I have a few:

I don't get the people who go to McDonalds and look at the menu like they have never seen it before! It's hard for me to believe that a person (Other then a kid) has never been in a Mcdonalds before. And even KIDS know what they want! WTF?

I also don't get people who walk really slow in the mall when they know other people are behind them trying to pass them...and they make NO attempt to let you walk by either.

I don't get people who are SO FAT that they buy and electric wheel chair so they don't have to walk anymore, can you imagine? "Excuse me why are you in a wheel chair?" "Um cause I got too fat and lazy to walk"

I don't get people who take up two parking spaces with like a little compact car. I don't drive but I still think it's absolutely rediculous.

I don't get people who try to cross the tracks when there is obviously a train coming and it's blaring it's horn. There are trains that run from here to downtown Cleveland and you wouldn't BELIEVE how many accidents I've seen where the train hits a car, and guess who wins...THE TRAIN!!

That's about it for now.
