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Thread: My poor son

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Its a week since my son became unwell with a nasty sv now, and yesterday I thought he was finally getting better. He went all day with no v* or d* and was eating much better. He was still tired, but so much better.

    This morning I had to wake him up at 7.30am as I had to get us all ready to take my daughter to school. He woke up a bit grumpy but I assumed it was just because I had woken him up. He would not eat his breakfast and was miserable all morning. He just wanted to lie around and could not be bothered to do anything. He hardly ate any lunch and straight after lunch he had d* again. Now he is fast asleep on the settee. I can hear his tummy gurgling and I am so worried that he will wake up and v*. He has not v*d since Monday lunchtime. I really thought he was getting better. Poor little boy. It is horrible to see him so run down. I don't know whether to take him back to the doctors or if I should just wait and let the virus get out of his system. The doctor did say it could last for 9 days, but I am still so worried about him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh Sally, your poor little boy!!! I wish he would get well!! THat is awful!! Keep us posted!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Poor little boy and poor you. It's hard to know what to advise here, I remember my son had rotavirus when he was 2 and the d* did go on for a long time. I know it's not unusual for this to happen. Remember that he is bound to be lethargic as he probably isn't getting much nourishment as it's all moving through him very quickly. See how he is when he wakes, he could just have been very tired. You could always ring NHS Direct for advice too.

    Look in his mouth, if it still looks wet in there, then he's not dehydrated, which is the main worry.

    Really hope your little man picks up soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    all you can do is keep his fluids up for now what i do is put a little sugar in it too sometimes just to keep his sugars up if he sems a little sleepy ... it will pass just might take a little time

    you've done so well

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi there!!

    Oh, the poor little guy!!! It was really sounding like he was on the mend!!! How awful for him......and you too!
    Keep an eye on him today for signs of dehydration, and if he really seems lethargic I would let the doctor know.
    My thoughts are with both of you!!!Edited by: christianne

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi Sally, Poor little guy! It seems like these viruses do take a long time to get out of their systems. Last year my little guy was sick for a good week....these are not 24 or 48 hour bugs anymore. Hang in there and just go slow with him, have him keep drinking.</font>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Aww, poor guy, I hope it passes soon.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Awww...God I hate to see little kids so sick and miserable. My heart breaks for them. They are so young and often have no idea what's happening. Poor baby!

    I hope after a nap, he feels much better! Hang in there!

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Hi curly, I hope your little boy is feeling much better very soon.

    Thinking of you all.

    Laney xxx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thank you everyone for your support. My son woke from his nap very hot, but did not v*. I gave him some Calpol to bring his temperature down and this helped. He has still been very quiet and has had d* once more. He didn't eat his dinner, but asked for some toast a bit later.He is drinking plenty and Idon't think he is dehydrated.I just wish he was feeling better and getting into mischief like he normally does. It makes me feel so helpless to see him like this. Thankyou once again everyone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Curly Wurly, I've only just found this post and I'm so sorry to hear that your son is still poorly. I think my son must have the same virus!!! He was very sick again last night just when i thought he was over it. And he v*d a little tonight - I think it will happen again when he wakes up. So i can truly say I know how you feel. It makes you so frustrated and helpless, doesn't it? So far, my oldest son is ok, how is your daughter? I hope it's over soon for both of us!!!

  12. #12
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    Dreamer, Curly, I really feel for you both. Just hang on in there, this will pass.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Thanks Suze - whatever happened to 24-hour bugs?? I hate this not knowing when it's going to end!!!

    Curly Wurly - is your son any better?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Dreamer, Sorry to hear that your little boy is still unwell. Is he any better today? I am glad your other son is fine. My daughter is still absolutely fine. I hope your little boy is soon better,

    My son seemed a bit better first thing this morning, but already he has that tired, pale look. He still has d* , this just seems to be lasting forever. My nephew who was unwell at the same time is completely back to normal. It just seems to have hit my son worse. Hopefully it will be over soon.

  15. #15
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    Well I may have spoken too soon about my daughter being fine. When I went to meet her from school her teacher met me in the playground to tell me that my daughter had been complaining of a tummy ache all afternoon. She then told me to keep an eye on her as there is a horrible bug going around the school. I really did not need to hear this. She continued to tell me that 4 children in her class had been absent with the bug. I definately did not need to hear this.

