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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Okay, so I thought that this might be a bit of fun. We could all do with laughs when we are feeling yuck, so, here goes.

    I had been with my boyfriend (now husband) for a couple of months and we had gone away for a secluded weekend down to Margaret River and stayed in a fantastic B&B set in the forest. On our second night, we couldn't work out where to go for dinner because I am so fussy (mainly because of being allergic to garlic). Finally at 10pm we gave up and grabbed a hamburger from the local cafe.A few hours laterI had complained that I had a stomach ache, but thought, oh well, just go to sleep and it will be better in the morning.

    Later that night, my husband bolted upright in the bed and said "did you hear that??". He was completely freaked out, so I had to admit to it andreply "I'm sorry, pardon me. It must have been the hamburger". Well, my husband was absolutely shocked... "was that you?? I thought there was a bear outside on the porch".

    To top it all off, the next morning at breakfast, the couple that were staying in the room next door, approached me at the buffet table and said "how could you be with such a pig.... his backside woke us up as well!!".

    So needless to say, how embarrassing. Now 5 years later, should anyone pass wind in the house, my husband will always comment "not as good as the Margaret River fart".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    Lol antz! I love it.

    Okay, I have TONS of most embarrasing moments, as I am somewhat of a klutz. So I'll go with my most recent one.

    About a month ago, I was going with three of my friends to our high school's production of Chicago, the musical. it was completely awesome! We had such a good time. As I was walking out of the auditorium, I commented on how there had been so many potentially embarrasing situations that I had completely avoided, and that I hadn't embarrased myself yet! Famous last words...

    We walked out of the front doors and waited by the curb, where there were tons of cars all packed in. My friend Emily, whose dad was picking up up, points straight ahead and says, "oh, there's my car!" She starts to walk in the direction of this silver Toyota Corolla, so I walk there too. She and my other friends walk to the other side of the Toyota, so I wakl straight up to it, thinking that I'll get in the other side. I open the door, and stand there waiting for Emily to get in. I'm not really paying attention, until I notice that my friends, minus Emily, have walked over to this blue minivan on the other side of the Toyota. Emily, however, is just standing on the other side of the Toyota, staring at me, making frantic waving motions with her hands. Me, being slightly confused at this point, finally realizes what is happening! I look down, and this older man is leaning back at me from the driver's seat. He says, "um, wrong car."

    I jumped, half-screamed,and closed the door, running off to emily! She grabs me and practically throws me into her minivan, and slams the door shut! my friends are tempted to stay there in plain sight of they Toyota, but I yell "go! step on it! hide mee!!" So the father goes, while I can see the older man and his wife chuckling and pointing at the minivan. I practically died that day!!

    Luckily I won't ever have to see that man again. myonly worry is that he will be the father of someone I know...talk about embarrassing!

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    omg, antz, I'm sorry I hate to admit that I nearly wet myself laughing at your story but...I'm sure you pretty much expect it. Especially the "I thought there was a bear outside on the porch." You definetly win this thread.

    Edited by: chicajojobe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I have two embaressing stories but they're both rather quick...so here goes

    When I was in 7th grade there was this really cute boy who sat behind me and I really liked him. Well back then I had a habit of chewing on my pens while I was at my desk. So there I was chewing on my pen and he said something funny and I turned to look at him and laugh and he looked at me and started laughing. Come to find out my pen had exploded and the ink was all in my mouth and on my face.

    The second thing is, well it was the first time I had ever smoked pot during lunch at highschool. My friends who were in the car with me all had art after lunch so that was no problem for them getting stoned because the art teacher was pretty weird and out there herself. I on the other hand had English the next period. 2 embaressing things happened to me then. The first one was someone asked a question and the teacher took 10 minutes explaining the answer (I don't remember what the question was) Anyway after she was done explaining itI asked the SAME question again and she looked at me funny. Then she continued to lecture and whatever and I started going through my backpack looking for something to eat. I was probably going through it for the better part of 10 minutes when finally she looked at me and said, "What are you looking for?" and I looked up at her, thought about it for a moment and then said, "I don't know." Boy did everyone think that was funny.

    Not as embaressing as Antz I must admit but it was pretty embaressing to me...LoL!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    For everyone's TMI (inspired by the first story): I can out-fart almost anyone, especially with nasty sounds! I'm good about not doing them in public (I do have excellent manners), but when I'm around people I know and believe I can get away with being gross --- I let them out! HaHA!!
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    lol Samara's on TV, I did exactly the same thing whilst stoned during a class at school! The whole class was silently listening to the teacher droning on about some religious topic * I did GCSE R.E*so I decided to have a root through my bag to see if there was any chewing gum in there... 10 mins or so later, I got tapped on the shoulder by the teacher asking if there was anything goodin there.. I'd completely forgot where I was & started to clean my bag out & put chocolate wrappers & crisp bags on the table in a pile to throw in the bin....... [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]I just sort of wanted to crawl deep into the bag & never come out! Everyone & the whole world were laughing at me... [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    May I hasten to add I don't smoke weed anymore, it sort of.... er.. what was I typing about again.. oh yes.. killed a few memory braincells! LOL[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    This is great, loved reading all the funny posts[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img].

    I've been real depressed, I needed something upbeat and funny like this!!!

    I'll share mine now................

    This is pretty embarassing:

    My sis and I, almost 20 years ago, decided that our boobs weren't quite big enough, so we put balloons filled w/water inside our bra's. Well, we had to go to the DMV so I could renew my driver's license, we thought we were all "hot" looking, being that we had such round, bouncy boobs :-). Well, we were standing in line, then suddenly my sister's decided to POP!!!! One of her balloons popped and water flowed out of her shirt nd she was soaking wet!! We went to the bathroom and tried to dry her shirt with the air-dryer thingy, but were so embarassed, we just went home! We still laugh about that to this day!!! Luckily, neither one of us has to "stuff" our bra's anymore--we have all we need now!!

    Here's one more~~

    My sis (the same one) and I were in her little car one day, and we had a TV in the back seat behind my sister's driver seat, and while we were driving, a really cute guy drove up next to us. He looked at us, smiled, and we looked at him. Well, he ended up going faster than us and passing us up. We saw him slow down, and just figured he was slowing down to have us catch up with him and see us again, so we sped up a little, both my sis and I were looking over at him, and WHAM!!!, we hit a HUGE dip in the road!!! Picture this: we're both looking at him, smiling, he looks at us, and we hit the bump, our heads hit the roof of the car, the TV slams into the back of my sis's seat, and he laughed!!!!!!! Turns out he was slowing down for the dip, not us! Dorkiness runs in my family. It's a curse.[img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]Edited by: californiagirl



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