Hah yes i know, i am young. The sex isn't a problem right now, i'm only thinking ahead for if i'm on this medicine a long time, I do not want it affecting any future sex drive. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]The alcohol...alcohol is a big part of the high school life, and while i'm not an avid drinker, not even a regular drinker, it's just very had, when, if I do go to a party, to have to say no to everything. Plus, if something is accidentally slipped, I dont want it to be extremely dangerous to my health. I'm not like a raging wild sex-crazed drunk teenager at all, i'm not. Its just that i would like, if possible, for my lifestyle to not change TOO much.

I went today and he didn't even ask me which one i wanted: go figure!! He put me on Celexa, which i'm pretty happy about because of all the things said here about it. Side effects seem to be okay, i only asked about weight gain cause i really like my weight as it is, and he said not a problem. Only thing is I can't drink caffeine for a bit, which is sad because coffee is my savior.


<3 Anya--