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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    I saw anasty accident whilst walking my daughtr to school this morning and now I can't get the image out of my head. We were walking along quite a busy road and there was a lady walking just in font of us. For some reason she stopped and either stepped or fell in the road right in front of a car. The car hit her and she gave a piercing screech. She was lying in the road quite near to us. A lady got out of the car and went to help and a couple came out of a house to help. My daughter was starting to really panic, so I quickly got my children away from the accident and went down a little side road away from the main road. My daughter was really upset and I could feel myself shaking, though I hid it well from my children. I explained to my daughter's teacher and her teacher said she would keep an eye on my daughter. I offered to take my daughter home again, but the teacher said school would probably keep her mind of it.

    I feel guilty for not helping the lady, but there was nothing I could do and my daughter was really upset so it was better to get her away from the accident. I had to walk back home along the same road as it is the only way to my house. I walked on the otherside of the road though. The ambulance and police were there as well as a crowd of people.

    It is 2 hours later now but I am still shaking. I just can't get the image out of my head of the poor lady . It was awful.I hope she is alright.I also hope my daughter is not too upset now. I felt terrible leaving her at school, but at least she has all her friends to keep her busy and help her forget.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Don't feel guilty. There were other people there helping that lady and it is probably better that your daughter is in school right now. If you took her home you would make it into a much bigger deal and she would have too much time to think on it.
    Edited by: hippychick
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    you did what you were suppose to...TAKING care of your daughter. Out job as parents is to protect our kids from things like that. you did good.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United States


    That sounds horrible! I hope the lady is okay, do you know if she was taken to the hospital? What a scarey thing to witness!
    Proud Mommy to Zachary

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    That really is a horrible thing to witness. I've seen a couple of accidents like that and they really are frightening. In fact, i felt physically sick from the shock.

    Try not to worry, this lady had people there to help her, and you needed to look after your daughter - these things are very traumatic for young children. Please don't be hard on yourself. You also did the right thing by leaving her at school, she needs the comfort of her daily routine and the distraction of her friends.

    Hope things settle for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I agree with the others. Getting your daughter away was the main priority. It's not like you abandoned the lady - there were other people around to help her. Plaease don't feel bad about this. You didn't do anything wrong. Hope you feel more settled soon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    You didn't do anything wrong. About the only thing that would have been a good idea to do for her was call 911, and obviously someone already took care of that so it's fine.

    Unless you have special training you actually shouldn't touch any accident victims unless they're in immediate danger...like there's a fire that will get to them unless they're moved right away. If you aren't trained, and something ends up happening to them like they end up paralyzed they might be able to sue you. Even if it wasn't from what you did to them which caused it, there are still lawyers which could argue it. Also, when there's blood involved you could put yourself at risk for infections from nasty things like HIV and Hepatitus.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    You did the right thing, you had to get your daughter away from that awful situation. As the others have said, there were people around who helped the woman straight away.

    It's normal to feel terrible after such a horrible shock.

    Hope you feel better soon. M x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Please stop all those guilty feelings - you had to get your daughter away from that situation and you knew others were there to help the lady, so you took the right course of action. It shows what a caring person you are worrying about this and feeling guilty, but please don't think you did the wrong thing, as you didn't. Leaving your daughter at school was the right decision too, I'msure.

    I have never witnessed a road trafficaccident with a person, but have seen the aftermath of a dog being run overaswe drove by the accident scene and I can tell you that was bad enough - it upset me so much and I couldn't stop thinking about it and getting upset over it. I always wondered whether the poor dog survived or not.

    I hope the lady is okay and you can get over this incident as soon as possible.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    I'm so sorry you had to see that, I've seen similar accidents happen as well, and know that they can be traumatizing. You did the right thing, your daughter was lin good hands with your decision, and the poor lady was being cared for also, so you did nothing wrong. I hope your daughter is doing good at school and trying to get the awful image off her mind

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thank you all for your support. I found it a bit difficult walking to collect my daughter. I had to use the other side of the road again. My daughter came out of school o.k. The teacher said she had been fine. She was a bit quiet this evening but had her swimming lesson to take her mind off things. It was not until bedtime that she got upset and told me she could not stop thinking about the accident. I felt really sorry for her as there was not really anything I could say to make her feel better. I did my best to reassure her and just let her talk about it as much as she wanted to, then she started talking about school and sang me the songs they are learning for their Christmas concert. She seemed much better after this and fell asleep quite quickly.

    I wish I could get the images out of my head too. I keep picturing the poor lady lying in the road and hearing her scream. I have trried hard to keep busy all day to try and forget, but it has not worked. It is horrible. I just want to know if the poor lady is alright. I wish my husband was home . If anything is going to happen it always happens when he is away at sea.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Oh boy! What an experience. But everyone is right in saying that you did the right thing....now just try to reassure your daughter about the situation and she should be fine. Hope you are feeling better about the whole incident.........</font>



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