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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    I agree to not taking pain meds IF POSSIBLE. I broke my ankle a couple years ago, and did take hydrocodone and it did make me a little nauseous. I never got sick, but it didn't make me feel to good. I think most of us freak more with the nausea due to anticipation and all. Best to avoid nausea ya know? I don't think you'll NEED prescription meds anyway. Tylenol should be sufficient. Its not a bad recovery at all. You'll be fine. Let us know.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Ah! I read Erin's post in the private forums, if you want to go check out that one. I had all four out too.

    All you guys with locals! My surgeon said it was full-blown knockout or he wouldn't do it period. I didn't have any pain whatsoever (threw out the prescription), and even waking up sleepy wasn't a big deal. It wasn'ta badexperience for me.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    United States


    Aleddon, to answer your q, pain meds (narcotics) have a high incidence of n* and/or v*. When I was young, I took codeine and got sick from it. I always try never to take them if I can.

  4. #34
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    United States


    I've been on prescription narcotics for two years now (I'm so thankful that they're not addicting and I only take them when I need them!). I've never EVER had any problem at all with them though. Once in a while, I will get sleepy but that's it. I think it really depends on the person =/

  5. #35
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    Apr 2006


    Thanks again guys!, my appointment is on the 25th of April...three days after my birthday so I wont even get to enjoy it this year

    I am praying that this goes well...its kind of like my fear of vomiting ....the fear of the unknown...

    Im so happy to hear that everyones went okay! and for those of us that have to get it done ..I hope we have the same luck.

    I told the doc about my fear and he looked at me like i had two heads. he told me that there is no guarantee that i will not get sick but he did say that the chances with i.v sedation are lower (2%) then with complete unconsciousness (10%). Soo Im definitely holding on to that stat and requesting and anti emetic.

    p.s this is such a big deal my whole family has the day off. My mom is coming with me because she knows how scared I am and my dad is driving..lol funny sidenote.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Hi Punchbuggy - good luck with it! I am sure you will be fine.

    I had 2 of mine out a couple of years back with local anaesthetic and it was ok.I was really panicking before it and thought I would pass out, but I was surprised at how easy it was. I drove home afterwards so happy that I had 'survived' and it had been so painless.

    I had painkillers to take, but didn't need to take them and had soup for dinner and no n* at all.

    Good luck! M x

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    ok ..im officially on a count down ..twenty two days left until i get them out..pray for me im still really nervous.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by punchbuggy

    he told me that there is no guarantee that i will not get sick
    Eh, they have to say that. I know it's tough but try to enjoy the days you have between now and your surgery. When it's over, I bet you'll wonder what you were ever worried about (been there, done that).[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Edited by: vthokie

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    i went totally under anesthesia when i had my 4 wisdom teeth out (all of which hadnt even broken out of my gums yet). i felt fine afterwards, i was just a little panicked and confused when i woke up in the recovery ward because i was so worried i was going to be sick then i realised i felt fine and felt like an idiot after having a full blown panic attack in front of all the nurses

    p.s. if any of you get to have nitrous gas used, count yourself very lucky!! me and my friends inhale it sometimes because it's such a high!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States


    I was really scared before I had mine removed too. I asked the dentist if he would give me a dose of anti-nausea medication before he put me under and he did. I felt absoultely fine.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    strangely enough...I only had 2.5 wisdom teeth form//come in. (half of one on top, and two full ones on the bottom.)

    anyways...I decided to have them taken out two summers ago. The only major thing that had bothered me, was the idea of the sedation making me sick. But I made sure to request that special medication be given to me before they woke me up from being sedated. And it worked wonderfully.

    I took in a cd player and headphones with me, so I could listen to some dir en grey while they knocked me out. I didn't even get 10 seconds into the song..and I was out like a light. When I woke back up...my cd was still playing...which I found to be humorous.

    The whole procedure was very very quick. My mom was even holding my hand when I woke up, which was an added bonus. You are never too old to enjoy the comfort of your mom holding your hand. lol

    I was in no immediate pain and only had to take the prescription pain killers once (along with some special meds so they pain killers wouldn't make me feel sick since I had an empty stomach). The most bothersome thing, is the groggy feeling you just can't seem to shake off the next two or so days.

    oh, and another annoying thing you will notice, is how everything you it will get stuck in the holes in your mouth. I received a special plastic syringe thingy, which I had to fill with luke warm water, and clean my tooth holes out with after I would eat. I took several weeks for them to completely close up, which was a pain.

