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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    WTF.. ok so i am on a new perscription antidepressant called remeron and it has had very little side affects HOWEVER I did happen to read "increase in appetite and wieght gain"

    I am really frustrated right now because i have always been the small skinny one and i am weighing right now the MOST i have ever wieghed in my whole 25 yrs of life! and i guess it wouldnt be so bad BUT i do model sometimes on the side and i also i cant seem to stop eating all day long i cant stop no matter what its like i never get full.. my hunger is never satisfied!!!! i am getting so frustrated because now my self esteem is going down. I eat ANYTHING that is in front of my face .. what is so sad is what i have ate just this week alone: one whole cheesecake, nearly a whole bag of baked lays potatoe chips, half a gallon of ice cream, and i finished off the rest of my freinds chips at work ..OMG [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]somebody stop me.. but its like i cant!! i cant stop eating.. i hate this.. i have gained nearly 8 lbs in a friggin month people!!!!!!!!!

    any suggestions?? i have tried eating healthier stuff but its like i have to eat more of it which in the end doesnt make sense because i am doubling that calorie intake which defeats the purpose.. I was thinking about a diet pill to supress my hunger a lil bit but i am a lil wierd about taking those cuz i have heard that they mess up your metobolism.. plus i have been known to be a lil caffeine sensitive.. ugh.. any suggestions??

    its like this if i keep eating i am not going to be modeling which means no pay and no free pics and then no self esteem and everything going down hill fast!

    \"Dance like no one is watching, Love like you will never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like heaven on earth!\" Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    I feel you!!!!!!

    I used to model lingerie[img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]!!! AND I was always the "skinny one" in my family. Well, I was on Prozac for some time and I gained 30 pounds in 1 month!!!! I am reallllly trying to get the weight off. I don't want to model any more, but I do wanna look nice. I know it's frustrating! Are you thinking of switching meds or going off of them?

    I would definitely talk to a dr. soon......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Yep, I feel ya too! I have gained some weight since going back on Zoloft. I needed a few of those pounds, since before I went on it, I was on the 'emet diet', but I've gained more than I wanted to.
    At first, it decreased my appetite, then after my body adjusted to it, I was eating everything in sight. It has stabilized somewhat, so I'm gonna see if working out helps.
    Ask your doctor if the appetite increase is normally a temporary thing. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I gained about 10 lbs on Paxil, and I can't get it off. I think alot of antidepressants have this side effect.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I gained like 30 pounds on birthcontrol pills...so i feel so, and i was
    already heavy, so now everyone just thinks im the fat girl...even
    though i go to the gym twice a day for at least an hour...weights,
    cardio, and portion control...doesnt make the diference...like i just
    want off the pills so i can loose the weigh but i know getting pregnant
    would make me much fatter, lol
    I love Sam
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    I think part of the problem is that all that bad stuff is accessible to you- if you have a whole cheesecake in your fridge, you're gonna eat it- ditto with chips, candy, etc. There is healthy stuff that is decently low in calories that you can eat a lot of- like carrots, berries, melon, celery, snow peas, etc. There is also stuff like yogurt and cottage cheese, which will tend to make you feel fuller because of the protein. You can pretty much gorge yourself on things like that, and be okay calorie-wise. Also, when you are hungry try drinking a glass of water before you eat anything (even if you have to force it)- that way, it will make you feel a bit fuller, and you will likely eat less.

    Get rid of all the crap food in the house- that way if you are really hungry, it will no longer be a temptation to you. That is my major problem now, as my boyfriend likes to buy chips and cookies- which I never had in the house when I lived on my own, and thus would never really snack on it. He has since stopped buying them (or bought small portions for himself), and I lost 4 lbs.

    That, and exercise is also key- even going for an hour long walk will do wonders- do you belong to a gym? Working out, especially with light weights, can help transform that extra fat into muscle and make you look very toned.

