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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    For the last hour or so I have been having some pain really low in my stomach. I was worried it may be something to do with the baby, but I don't think I am actually having contractions (my stomach isn't getting tight or anything). I left the computer and went to lay on the bed. My husband came is and asked how I was doing and I told him it really hurt but I didn't think it was contractions. He knows about all the people at work that have been sick lately, and earlier today he tried to convince me that I wasn't going to catch anything from them. But, tonight, when I said I didn't think it was contractions he said "well maybe you are just sick." Now I am totally panicking. Do sv cause these kinds of pains? I don't feel like I have to go to the bathroom or anything. It doesn't feel like IBS cramps. It really was feeling more like menstrual cramps, but now I don't know. It is REALLY low and it kind of comes in waves of sharp pain but there is still a constant dull pain as well. The waves are more like every 30 seconds or so rather than every few minutes like contractions. I don't think the severity has changed, although now that I am worried about itI think I am concentratingon it more. Could it be a sv?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I just had a sv* a month ago and I did have waves of pain in my lower
    abdomen (sharp pain and dull pain). I never v*. Don't panic, if you really
    do have the sv* it certainly does not mean you will v*. I also had body
    aches and n*. If you only have the pains, it could be something else. You
    have been posting about people being sick in your work place lately.
    Could you be psyching yourself out? Is that possible from all the worry?
    I'll be up a bit if you want to email me.
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    How far along are you? I think if you are pregnant and you really are
    having these bad pains (and they don't go away soon) you should go to
    the doctor. It could be a number of things.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    lgood22573 - how often did you have the sharp vs. dull pain? Mine come at about minute or two intervals. If they were contractions, I'd be geting close to delivering with that!

    They've been going on for a couple of hours now. I wasn't n* at all until my husband mentioned a sv. Since then I have been a little n*, but it is probably from anxiety. They aren't unbearable pains, but they do hurt. I have had cramps/pains in my lower stomach with sv before, but this is super low - like right above my pubic line. And they don't radiate any where but right along that line. I am about 28 1/2 weeks. The baby has been REALLY active tonight and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Could she be dropping? Maybe I am just having a bad stretching time? I haven't felt this pain before. And being my first pregnancy, I don't know what to expect.

    If it were a sv, would I know it by now? After two hours of this pain, would I abviously be sick? I haven't had any d* or v* and like I said, not really any n*. I never would have even thought it was from a sv if my husband hadn't suggested it. He knows what that does to me! I know if I call the on-call doctor they will tell me to go to labor and delivery. Gut feeling tells me this just isn't labor or anything serious to be concerned about with the baby.

    I'm just so scared about this stupid sv lately! I am actually thinking of having my doctor put me back on bedrest at my next appointment just because I can't handle this phobia at work anymore. Summer is coming, I should be getting better, but I'm just not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Sillygirl, Maybe taking a break from work would be a good idea. I'm not for pregnant women getting all stressed out. You should be relaxing and enjoying this time, and if work is causing you lots of stress, that's not good for you or the baby. Take care.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi Hun. How are you now? Is the pain any better?
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    My friend had pains like yours constantly from about 28 weeks on when she was pregnant. She kept freaking out thinking that she was going into labour or was sick however itwas just everything stretching and accommodating for the growing bub. I have had 2 bubs and found that every month when my period would have been due I had cramps and dull aches for a couple of days. You should take yourself off to the doc for a checkup and to put your mind at rest.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I woke up fine this morning. No more pain, I ate breakfast and everything. But, I just took my dog to the vet, and now I am kind of n*. I think it is because I starting worrying about the sv again in the car and I am going to be alone tonight since my husband is working. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and if my anxiety doesn't get under control I think I will see about bedrest again. This stress isn't good for me or the baby. In addition to the stress, I don't eat well and that really is bad for the baby. I think it probably was just stretching pains or the baby was on a nerve or something. I talked to my mom about it this morning and that's what she thinks it is. If it happens again I will go in, otherwise I will wait and mention it on Wednesday.

    On a positive note, I just drove by the lot they are building our new house on and they finally have put the moldings in the hole they dug so I am thinking they will pour the foundation early next week. Yay! At least they are finally starting to make some progress! I will allow myself to get excited about it now since we closed on our condo and there is no way it can fall through and idsappoint us again!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Sillygirl--sorry I am late on this--but I had two different kind of lower abdomen/non-contraction pains with two of my pregnancies. With my first pregnancy, I felt all yucky and painful and it turned out to be a UTI--I'd had them before, but for some reason when I was pregnant it felt "different." I felt kind of n* and just achy and bad. With all of my pregnancies, I had round ligament pain--I'm sure you've heard of it--it can hurt like the dickens.

    If you ever have sharp pain, make sure to see your dr. With my last pregnancy, in the last month or so I had what I thought were wicked round ligament pains, but when I ended up going into labor it turned out I had placental abruption. I am not trying to scare you--but I could have avoided a lot of problems with my delivery if I hadn't ignored my pain and "toughed" it out. Whenever you feel anything other than normal, don't hesitate to call your doctor.

    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    With my first pregnancy I had the exact same symptoms you described at around 30 (or so) weeks. I "just knew" I had a sv*. I freaked out and had a big ol' panic attack. After I talked some sense into myself and calmed down a bit, I called the hospital and they instructed me to come in. It turned out that I was actually in pre-term labor. I was given something by iv to stop it. Thank goodness I decided to go and get checked out instead of "toughing it out" like mommyof3 mentioned.

    I would definitely advise you to consult with your obgyn on this one. It could be a number of things, like others have already mentioned, but with such precious cargo it's much better to be safe than sorry.

    I wish for you happiness, much needed rest, an amazing birth, and a baby who sleeps through the night....or at least for a few hours at a time!!![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    mommyof3/serbear - I just went through the whole pre-term labor scare a few weeks ago. I had a bladder/UTI and the doctor did the FFN test and I turned out positive. That was when she put me on bedrest and everything. About two weeks ago, though, she retested me and and this time I was negative. I probably should have called the doctor with this just in case, and even though I haven't had any more problems since I will still tell her about it at my appointment. The more I think about it though, the more I bet she will probably put me on bedrest because of it. SHe is nervous of me having any types of cramping/contractions whatsoever. My gut still tells me it was nothing to worry about, but she is very cautious and would rather be safe than sorry. I really am wondering of maybe the baby dropped because since that happened I have had to pee even more than before. She will probably be able to tell me if the baby did drop at my next appointment, right? But isn't this kind of early? Doesn't that usually happen maybe a couple of weeks before delivery? Not 11 weeks before? It is so frustrating when everything happens on the weekends! Why don't these weird pains ever happen at 9:00 in the morning on a Tuesday, when the office is open???



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