    Anyway, my daughter did not seem too bad once we got home. She said her tummy felt fine and ate her dinner. Then about 15 minutes ago ahe woke up crying and told me she had tummy ache. She was quite hot, so I gave her a little drink and asked if she was alright. She told me she was and turned over to go back to sleep. Now I am starting to panic. I was just starting to relax and think she was safe after my son being ill, now I hear that there is a sv going round her school. Her tummy ache may be nothing, but after the week I have had with my son I am already assuming the worse. I don't know how I will cope if I have to go through all this again with my daughter.

    To make things worse, my friend called just after school and asked if I could look after her 10 year old son whilst she went shopping. She said he had a bit of a headache and did not want to go. As usual I could not say no. About 5 minutes after he arrived, he told me he felt really s*. I was horrified. I just wanted him out of my house. The thought of someone else's child being s* in my house was just too much. I had to leave the room. I was shaking more than ever and in tears. It was the longest half hour of my life waiting for my friend to return. When she did arrive, the first thing her son did was ask if she had got him any sweets. I could not believe it. I think the littleboy was just saying it to trick me. He was perfectly alright when he left. I wont be looking after him again.

    My son seems a little bit better today, just very tired and miserable. Hopefully he is over the worst of it now and hopefully my daughter just has one of those unexplained tummy aches and not anything nasty. I am not feeling very confident about it though.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    Hi Sally, I really hope your daughter is o.k. The bug is going around already? That scares me! Just do the best you can and email whenever you need to....Take care!</font>

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    How is your daughter today? I really hope it wasn't anything serious.Thinking about you - hang on in there!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Oh heck Sally, what a time you're having. I'm hoping that as your last post was yesterday, everything is Ok with your daughter. I know how you must have worried though, it is scary not knowing what is wrong and what is going to happen.

    And as for your friend's son...what a little git!! I'm not into hitting kids but he deserves a good slap if he was winding you up on purpose!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thankyou Andee, Dreamer and Suze for your support.

    After another sleepless night worrying my daughter woke up this morning absolutely fine. She did not even remember waking up last night with the tummy ache. I think I just completely over reacted after my son being ill and then my daughter's teacher scaring me by telling me about the sv going round, then my friend's son,I just felt like I could not cope.

    My poor son is still not at all himself. He seems to be over the d* and v*, but he got up again today with a high temperature. He was miserable all morning and then fell asleep at the table at lunchtime. He slept for nearly 3 hours and did wake up alot brighter and his temperature was normal.. He has not complained of a sore throat or sore ears, so I really don't know what is wrong with him. Each time I think he is feeling better he seems to get ill again. I am definately going to take him back to the doctors on Monday.

    Dreamer, I hope your little boy is feeling better now.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States


    well it's great to hear that your daughter's OK. and yes, I think it would be a good idea to take him back to the doctor's on Monday. It's really strange that it's lasting so long.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Thanks, Curly Wurly. He v*d once yesterday and once today, and still has no appetite, but he seems brighter and has been playing with his toys. I've heard that some of the children at the local nursery have had similar symptoms, so maybe it mainly affects younger children.Let's hope our boys are better soon!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I hope both of your boys are better soon!! How awful!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Aww I hope both your kids feel better soon, its so hard when the poor guys get sick and they are so young. Curly it sounds like your son is gradually getting better which is good to hear. Hang in there!

  24. #24
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    I think my little boy is feeling better at last. He woke up and asked for his breakfast straight away. For the first time in 11 days he ate all of it. then asked for a banana and raisins. He ate a good lunch and most of his dinner. He has been quite happy today instead of lethargic and miserable. He has played all day instead of sleeping and just been much more his old self. It has been a long 11 days, but hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Thankyou everyone for all your support and kind words whilst my son has been unwell. You have all really helped.

    Dreamer, I really hope your little boy is feeling better now.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Thanks Curly Wurly! It looks like a happy ending here too! My son is back to normal, eating, drinking, playing and no more v*! That was a horrible bug! I wonder why our older children didn't get it? I can only think it was some kind of rotavirus and they were already immune. Whatever it was, I'm glad it's over!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi there!!

    Dreamer and curly.....it's wonderful to hear your little ones are FINALLY feeling better!! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] It's definitely about time, poor little guys!
    And both of you handled everything with amazing strength and composure. Just reading your posts and knowing how you both survived and managed everything so well gives me hope that I can do the same one day with my own son. You are both wonderful, caring mothers and your courage gives me confidence that I didn't know I even had.
    Take care!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    great to hear that he's finally feeling better!



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