Well, my baby meter seems to be in high intensity since around May when I saw one of my friends with her unexpected third child. I've been thinking about possibly having another child ever since. I swore I was done after having my daughter who's now 4. My mother and mother in law both think I have the perfect family. Each of the kids have their own rooms and are both at a age that they more independent. I recently started working full time again second shift to get some bills down so I could go back to part time when my son goes into 1st grade in 07. I'm 32 and my husband will 39 this year. I know he would love another child he is always saying it.

Anyway, my dilemma is would it be hard on my 1st two. My daughter especially relishes being the "baby". Plus, ultimately someone would wind up sharing a room until they were old enough to go into the spare room now used as a playroom on my 1st floor. Then of course there's the whole emet thing. As you may have read yesterday my daughter was ill. I feel I handled it better than usual but still was plagued with a degree of aniexty. I wonder if I'm strong enough to wait out three people getting ill instead of two. Plus, I still have all the baby stuff, I don't have the heart to get rid of it. I guess it's my brain saying by parting with this your saying your done with that part of your life of not having anymore children. My daughter is going to preschool 3 days a week this year and my son is going into Kindergarten he was in a readiness program last year. I was home a few days during the day this summer without them and I was beside myself withwhat to do with my time.

So if I got pregnant in the next couple of months my son would be seven and my daughter would be 5 by the time I had the baby. Is this to much of an age gap am I just asking for trouble? Am I thinking of having another child because of some kind of empty nest syndrome with the two of them now in school?

Sorry for the rambling any input would be appreciated it. Thanks!!