    As for self esteem- please don't base your self esteem on modeling. You are worth a lot more than that, and shouldn't see yourself as just the pretty face in the picture. yep- losing the extra income would suck, but don't see it as the end of the world in terms of your self image and identity. If you put too much emphasis on it, you are just setting yourself up for a fall later on- what about when you get older and don't look as good on film? Or if you got sick, or in an accident and didn't look the same afterwards? Sure, modeling is nice, and there are a lot of perks involved, but don't let it define you.



    PS- diet pills are a BAD IDEA. Not only can they seriously mess around with your metabolism, but they can become addicting. Also, they aren't really a solution to anything, as when you get off them, the weight will come back on, which will justify going back on them again.....an unending circle.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I don't know if anyone here is on Celexa....but I started taking them last December and I have LOST tons of weight.....now, I think at the beginning it was the anxiety diet, but now I feel better mentally and I am not gaining it back *knock on wood*....it actually says in the list of side-effects that you may expereience weight loss....but on any other anti-depressant I have tried, I always gained weight....so who knows!! Anyway, I am not complaining, just thought I would share that Celexa seems to have had the opposite effect for me than any other one I have tried.

    I should mention that I also eat very healthy foods and am working with a nutrisionist who has given me a cleanse to do....looking very forward to it, but will not start until after my b-day in a week. Turning the big "30"....scary!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    I wish it was easier to get rid of the junk food in my house but my hubby eats alot of crap for food and wont stop eating it so its always gonna be around i am afraid.. he said he would start putting his junk stash away and up above the cupboard above the fridge so i cant reach it but like he said "but you prolly ended up climbing up there and eating whats there anyways"

    He is right though.. ugh.
    \"Dance like no one is watching, Love like you will never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like heaven on earth!\" Mark Twain

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    If you have any money right now, I would recommend that you see a nutritionist who can guide you through the process of choosing better foods. And you are going to have to ignore what your husband is buying, buy your own healthy food, and eat that.

    And yes, antidepressants make the numbers on the scale skyrocket like nobody's business. I've been there, and it sucks.

    And I echo what crimgoddess said. Basing your self esteem on modeling sounds to me like a sure fire way to have the lowest level of self esteem known to the human population.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    My problem is: I like to eat crap. Period. French fries loaded with cheese and bacon bits, sour cream; nachos, beef, refried beans; cheeseburgers loaded with grease; meat lover's pizza, etc. I don't eat like an emet! And it shows.

    I used to be super skinny as a kid (my nickname was Bones), but as I got older and hit puberty, I became less active and still ate all the junk. Now I am 30 pounds over what I should be. I lost and gained, lost and gained, etc..... Oh well. As much as a nervous wreck as I am, I'll probably die of a heart attack anyway. [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    United Kingdom


    Come join our weight watching buddies group Kristin? We are all gonna do it together...cos I dont know about anyone else but I feel exactly the same way as you and Im not even on any medication LOL!!

    I am a lot over weight but I am going to do something about it now because my confidence is zero and I think losing like 70 pounds will make me feel tuns better!!

    There are some good tips on the weight buddies post that babydoll started..you should have a look! feel free to PM if you would just like to have a 'fat' moan - it makes me feel better sometimes even if it is when I have a chocolate bar hanging out my mouth lol!

    Take care,
    Jen x

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    Awwww im sorry about this >.<. I think its finding healthy foods to snack on insted, but yeah i know healthy foods don't always taste as good as junk food. Have you been around on the net??, there are some really good meal plans and what to have as snacks to maintain a healthy weight

    Ruth x

    indeed it is! :]

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    What Id like to know is if there is any way at all to change your taste buds to crave healthy food rather than sugar or fatty stuff. Its so so soooo hard to stick with the good for me food, because its like my tastebuds are addicted to sugar. You know maybe I should get my sense of taste removed!! Then it won't matter because I couldn't taste it anyways!!



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