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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Yes! I was really paranoid about it, and would only have little sips, then started drinking more and more. One beer one night, two beers the next party, a shot and a couple beers next, etc etc. Eventually I worked up to pretty high amounts and ended up actually v* at one party (I mixed drinks a lot. I drank a lot. Me and my friend did a lot of barefoot running around - way way more than I could ever do sober..). it hardly bothered me at all at the time (I was much too drunk to care, really, I just let my body do it's thing), but since then (last June) I haven't really been able to enjoy drinking at all! I'll have some sips of alcohol, then need to drink water to feel calm. I drink a beer before bed, I wake up in the middle of night with bad anxiety from it. It sucks, because it's definitely fun to get drunk every now and again, but my brain doesn't want my body to.. :/

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    I'm a drinker, but most likely because I started drinking before my emet kicked in for the second time. I have never v* from alcohol and so I know my limits. I find it helps sometimes too, on friday nights I always meet my boyfriend and his friends in the pub for a friday drink. often I'll feel a little n* after the first sip of my drink. but pushing past it, once I've finished the pint, I'm well up for another.

    its all about knowing your limits. but no drinking is always the safer option

    My experience has given me some guidelines that I always stick to when I drink
    don't drink on an empty stomach
    when you start gettting properly thirsty take a pint of water and carry on
    if you feel n* you're more than likely bloated from gas in fizzy drinks, a rennie (antacid) fixes that
    eating greasy food isn't always a bad idea, if you're s* its because your stomach gets irritated by the astringent alcohol, greasy food helps coat your stomach, but of course, not too much of it!
    in the morning, when you're hungry, eat! you'll get to a point where the hunger will turn into n* and then you'll feel itt all day. eat early and you'll be fine. and drink clear liquids all day after. Edited by: katzilla

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Massachusetts, United States


    I'm not old enough to drink yet but when I am I probably won't drink at all or just a little.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2006
    United States


    I haven't yet found anything I like to drink but there was one night I had a really crappy day at work and I decided to get drunk with hubby and he promised me a kitty if I had a whole shot of vodka (YUCK! My mouth isn't even as big as a shot!) and I felt a little dizzy/disoriented but didn't feel n* or anything until the next morning when I felt a little off - small headache, very mild n* - but I haven't drank (drunk?) more than a sip for a taste since then. I may tonight though, since I'm expecting to be reamed and/or fired by my boss for having left an under-employee at the store alone due to the fact that my ride-giver was running late and said under-employee refused to speed things up and get the hell out.

  5. #35
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    Apr 2008
    United States


    Great posts!

    I don't drink today because of a few bad experiences...the first experience was the worst, because I didn't know my limits and only had one-fourth of a wine spritzer at a friend's backyard barbecue. It was awful because I was fine one second, and the next I v*d right in front of everyone! I was so embarrassed!!! Amazingly though I was the only emet there...

    A few years passed so I thought I'd try again, but this time I got red, itchy, and started swearing at everyone! This was embarrassing but for a completely different reason

    The last time I drank, I swore I'd never do it again because I was so scared I'd get s*. I laid in the bathtub for 30 minutes repeating over and over that I'd never drink again if I could avoid getting s*. That was pure agony.

    While it would be nice to be able to drink just for the social or cultural aspect - I am content to be a nondrinker as I am a much happier camper this way All my friends know that I can't be their designated driver either because they know about my emet. If anything, being sober helps me run away faster when I have to!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    When I started the 10th grade, I had a lot of friends that went out and drank at parties and what not. I never hung out with them because I was afraid to drink. near the end of 11th grade I was at a friends house and someone brought over some bud ice beer. I had just one and was pretty drunk. The next day I felt fine. After this, I would just increase my amount gradually and was still fine. I endured a 5 year college career at what was one of the top party schools in the nation. I have never been scared to drink. The only time I have ever been afraid to drink was when I turned 21. Hearing all of the turning 21 stories about nasty shots and puking had my quite anxious before heading out to the bar with friends. I took it slow but ended up doing like 16 shots that were bought for me as well as quite a few beers. I felt like absolute hell the next day but did not puke. I have noticed that when I have drank my share of beers that my emetophobia has no effect on me. I will go to use the bathroom and there will be Vomit all over the urinal or floor. I definitely do not use that urinal or toilet but I can stand next to it and it does not bother me. In college, I had a really rough time public speaking. I did not have a problem with this in high school as I knew the 30 people in my class very well, but in college with classes ranging from 50-300, I was absolutely terrified. What if I panic when I get up there in front of all these people? I would never be able to show my face in that class again? Im guessing many of you have this same problem when it comes to public speaking? Well anyway, my junior year, I was in a class in which we had to do like 5 speeches and a 15 minute one for a final. For the 5 speeches I was extremely scared before hand, for one of them I actually dry heaved on my way to the classroom and almost turned around and went home but fought it. When it came down to the end of the semester, I was feeling panic 3 days before I even had the speech. The day of, I was an absolute wreck. A friend of mine suggested I had a few beers before the speech to ease my nerves. I went to the store and bought a 40 about 2 hours before my scheduled final speech. Drank it at my apartment (no I didn't leave the brown paper bag on it) and went to my class. I got up in front of the class and gave the speech with such ease. I had the whole class laughing and ended up getting a perfect 60 out of 60 points giving me a 4.0 for that semester. I was the only one in the class to get a perfect 60 of 60. I don't really recommend doing this, but for me, it had to be done.

