Oh gosh...you poor thing. I do admire your tenacity, but you must be so anxious. One thing you might try if you're still at work is to imagine what it would be like to be home in the safest, most cozy place at home - mine is all cuddled up with the dogs and the fire on and the TV. If you can imagine that "safe place", then you may just be able to imagine if you'd feel sick if you were there or not. Your body should cooperate in this little game. If your body imagines that you'd feel ok if you were home, then there's the proof it's just anxiety and you're really ok. This little trick helped me a LOT when I was going through treatment for cancer and every radiation treatment I thought I was sick for sure, but then I'd imagine being home and - presto - I knew I was fine.

hope you're better soon, hun!