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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi all. Just wanted to ask if you guys can tell me how your emet started & how you cope with it. I'm just starting to accept that I have this phobia. I've beendenying it for years. I also have sitophobia (fear of food). It really is therapeutic to me to hear stories like mine. Thanks soooo much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hey Mrmmose, great name! And welcome to the site. Here we have wow 147 stories. That should do you.

    http://www.emetophobia.org/forum/for...sp?TID=482&amp ;PN=1

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Welcome to IES![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] I don't know how mine started. It was always there, to one degree or another.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hey there

    Like you.. i am new here.

    I have had this for over 12 years now. It has ruled my life.. at one point when i was a teenager I was sooo scared to eat anything because i may v* so i just starved myself for about 2 years. At 15 years of age I weighed 60 lbs.. I was diagnosed , of course, with Anorexia. I have always tried to hide my phobia because people dont really understand it and they think that I am wierd.

    I get panic attacks anytime i feel n* or if anyone v* or i hear or see or smell it. I cant ride any buses or be on a boat. I hate to fly and I have to take dramamine and xanex and listen to a mp3 or cd player, just in case anyone else v*** then i wont hear them.

    I cant be a passenger in a car.. unless my husband is driving. But generally i MUST be the driver or I will drive my own car.

    When the stomach flu is going around I wont eat for days until i know its all gone. I wash my hands constently and use hand sanitizer after every transaction at work. (bank teller)

    I lie about my phobia alot to cover it up that I am not afriad because its really embarassing to me.

    I wont take ANY medications without reading the side affects first and if n* or v* or both are in the top ten ingredients. I will REFUSE to take it even when I really need to. I am scared to be in hospitals and ER rooms. I must have anti n* pills with me at ALL times or else I will panic.

    When I was younger my younger brother (10 yrs younger) would get sick alot. I would just hide out in my room.. crying.. hoping and wondering when it would be over. And my room was a across from the bathroom. That was hell for me.

    Those are just SOME expamples I could go on and on and on. I too just found out this week that I am not alone. I thought i was.. i didnt even know it was a phobia. I am glad to be hear and i am glad you are too.

    Welcome to the group!

    feel free if you need to talk.. i will always listen. Its nice to have people that FINALLY understand!

    Kristin [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Hi all

    I too am new to this site and to accepting that I have a fear of v..... I don't really know how I started with it. I handle well as a kid and of course I went throught the typical teenage years of drinking and making myself sick, which never bothered me.I have a friend is has this fear and when she told me I thought she must be "mental" to have such a silly fear - well I am not laughing now. I realise that this is real, it does control your life and unfortunately my is getting worse.

    I have 2 children - with both I had morning sickness - which again did not bother me. My oldest is 5.5yrs and he has been a sickly wee boy - I think from watching him v..... (and cleaning it up) has made me fear it. I went throught a stage in 2003 (for 6 months) where I got bug after bug, stress after stress which meant that I would v..... all the time. I found out that I was wheat intolerant - which explained why I always felt sick, then I had a kidney infection followed by bugs (that my son would pick up from day care). We held off having another child for 4.5yrs as I just didn't want to get the morning sickness - well I did get it and it felt worse - I did survive and have another gorgeous son but........ the fear is far by worse than it ever was.

    It cut a long story short - I think about it all the time, I avoid friends, family etc that are feeling sick or complain of a sore tummy - I even panic if my oldest son tells me he has a sore tummy. It is ruling my life and I have had enough. I am trying all sorts of alternate medicine/techniques to try and "snap me out of this controlling fear" which I am hoping will happen. I haven't manage to read any other stories yet - there are a lot of posts to get through but I will try and get there - the point is just to talk about it or think about v..... (which is 24/7 these days) makes my tummy just go into knots and I just break down panicing that I will get sick or one of the kids will. I know that kids will get sick - but please not mine!