  7. #37
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    Mar 2008


    I can't drink - something like three sips of wine and my eyes get heavy and I really want to go to sleep! Haha, I'm a bit pathetic that way. I once tried a sambuca on ice and the first few tips tasted fine - then it got gross and I felt really dizzy. No tolerance at all. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    I like to have a drink, but I have had a few bad experiences, but it didnt really put me off for long!! lol.
    I just found out im intollerant to sugar and yeast which now meand I cant drink anything, and Im really gutted, cos I love the taste!! Theres nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot day watching the football!! Or a nice glass of champs, or a vodka/cranberry or a wkd or bacardi/lemon/lime.....blah blah blah!! lol. I dont like getting drunk anymore, but I did used to get hammered ALL of the time!! I used to freak out the next day if I had a bad hangover, but Id get through it and doit all again!! lol. Drinking just always made my worries dissapear, and I was just me having a great time, I felt confident too (which I never did when I was sober). Im glad I had all the experiences I did though, I woldnt change it!!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I don't drink at all. Mainly from the phobia but also because alcoholism runs strongly in my family.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by allypally.
    I like to have a drink, but I have had a few bad experiences, but it didnt really put me off for long!! lol.
    I just found out im intollerant to sugar and yeast which now meand I cant drink anything, and Im really gutted, cos I love the taste!! Theres nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot day watching the football!! Or a nice glass of champs, or a vodka/cranberry or a wkd or bacardi/lemon/lime.....blah blah blah!! lol. I dont like getting drunk anymore, but I did used to get hammered ALL of the time!! I used to freak out the next day if I had a bad hangover, but Id get through it and doit all again!! lol. Drinking just always made my worries dissapear, and I was just me having a great time, I felt confident too (which I never did when I was sober). Im glad I had all the experiences I did though, I woldnt change it!!
    I know what you mean by it letting you be yourself. Over the winter, a friend rented a limo for his birthday to take down to detroit (about an hour drive). This is something that I wouldn't choose to do for sure. But I had committed and it was with kind of a newer group of friends so I didn't want to be the normal plan breaker my other friends have come to know. My girlfriend was coming too and that made me that much more nervous because I didn't want her to see me freak out if I were to panic. We met at the bar and I swear I drank about 36 oz. of beer in about 15 minutes. After that all my worries were gone, I got on the bus, had a great time. I wish there was some kind of pill I could just take that would have the same quick effect.

  11. #41
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    United Kingdom


    lol spartan [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Ive had the same thought about a pill that could make you feel the same. I remember saying that to my doctor, and he said I should try Prozac!! lol. [img]smileys/smilies_08.gif[/img] xx

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Speaking of drinking, I drank like half a glass of wine last night and I felt really relaxed afterward. I also ran into a table. Like I said, no tolerance! Hehe. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    United States


    I'm not sure why, but I am very against drinking. I always found people who get drunk for fun extremely obnoxious and insensitive. I knew someone who passed away because he got so drunk and asphixiated on his v*, died, was revived but brain dead and in a coma for 5 days before he was taken off of life support.

    And his friends still went out and got completely drunk after that.

    It annoys me. I've had drinks before, everything from the boring wine, champagne, beer, to hard stuff like jager and scotch, etc etc, just because in my house my dad felt that if we knew what alcohol was, we wouldn't become raging alcoholics by our teen years. And it worked.