  12. #42
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    Apr 2008


    Seriously, I had all four of mine removed and they sedated me to do it! If I coiuld do it all over again, I would in a heart beat!! the drugs they give you are fantastic! you don't feel a thing, none of the surgery, no n*, no v*, no sick feeling, nothing...not a care in the world! I even woke up half way through the surgery, saw the dentists playing in my mouth and everytihg, he said "we're almost done, go back to sleep" and I muffled "ok" and immediately fell back asleep. No pain, NOTHING!! it was phenomenal!! I think the nervousness you have would be the only thing to make you feel n** at all, so just relax, and try not to overthink it too much! B/c honest to god, if that drug were legal, I would be hooked! (LOL!!)

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Ok guys ....no turning back anymore..this friday is the big day at 12 noon so make sure your thiniking of me lol...im kidding but seriously im asking for a a liter or anti emetic meds...im nervous as hell...s***ting bricks here.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I've been where you are and I can tell you, what you feel now is 1000 times worse than anything you will feel after the surgery! You're gonna do great and have a triumph to tell!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  15. #45
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    Apr 2008
    United States


    Here is my story about my wisdom teeth removal...hope it helps..I had to have my wisdom teeth out when I was 16..I am 27 now so its been a while, but for at least a week before having them out I really freaked out, but I had a lot of really good friends that talked to me and distracted me constantly. The actual day of was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I went all the way under, and I dont really remember anything until I was at home waking up on the couch. I wont lie, I did have a little bit of N*, but I think its because at the time I didnt know I was emet and I didnt take the anti-emet meds when I first came out of sedation. As soon as I felt slightly N* tho, I took the meds, and literaly within 10 minutes I felt great. I was even hungry. I dont think you have anything to worry about. I am sure you will be fine, and if it makes you feel better, I have talked to a lot of my friends who are not emets and had their wisdom teeth taken out and none of them actually V* either, so I feel sure you will be ok. Good luck and I hope it goes well.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    Hey guys, im new to the forums but not new at all to being an emet.

    Anyway, today im in so much pain, I decided to go in for an emergency wisdom tooth extraction. Im terrified right now, Im only being put under local so im guessing I wont get N* & V*, and I definitley wont be using any painkillers past paracetaml and ibuprofen. But right now im terrified that I want to reqeust some anti emetics anyway!

    Im scared ill swallow too much blood and be S* :-(

    Any advice at all.

    Ill be sure to let you guys know how it goes later on!

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hi pheonix, I was worried about the same thing when I had mine out but it never happened. Before you leave prop some pillows for where you will be resting when you get home. I found sleeping propped helped w/ any pain/swelling as well as made me feel I wasn't swallowing any blood (kinda like whenyou have a cold, less drainage if you're propped). Plus they put gauze there so its for the most part being absorbed. Also try to avoid dairy while they are still bleeding, I've heard it can upset your stomach, but I didn't have any dairy and didn't have any stomach problems, could be coincidence, I'm not sure. I was hungry when I woke up and had some mashed potatoes and took some ibuprofen and that was all I needed for pain, that and ice packs. What you feel now is worse than what you will feel after. Also eating something like mashed potatoes mentally made me feel like it would absorb any blood.

    You will do fine, I'm sure and definitely do ask for the antiemetics, even tho you more than likely wont need them its reassuring to know you've had them.

    Hope this helps!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  18. #48
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    United Kingdom


    Well, just got back from the appointment! I havent yet had the tooth out, the dentist said it would take time to process the x-ray, but he was amazing with the emet situation, he told me he wouldnt make me sick, and explained everything to me before he did it, and said at any time I felt like I was gonna gag to just put my left arm up and he would stop.

    Anyway, unless an emergency appointment opens up, im due in friday for the extraction [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img] eep.

    He also pasted some sort of steroid thing onto the tooth, supposedly itll help with the imflammation though itd take a few hours.

    I shall keep you updated. Thanks for the advice.

    Any words of confidence would be appreciated!!

    Peace guys x

  19. #49
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    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    Ok, getting nervous again now, pretty nervous about the extraction itself.

    But also the pain after, I mean I cant take any pain killers stronger than paracetamol and ibuprofen, is this gonna be enough?

    Im also really scared I will swallow too much blood, dont want to irritate my stomach, im alot more afraid than I thought id be, heeeelp! :-s

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Im also scared of swallowing blood and i really dont want to take the T3's that they give you because I dont want to feel sick off of them.

