Yeah Amber has some good ideas. It sounds like one of those things you just have to figure out ways to get through it.

I too have heard that pregnnt women feel best when constantly eating small amounts. Saltines are good, and just easy things on your stomach. Bring like sprite to sip on and such. Do you have access to a computer while at work? If so you can always come on here real quick and get support to help make it through.

I know when you are feeling ill the last thing you want to do is put anything in your mouth, but it can help, especially with pregnancy nausea. The thing that helps me (when I just feel regular sick) is to think "ok I would rather get sick with something in my stomach because its way worse to get sick without something in it, so I'll eat/drink something". I had to do that this morning when I felt real real sick, and it did help.

That way, you figure "well, even IF I did, it won't be as bad (the absolute worst is v*ing on an empty stomach with absolutely nothing in it) with something in there" and also by eating something you'll make yourself feel better anyways.

Try buying seasickness bands, I've heard they have really helped some women with that morning sickness feeling.

I really hope this helps, and this WILL pass, you won't be pregnant forever, and it will go by and soon enough you'll have a darling little baby.