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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom



    I was reading sarahwarah's post about leaving and it got me thinking. Did anyone else find things much easier when the site was down? Of course i panicked when it first disappeared and i joined and posted on the new forum but i dont think i would have had it not been there. Since the site came back up i have found that i am back to checking it religiously, multiple times in a day. I read all posts that people make and i just feel that it is not very healthy. In no way do i begrudge people posting about their gurgling stomachs or sick children but it really isnt very beneficial to read about and just causes me to panic. Obviously if i was panicking i would be posting stuff like this and if i was vomiting i would like the support provided here but at the end of the day it wouldnt make a lot of difference. Somewhere in my head iv always thought someone here would be able to provide me with the golden cure for vomiting but i realise now this is just not going to happen.

    I guess i just made some realisations while the site was down and i found i was existing a lot more calmly and easily. Now its up to me to ration my visits to the site or maybe even leave. Im not saying anything for definite yet but I would be interested to see whether not being on the sight would have a continued positive effect.

    So i was just wondering really if anyone else felt this way about the site sometimes?

    I have removed my myspace address because of our little \"invasion\" but if you want to add me just send a pm
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States


    I did miss it while it was gone and I checked everyday to see if it was back up but while it was gone my anxiety was much better and I didn't think about v* all the time. I love the people on here and when I am really stressing it is good to come on here and talk but I just don't think I will be on here as much. I am trying to get better and I don't know if it is healthy to be on here everyday!!But you all rock!!! And I will be around every now and then!! ~Brandi~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi Katy....

    I agree with you and totally feel the same way. I did have a couple of panic attacks when the site was down (one emet-related and one not) and it would have been nice to talk to someone but I really did not think about v* very much at all. Now that we're back up I'm on here quite a bit and get a bit nervous reading some of the posts. BUT, I only am anxious while I'm reading them, and after I sign off I am back to my normal self.

    I think the support and help here is great---to an extent. Knowing your not alone and having someone to talk to about it is a huge comfort, but personally I don't think it is a cure. I think it's a starting point. But like you I also wish there were more positive threads and posts. What may be healthy for some may not be healthy for others, and so on.

    I think it's wonderful that you want to move forward in your recovery! Way to go! Of course we don't want to you to leave, but you have to do what's best and healthy for you. I've done the same thing, and I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be. Although that may not be an option for some, I feel it was the best thing for me. So far so good!!

    Good luck to you!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I have often wondered the same thing. While I signed up for the temporary site myself, I didn't visit it all that often. I guess when I feel like it is hindering my recovery in any way shape or form, I usually disappear for awhile.

    I still have bad days, but my recovery is coming along. I try and come on here only when I can, to be supportive to others. I did freak out as well that it went away, but I found other ways to cope...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    For me it caused a little bit of anxiety just knowing that the site was not available to me if I needed it for some kind of emet crisis. But because (thank god) nothing like that came up I was okay without having it. I look at it differently every time I think of it. On one hand I have met so many wonderful people on here that the thought of leaving saddens me just because of missing my friends. On the other hand I do find that I am somewhat more relaxed when I don't frequent the site as much. I think I have just changed the way in which I use the site. I used to always have to read about others being sick and would obsess over it. I now either don't read about it or don't obsess over it- one or the other.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    You know I was kind of upset to see the site down and I was actually more worried about others than myself. But I am considering leaving due to other unrelated emet factors. All the best to you and I happy you are feeling better in terms of your emet.Good Luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    i panicked just in case i needed it...i dont feel i need it as much though, and i've developed a certain amount of self-control when it comes to reading posts. I don't want to leave, because if everyone who is gettingbetter leaves, then people who really need help will just have more very panicky people to turn to! So, i just don't read posts with titles that have stuff like "SV* epidemic", because honestly, that just aggravates my emet.

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I thought about the site, and I realised that while it was down it was saving me from reading about everyone's anxieties and keeping my anxiety down.

    I just can't help but come here and read all the posts.

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  9. #9
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    I missed it once, cause on one day I felt totally nauseous and needed to post, but then I stopped checking for a few days and last night I was on at my parents's house and looked it up and it was back. I was pretty much fine for the time it wasn't up, but I've been posting less and less about my emet lately. I even went to a new resturant and ate there with my mom, nothing happened, it was AWESOME!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    It was almost a blessing in disguise that it was down for a while, in my opinion. I check in and out all day while I work, and then I panic and get sort of depressed when I read about all the sv's. I only sort of got worried that this site wouldn't be working if I really needed it, BUT since I have made a few friends from this site that I communicate with outside of IES,I feel that I would have the support that I need. I feel that it's beneficial to make permanent friends and communicate outsideIES. It's almost like a recovering alcoholic having a support person when they need them, you know? Alot of us need that, I think it's important,, because we can't depend on this site forever, but we need the comfort that someone will be there during a rough time.

    Oh yeh, and while the site was down, I honestly felt better with hardly any worries. But here I am again!!Edited by: californiagirl

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hey everyone, thanks for the replies!

    Brandi & Christianne - you seem to be thinking along the same lines as me, christianne i totally know what you mean about positive posts, they do seem to be lacking but then i think about how i was 6 months ago when i first signed up and i too made posts like this. I think its something to do with your stage of recovery, now in hindsight i can see that a lot of these posts achieve nothing, but at the time i was obsessed with them!

    Melissa - i hope to be able to come back and offer support too - i think its a very positive thing to do, good luck with ur recovery!

    Shiva - i know what you mean about missing people, the community here is amazing and i have made so many friends, but then id like to get to know them without emet aswell if you know what i mean. Maybe talking outside ies is the way to do this and i need to reevaluate the way i use this site like you have.

    Punchbuggy - im sorry you are thinking about leaving, if you ever want to talk outside of the site pm me and il giv u my email or msn [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Anya - you make a very good point about people leaving, at the moment i think i need to concentrate on me though, if i did improve i would love to have a supportive role on the site

    Kellybean - i am exactly the same, if i knew i could stop myself reading certain things i would definitly stay on the sight - i haveno selfcontrol at all though!

    Monica - wow what an achievement for you! And now you have done it once you can do it again - go you!!

    Californiagirl - what you are saying makes perfect sense, i think i do need to get to know people outside of the site more. I think at the moment im going to use the site quite selfishly, keep away and only come back when i really need it. I know this isnt contributingmuch for others but if i focus on gettingme better hopefully i can come back and post some positive stories and experiences that will benefit others. I would quite like ur email or msn if thats ok?

    So yeah, i love this site and everyone on it but for the moment im going to take a break. Hopefully this will be beneficial, maybe if i feel ready to do this im progressing in recovery..? I dont know but i will definitly be back to let you know how i go. Good luck everyone and thank you for the help you have provided! x x x
    I have removed my myspace address because of our little \"invasion\" but if you want to add me just send a pm
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by missminty

    Californiagirl - what you are saying makes perfect sense, i think i do need to get to know people outside of the site more. I think at the moment im going to use the site quite selfishly, keep away and only come back when i really need it. I know this isnt contributingmuch for others but if i focus on gettingme better hopefully i can come back and post some positive stories and experiences that will benefit others. I would quite like ur email or msn if thats ok?


    My email is [email protected]

    I think you're on my myspace, aren't you?

    You can contact me ANYTIME!!!



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