Everything in moderation. It's a good policy to follow. And certainly applies to thinks like fast/junk food. A little won't kill ya. But lots will.

I know that for a large demographic of people, unfortunately, fast food is appealing for more than just the taste. The convenience & speed are key. The low-cost is key. Also, there can be an addictive quality to certain kinds of fast foods (Shiva mentioned the additives), not to mention the salt & carbs in general, which can be similarly addictive to folks who regularly consume those things. Point being, it's easy for many people to get caught in the fast food "trap," especially if nothing (perceptual) better presents itself, or is obvious. It's a shame, really. I wish it were easier (and cheaper) for folks to eat healthier.

Don't wanna drive McD's out of business completely though... I really like their fries.

RE: the issue about smokers. Meh. Folks who feel the need to randomly 'yell' at anyone in public need to have a time out. But to be fair, there is often another component to many anti-smoker's motivation for being so confrontational: the ill-effects smoking can have on non-smokers. Whereas, generally speaking, someone being overweight doesn't adversely affect the health of those around them.

Imagine if it did! Folks spontaneously sprouting love handles and pot bellies just by taking a stroll through the local mall! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]