Hey devil mushroom,

Are you anxious about anything at all? Exams? Have you been getting enough sleep? Because IBS tends to strike you while you're down, I've found! I only get it when I'm extremely wound up about something, so if this is the first time you've ever had something like this - don't worry. It won't be there forever. It just likes to creep up on you when you're nervous.

The first thing to do is remind yourself you're ok [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]If you can relax a bit, you're sure to feel alot better. This is what happened to me last year. I had the exact same thing as you during my end of semester rush, but as soon as I walked out of my last exam - I was cured! It's a matter of controlling those automatic negative thoughts. In my worst moments, I'd just calmly tell myself "I'm allright. This is unpleasant, but it isn't life threatening. I can carry on doing what I normally do. This isn't going to hinder me." Repeating this sort of thing to myself helped me get through my final essays and everything, even though I felt absolutely awful.

PM me anytime for a chat, if you're feeling worried =)