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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi all, I've been laid low with a chest infection since last Saturday. I am stuck in the flat alone, off sick from work, feeling miserable and depressed. I went to the doctors yesterday and was given antibiotics. I started them yesterday and then got the runs, so I panicked, the usual fear of V***ing aswell which didn't happen. I had a bit of the runs again this morning so rang the surgery and the doctor advised me to keep off the antibiotics if they are causing my stomach to be upset and to let the virus go off its own accord. So I am keeping off them because I don't want an upset tummy, however I am wondering how long its going to take this chest infection to go. It does seem to be a bug going round, has anyone else had it and how long does it take to go?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I had a chest infection at New Year, it was pretty bad and it took me two weeks before I could leave the house and another two weeks to get back to work. I didn't take antibiotics, the gp agreed that it would go in its own time.

    It's not very nice and knocks you for 6, I've heard of quitea few people getting it this year.Hang in there, you should start to feel better next week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi, thanks for your reply. I hope I'm not stuck in another two weeks, I'll go crazy. My brother had a chest infection last week and was off work for three days so hopefully I'll be back soon. My chest feels a little better but I've just had a bout of the runs again. I know the doctor said that the antibiotics were causing it but I haven't taken any today, unless its still those from yesterday that are getting out of my system. My boyfriend, who is in no way a medic, says he can't see it being the tablets and that its a stomach bug. Trust him to put me on edge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hey there!

    If it's a virus like the doctor said, antibiotics won't help anyway - they're only effective for bacterial infections.

    I had a bronchial infection a while ago, and all-told it lasted about 3 weeks. But it went away only 5 days after I finally started taking antibiotics.

    Good luck!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    maybe the mucous in your chest is causin you to have d. When i have a cold or sinus...i usally will have d....but no n.

    Can you take anything for your chest to clear up?

    We have a wonderful product in the US called Mucinex. The pills are huge though...but i get the childrens version of it and my DR told me what doseage to take.

    I hope you feel better soon. Lots of fluids and rest will make you feel better

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Hi there, hope you're feeling better. Just wanted to say that it's definitely possible that the antibiotics are causing your stomach issues. My son always gets terrible d* whenever he's on antibiotics and it lasts for several days after he stops taking them. Never any v*, just the other end.

    Hopefully your infection will be over soon!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United States


    Most antibiotics give me d* but don't affect my tummy any other way. Not even Biaxin, which is pretty strong.

    I tend to get pnuemonia (I have asthma) and on antibiotics, it takes me about a week to get over it.

    Proud mommy to:
    Michael (11)
    Bethanie (7)
    Peanut (EDD 14 March 2009)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    Thanks all for your replies. I still feel rough. Had a bout of the runs again yesterday but nothing more since, just feel achy and feverish, its taking some getting over. I have kept off the antibiotics after the doctor advised me to yesterday but just want rid of this infection, I'm fed up of staying in feeling miserable. I am terrifed that I may start to V aswell and all I am eating is toast.



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