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Thread: Anxiety Reducer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Ever since I found this siteI have found that my anxiety has lessened surrounding this phobia. Has that happened to anyone else? I mean, I am not ready to go to a v***torium and sit for dinner or anything, but I feel a lot better about this whole thing. For example, I was watching House last night and actually sat through a v***t scene behind my hands when usually I would scream at my hubby to change the channel and run out of the room. I think it is the fact that I now know that other people share this problem and that I am not in this alone. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Yeah I totally get how you feel. Before I found this site I thought I was just crazy and alone in my fear of v*... Now I feel like there are other people that feel the same way as me and that gives me so much comfort. It's weird but it's totally reduced my anxiety. I only have panic attacks about once or twice a month now when I used to have them every couple of days. I do have to say though that I've reached a point now where my progress has kinda plateaued (sorry I can't spell lol) and only therapy will take me further.

    I can completely understand what you're saying though I feel the same way. This site's awesome!! It's nice to feel not only supported but understood.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    I agree, I love the support here and I am finding that I don't take myself as serious as I did before, and I am able to laugh about. But I do still have my moments. I still have a long, long way to go. But the support here has made it easier.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Tree, are you a mom? If so, how do you deal with it when the kids are sick? That is what is stopping me from having children...crazy, I know, but true.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    Yes I do have children, three of them 16, 15 and 10.

    I've had some really tough moments when they've gotten sick, but thankfully my husband has ALWAYS been around to take care of the at times like that. But I've gone over the deep end on several occcasions, I mean completely lost my cool. But I have survived. But I know that I wouldn't have survived without my husband, he has given me release from the stomach issues. If he's not home and someone got sick, he always came home right away. Thank goodness.

    Aside from sv*s and stuff like that, I wouldn't change anything. I lovemy kids more than life itself. And although I am not there to hold their hands when they have to v*, I more than make up for it every where else. It is possible to be a good mom and be an emetophobic. Oh and thankfully I never once had morning sickness while I was pregnant, for the occassional quisiness I kept either Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale and salted pretzels.

    If you want children please don't let this phobia stop you. You can get through it with an EXCELLENT support system.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States


    I agree completely with Trina (BTW, I think you make everyone feel so comfortable, Trina).

    I have 2 kids 9 & 5. My 5 year old is home with me today because he v* at 2 am. My husband took care of everything. He's so awesome (today anyway) [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]. I suspected that my son was going to be sick so I slept downstairs. I didn't know anything had happened until this morning.

    So, my advice, is to make sure your partner/husband/etc. is on board with this. It will need to be his responsibility to handle that. You in return can handle something else that may be unpleasant to him. In our case it is anything having to do with heights. I painted the house, and I'm the one who hangs the Christmas lights etc.

    In response to your first post, I KNOW this site has helped me. Just knowing how SV are passed around & how to kill them makes my world seem a little safer. Thanks everyone!

    When you come to the edge of all the light you have known & are about to step out into the darkness, FAITH is knowing there will be something for you to stand on or you will be taught to fly. -Unknown



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