    In about 14 hours I will be all done the surgery thing and all of this worrying will be over I cant WAIT.

    Im still really nervous but I am going to try my hardest not to cry when I get there,

  21. #51
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    Argh, really really terrified myself, you know after we'll be able to laugh at each other (I hope). I cant take any painkillers past Paracetamol (Regular Tylenol) and Ibuprofen so im just gonna alternate with those.

    Im gonna tell the dentist about my concerns with swallowing blood too, see what he can do to help me!

    Eeeep, 3 1/2 hours for me till I say goodbye to my beloved (but pain in the ass-hurting me) tooth.

  22. #52
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    United Kingdom


    Well, im alive! It was so not even that bad at all, im still a little numb atm (and really hungry but cant eat). I Heard the tooth cracking and stuff, but it got done in under 10 seconds.

    There was little blood, didnt need stitches or anything. The pulling and pushing is a little uncofortable, but not unpleasant as such.

    Its bleeding a bit now, which im constantly wiping into a towel, but its not very thick, just like a medium red-tinged saliva mix

    Gross and tastes of blood, but nothing too bad.

    Hope yours went ok too punch!

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    punchbuggy...i hope it all went like a breeze for you!

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hey punchbuggy, I came here to see how it went. Not sure what time zone you are in, but I am in the Pacific, so it's only 1:20 here. You may still be at the dentist.

    I hope everything went fine. Let us know when you can!

  25. #55
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    Apr 2006



    I have a lonnnng story for you all when I am back to normal probably tomorrow. It includes all the funny things I said to the nurses and my parents and Im going to explain in detail so others can use this when they need to.

    I just want to say a huge thanks to all of you for caring and putting up with me for these past few months.

    So look forward to my complete story soon.

    and p. I havent used any painkillers I think I can handle the pain. Was anyone prescribed antibiotics ? if so what kinds. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

  26. #56
    Join Date
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    United States


    glad you did well hun!

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    YAY! I'm so glad you both are doing well! Can't wait for the story, punchbuggy!

    Edited by: SimplyMe
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Sooo..let me tell you all about my experience!
    On the way to the clinic I held my ground and didnt cry ..just listened to music and stuff. Of course I was nervous but I was trying not to cry. Anyways I got there and it seemed like two minutes later the anesthesiologist (sp?) called me in and intriduced himself. ...this is when it got bad for me.
    As I was walking down the hallway to the operating room i began to cry lightly and when I saw the bed I was going to be on I started to bawl. I was freaking out soo bad that the doctor said my panic was above average and we would have to stop if I didnt feel ready. ALthough I was scared I knew I just wanted to get it over with.
    Anyways I forced myself to lay down (stilll crying) and then he pricked me with the i.v ...it started as saltwater and then he put the actual sedation in. Anywasy during this time the nurse was holding my hand and making me feel very comfortable..but I was still crying.

    She was asking me questions about going on a honey moon ( i guess she noticed my ring) and my response was " girl , you dont wana know what im doin on my honeymoon" lol...the drugs had kicked in. That is the last I remember. Then I woke up in recovery ..i dont remember any of this ..my mom told me later when I wasnt high..apparently I got my mom in the room and was talking LOUDLY about how I felt soo good and was going to ask the nurse for some medicine to take home cuz i felt really good lol...
    then I walked into the main room where all the patients were...i said confusingly " Yo, wuss up ? " and when no one responded I said " anyways Im outside" LOL

    The thing is I dont remember a thing! I was saying a bunch of stuff in the car as well and I kept demanding to be told where I was..and seconds later i didnt care. lol

    I do have some pain but I didnt take any of the t'3's that they gave me. I only have been drinking my antibiotics and they have been fine.
    I can now say that the worry was basically for nothing. ANd Im really glad I went through with this. And thank you to all for your support.

    If anyone has questions just message me !

  29. #59
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    Im really glad to hear it all went ok Punch, I think the worst part is fear, it does make me wish id gotten mine done under IV now, as opposed to this 1-at-a-time option.

    Still seem to be oozing blood though, its almost been 2 days so im guessing this will stop in a few hours at most! (I hope)

    I also seem to have earache in the side the tooth was pulled, pretty sure its not just the ache from having no tooth anymore, but we'll see how it goes I guess!

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    Good for you! I hope you enjoyed the high...lol



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