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Thread: Night in the ER

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    So, I spent a chunck of last night in the ER....from Midnight until about 2:30am.

    THANK GOD it is not related to the pregnancy!

    AT around 3pm I started to get a really bad toothache at work.....by 11pm when my shift ended, it got to the point where I couldn't eat, and the pain radiated from the front of my mouth all the way up to my ear. Chris tried to get me to fall asleep, but it hurt so bad all I could do was shake and cry, so he bundled me up and brought me to the ER in his hospital. We wanted to wait to go to the emergency dentist in the morning, but the pain was just too great.

    SO, now I am on tylenol 3's for pain, and amoxacillin for a potential infection- both of which are safe for me to take while pregnant. As a byproduct, now most of Chris' colleages know I am pregnant, because he went to the ICU to ask around to make sure the drugs I were given are safe for me to take...which is okay I guess

    I only fell asleep 2 and a half hours ago.....but now woke up SOOOO nauseous. I am usually okay on tylenol 3's, but I took these on an empty stomach because my mouth hurt so bad I couldn't eat I am on the computer trying to distract myself while forcing down saltines.......I think I am also going to head next door to the corner store to buy some ginger ale- if anything the cold air may do some good.

    I actually don't mind vomitting as much as the nausea.....I'm just trying to tell myself that I should get used to this, as it's probably going to be around for the next few weeks. And if it means I am going to have a healthy baby in the end, I'll take it!

    But damn....it sucks when you are lying in bed, and you just want to roll over and go back to sleep, but can't because you feel so sick


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    bless your heart. get you some ginger pills or ginger tea. buy fresh ginger and grate about a teaspoon.....steep it in hot water....strain and drink.

    ask your doc for some meds to have on hand.

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States


    So glad you are ok!! Hope you are feeling better soon!! ~Brandi~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Aww how icky. I'm glad your okay now...I think I have heard that pregnancy totally messes with your teeth from lack of nutrience. So make she when you do go to the dentist, that they check for everythng that could be a problem Good luck....Iam still excited that your preggers, lol
    I love Sam
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I'm glad you and the baby are both OK. I am sorry you are having such a problem with your tooth, that really bites...pun intended..lol. I hope you feel better soon Amber!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Aww Amber, whew, my first thought was OMG the baby better be allright!! But whew, I'm sorry your tooth is hurting, Ive heard toothaches (real bad ones) can be horrible. Ive heard some women say they would rather go through labor than have a horrible toothache! Whew glad you and baby are ok tho!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Oh my , i totally know what you mean about the being tired and not being able to fall asleep because you feel n*. That happened to me a couple of nights ago. I was so tired and whenI tried to fall asleep I got these horrible waves of n* it was honestly soooo horrible i just wanted to bawl. I hope you feel better soon, and who knows you may not even get any n* related to your pregnancy that would be awsome. get better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You poor thing, I know how you feel. Try to go to a dentist and make sure it isn't abscessed!! I have had 1 abscessed tooth & had the root canal, and that is such relief, but before the root canal. they gave me tylenol 3 to ease my pain and it didn't help so I sort of od'd on them and ended up retching, trying to get them back up. Except for one pregnancy migraine, that is closest I have come to v'ing in years and years. I really hope you feel better soon!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Katsamsmom- thanks- I tried some ginger ale, and a ginger pill, and the gingerale made me feel worse (because it was sweet- so far, anything sweet, or that smells sweet makes my stomach turn- which is weird for a junk food junkie like me~!), and the ginger pills were a bit too strong, so made my acid reflux worse. I am going to try some ginger root, as you suggested, because with the warm water it may make it a little less strong, and easier to go down. Thanks for mentioning it, I wouldn't have though of it otherwise!

    Brandi- Thanks I have actually been feeling worse.....but that is due to morning sickness, which decided to make it's first appearance today! I will update you on that shortly.

    Ruby- TOTALLY! I have never had a toothache that bad before, and I have always had problems with my teeth due to the fact I have very little enamel. Hehehe- we're still excited, but the reality is setting in.

    sqil- hehehe, that made me smile

    galadriel- thanks so much- I am glad everything is okay, and none of it would have an effect on the baby!

    Punchbuggy- I know what you mean- you know you will feel better if you get some sleep, but if you lie down and close your eyes, it makes you MORE nauseous. I wish I would be one of those women who wont get morning sickness.....but apparently it's not going to be the case unfortunately!

    Donna- that is the plan....we were going to go to an emergency dentist today, but then morning sickness decided to make an appearance, and all hell broke loose! The odds of me being able to have someone's hands in my mouth would not be possible today- I think I will go tuesday, just to check things out. And thanks

    Well guys, it turns out the medication wasn't really the culprit....but the joys of morning sickness! I am going to start another thread explaining what happened....in about an hour, when my meds are kicking in a bit better

    Thanks again


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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Wow Amber...I have missed a lot . Congrats on your pregnancy!

    Im sorry you have been sick...hope you feel better soon!

    I think they have something called Dilectin (?sp) in Canada for morning sickness.



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