    Hope to talk and meet others like me soon.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Hi Deb,welcome to IES![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] I have kids, too, and I know exactly how you feel. I have gone so far as to restrict their social interactions to avoid them catching anything. Bad, I know. I am working on it, tho.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Just wanted to thank u all for writing...it really saddens me to hear these horrible stories! However, it feels therapeutic too. I always knew something was wrong w/my eating habits & my obsession w/throwing up. If someone threw up, I would avoid them as if they had the plague! Even the mere mention of a stomachache would send me into panic mode!!!I'm so afraid that I often get panic attacks. My doctor put me on paxil & klonopin & I really didn't want to fill my body w/drugs so for a long time, I wouldn't take them. I do notice a very small difference in myself since starting meds but still am soooooooooo afraid! Like Kristen said, I dont go anywhere w/out my antinausea pills! And when I don't have them, i worry all day about getting sick! I could literally sit here & type all day about this! I hope more people will be as friendly as all of u! Thanks & keep posting!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    welcome to the site

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    Thanks to sarah140 for my avatar and Fiona for my siggie
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    \"We can\'t help everyone. But everyone can help someone\"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Paris, France.


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the both of you.


    Le Paroxysme de la Tranquilité.

    Compulsory good manners.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    HI moose and all-
    i posted my story in the stories posting-its on the left-i think its called emet stories-most by anonymous-but here it is below

    I have had emet since a little kid. I am now 43.
    The only real time I remember emeting [a verb I think I created] was 10 in a restaurant. I wonder if getting sick in public is what a lot of us have in common.
    Also as a kid I was a bit of a hypochondriac.
    And a worrier. I was born in the <st1:country-regi&#111;n><st1lace>US</st1lace></st1:country-regi&#111;n> during the cuban missile crisis and everyone was worried <st1:country-regi&#111;n><st1lace>russia</st1lace></st1:country-regi&#111;n> was going to strike americans so my mom said i came out worried.
    At 14 I had my first panic attack and have been dealing with panic, anxiety, agoraphobia on/off for years [sometimes worse].
    In my 20s I couldnt have anything tight around my stomach and wore overalls. I also gave up meat and started eating half as much as I didnt like being full.
    Recently I need to end dinner with a beer to relax me during digestion.
    In the last year my anxieties and emetephobia has been worse. I quit a stressful job. Whenever I get anxious, my stomach has butterflies and is tight. Then I fear I will emet. One year ago I was convinced that I was going to get sick. But it was a panic attack and I hadnt had one in so long [10plus years] I confused the symptoms. Plus I was away from home and lots of other factors.
    My goal is to be less anxious about a lot of things, emet being one. Emet is a specific goal for me right now. I plan on gradual desensitization therapy. I dont want to be so obsessed with it.
    I want to be relaxed when I burp and not worry.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    welcome to everyone

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hellllooo to everyone.

    I loooove your picture mrmoose.

    Dunno if people are still intersted...

    Ive always been a worrier. But my emet started when I was 12. I'd started high school and was fine but then one day someone V* in the corridor...which freaked me out...but it was made worse by my teacher...I was on the way to french...jokingly overreacting and locking all the door and closing the windows.
    After that I was terrified that I might do the same. Ever since I've been terrified, mainly of me getting ill and not making it to a bathroom in time. I think thats the worst part of my emet to be honest. Being ill in public and not making it to the bathroom.

    Ive been ill once since then...and I only remember once before then. Thinking about it is freaking me out...but I know the time after my emet started...I was mostly worried about getting to the bathroom and once I knew I was ok with getting there I was kinda ok.


    <font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><font size=\"1\">Courage doesn’t always roar sometimes it’s the little voice at the end of the night saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’</font></font></font>

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I've been suffering with this thing for 22 years to varying degrees of severity. I got a little better in my teens and early 20s, but have gotten worse in the last 5-7 years again. My fear lies mostly with others v*, but if it were imminent for me to v*, I would panic. I just don't worry about myself all of the time. I know in the end, I could handle it if I v*, it just the anticipation that kills me.




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