Thanks Simply! I've been cruising the CDC's site too (I'm going to medical school, so even when I'm sick I normally hang out there, lol). A lot of the articles online simply say PID is due to an STD, but I tested negative I mean, !

Thanks Sage. I noticed too that most symptoms of most sicknesses include vomiting, but as an emet I'm usually afraid of that, even though I know my control over vomiting is extremely strong. I think the excess fear is due to my mom - she gets sick from as little as a headache, but doesn't get sick from like, the flu. Go figure.
Insurance! Yes, I am very lucky to have the insurance I do - it covers nearly everything. I only have $5 copays, which I can definately do, but as an unemployed student, the 10 or 5% that my insurance does cover of ER visits (it's not that it doesn't cover it, it is just that it covers only a few bucks!) is a lot of money for me! It's interesting that you say that too, in my government class we were talking about how Canada allows everyone coverage. I think that's neat, but my boyfriend then says that people are taken on a 'most-needed' basis, and as a hypochondriac as well (I think I have EVERYTHING - which I'm working on along with my emet) I don't know how I would like that