ROFL Californiagirl! The second one is SO TRUE!!

I have a problem when there are made up news stations like "GNN" or something. I mean I know they don't want to get in trouble but like everyone KNOWS GNN is supposed to be CNN. Except in the movie Primeval, if I recall correctly they actually used CNN, but that movie was stupid and I could be wrong.

Also, my sister pointed this one out, in the movie Scream Naeve Campbell's character, Sydney, had a poster on her wall for the band "CREED" but they hadn't even come onto the music scene when that movie was made.

Also in a lot of horror movies that I've seen, people get their fingers chopped off and it's like hours or even DAYS before they get medical attention. How real is that? Would you be able to survive losing a digit that long?

Then there is the inacuracy of movies like The Cave and The Descent. I mean what are the chances that you are going to find a cave in NORTH AMERICA that HASN'T been discovered?

Also, in movies and TV, people who get hung up on immediately get a dial tone, which is not true at all when you hang up a phone on someone. There is a click, then silence for a few seconds, then a dial tone.
