LOL, ok, so most of mine have already been mentioned, BUT
<LI>People who chew loudly</LI>
<LI>Talk with their mouth full</LI>
<LI>Chew w/ their mouth open</LI>[/list]
<LI>Speeding up so that I can't get into the passing lane, and then going super slow</LI>
<LI>Traffic blockers; you know who they are... the ones that hold up trafvic doing 60 in all 3 lanes, and REFUSE TO MOVE</LI>
<LI>Getting cut off w/ NOBODY BEHIND ME, and then driving slower than I was</LI>
<LI>Getting cut off at the last possible second</LI>
<LI>Pedestrians that just cross the street, and think I owe it to them to stop w/o a cross walk</LI>
<LI>People who are too lazy to put their carriage back after shopping and plow it into other people's cars (so that it doesn't touch theirs)</LI>[/list]
<LI>Unsolicited advice</LI>
<LI>Not disciplining children when in public</LI>
<LI>When parents allow their children to "rule the roost"</LI>[/list][/list]

Yeah, I think that's it... I'm such a bitch [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]