm proud of them.

    1) I mooned cars driving by when I was 3.

    2) I went from being a painfully shy freshman to prom queen/most likely to succeed in 4 years, totally by self-motivation.

    3) I had 4 years of German in high school and 1 year of advanced German in college, and have taught my 2 year old German.

    4) I left an emotionally abusing, drug-addictedman to raise a son on my own.

    5) While in labor with my son, I was participating in a live class discussion for my online college course from my hospital bed!

    6) I had a child at 19 and have been enrolled in college ever since I graduated high school; never skipped a single semester.

    7) I have been v* on by my son many many times and didn't freak him or myself out.

    8)I won an award for outstanding acheivement in College Organic Chemistry II.

    9)I have been the emotional support for an amazing man who risks his life for his community every day and saves strangers' lives.

    10) I have made out with that amazing man on a firetruck, just like in that movie Backdraft!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    oh jeez...you've all done some crazy things!! wow! im only 16 and ive dont just about nothing but here goes...

    1) in gr.8, one of the lead roles in the annual spring play dropped out and i volunteered to fill in for her. the only problem was, i had to learn 8 entire scenes worth of lines in 4 days (i did it though and i was soo proud

    2) i auditioned (and got in!!) to the arts program at my high school. this was back when i was EXTREMELY shy, so its a big accomplishment

    3) i auditioned for the winter play at my high school. it was a one-liner and i didnt make it but i felt good for trying anyway [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    4) i wrote halfa science fair project in 45 minutes (about an hour before i had to hand it in) and got 90% on it

    5) some of my artwork and photographs have been displayed at local libraries

    6) i am currently planning a trip with by best friend for next summer. we're not sure where yet but it will be a long trip and my first ever trip without my familyso im really excited!

    its so much fun reading everyone accomplishments and you should all be very proud! have a great weekend

    -hayley xoxo
    ~*~ all is fair in love and war ~*~

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    - I met Gillian Anderson and had her later remember me and thank me for something. Which blew my mind.

    - I went to my first convention ever, which was for the L word, and met Laurel Holloman, Anne Ramsay and some others. Talking to Anne for ages and having her wave at me later. *grin*

    - Danced on stage in G A Y nightclub (Well everyone does, but it's still cool hehe)

    - Had sex at the sea front at Blackpool

    - Got over agoraphobia without drugs, therapy or much help from anyone but my Mum

    - Passed 2 A-levels, gaining a B in English, despite not having been to school in 6 months because of Emet

    - Held down a job for 9 months and did well at it.

    - Moved to Manchester and worked in a theme park

    - Got arrested for shop lifting when in fact it was my friend doing the stealing and I was innocently shopping. Seriously! And she didn't even own up!

    - Helped my friend beat Post natal depression and became a 2nd mum to her baby for a year.

    - Met Jason MrazEdited by: hippychick
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    hey everyone

    i just have one more thing to add to my list. i sent this wildlife photograph to a website and they published it check it out:

    http://animals.about.com/od/wildlife...ries/ig/Photos -from-Readers/hayleywright.htm

    i hope you all had a good weekend!

    -hayley xoxoxo
    ~*~ all is fair in love and war ~*~

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    Wow Shiva-that is sooo cool I loved Alice inChains!1)I was in an all girl thrash metal band when I was in high school- I could play(guitar)faster than most of the guys I knew! 2)I was voted most artistic girl in my high school yearbook. 3)I was in a beauty pageant. 4) I had my own children's party business for awhile-before my anxiety got the best of me. 6)I got married in Las Vegas and "Elvis "gave me away. 7)I've given birth twice-one regular and one c-section to two beautiful little girls!
    \"Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans\"-John Lennon

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    This is interesting!!!

    Here's mine:

    *Traveled to many places in the world including Africa

    *Gone scuba diving with sharks

    *Gone cliff jumping various times

    *Kept various species of snakes

    *Had 4 tattoos done

    *Had a breast reduction (something I was terrified of doing)

    *Had my writing published

    I'm sure I'm missing a bunch but those are the ones I can think of right now.

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