    Emet also plays a part in it. I will never go to a bar or party mostly out of fear of others v*ing. Also because of the whole drunk people being obnoxious thing.
    The waiting seems eternity
    a day will dawn of sanity.

  14. #44
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    United Kingdom


    From my experience with alcoholics I also find people that binge drink very infuriating. Although I do smoke so I can't be too mean as I also do something that isn't good for me. I hope to stop one day soon though.

  15. #45
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    United Kingdom


    Musicmaam, that really made me laugh!! When you have low tolerance of alcohol and get all silly and giggly, its great.....and cheap!! lol. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Wacky, so sorry to hear about your friend, thats a shocking story, and wouldve put me off drinking too if that was a friend of mine. Ive had a few friends die from drug related problems, and now im really anti-drugs, so I can totally understand your feelings on the subjject.

    Car, i smoke too, and as much as i wanna quit, i cant!! lol. I always smoke when i get stressed or worried or whatever, and it calms me down, i dont know what I would do if i couldnt have a fag!! lol. But i hope i can quit one day too cos it really is a nasty habit!

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I actually love drinking. I have never ever been sick from alcohol even when I consume big amounts of it I feel sleepy and I only have a headache the next day.
    I love the way alcohol makes me feel. I stop worry that much, all the stress or anxieties always just go away and what's the most important even the next day I feel very good, like I don't care about anything at all.

    However, there was a time when I didn't drink at all for 4 years or so. I thought that if I drink, my immune system would go down and I would be more likely to catch something. But once I started drinking again, I felt relieved.
    You only live once

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Hey hon,
    I feel exactly the same way! For the longest time I would only drink one drink because i was afraid it would upset my stomach even enough to get me drunk. I now will go up to two drinks, but no more and for the most part just wont drink at all.

    I think another problem i have with drinking is that i think if i drink too much i wont be able to handle situations in which other people have had too much to drink--not that i'm able to when i'm sober. anyway, it was so hard to handle college with that fear.

  18. #48
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    United States


    I was age 23 when I had my first beer. Being raised by alcoholic parents made me despise anything alcoholic.

    Of course, the first few beers I drank were nasty. I got buzzed for the first time ever at that age as well. I got adventurous and drank 3. A few years after that, I went to spring break and found my limit, the hard way. No I didn't "V", but I came very close to that.

    Needless to say, if I drink I only drink beer. I don't touch Hard liquor, Wine, or mixed drinks. All of the horror stories I've ever heard are associated with these kinds of drinks.

    So when I go out, I will drink 3 beers at the most. 4 if I am comfortable with friends and having a good time. But 3 is my absolute limit if I am driving.

  19. #49
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    I actually took up drinking alcohol, partly to relieve the anxiety. It did work for quite a while, but eventually I was ruining my life, and getting sick. I miss being able to have a couple to calm down though....

  20. #50
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    Oct 2006


    I never have more than 2 drinks. and never any tequila or vodka. ive never tried vodka, but all of my friends say it makes them sick so i wont do it. and i have to drink my drinks SLOWLY. im afraid if i down them quick that the burning sensation will make me v*. also, if i get too tipsy i tend to strip my clothes off and go outside. ive never been completely hammered though, and i'm afraid to!
    And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
    Anais Nin

  21. #51
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    United States


    I drink sometimes. At most I'll have like 5 beers in a night. Typically I'll have 3 or so drinks a week in the summer. Otherwise I don't drink much except during holidays and it's still not much. I think it's a bit overated.
    \"Don\'t mistake innocence for ignorance. Don\'t mistake purity for inexperience. Don\'t mistake humility for weakness.\"

  22. #52
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    United States


    I am fearful of drinking alcohol because of the risk of getting sick, so I've never even had a whole drink before. Not that I would even if I wasn't emetophobic... The taste of alcohol is one of the worst I've ever experienced. I don't understand how people can like it! I avoid alcohol like the plague.
    ~ Natalie

  23. #53
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    United Kingdom


    i do drink when i am with my freinds, but i never drink if i were out late at night (which i cant manage any way) i know my limit though, i can have about 6 drinks before i even start feeling tipsy, so as soon as i do start feeling a little bit drunk i switch to water, so that way i have always been able to drink, but have never been ill at all from it because i always drink at least 2 pints of water before i go to bed and this counteracts the alchol

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I used to drink when I was in highschool and I wasn't so bad with the phobia, but never enough to make myself vomit. I would only drink mixed vodka drinks or bacardi and never champagne, wine or anything harder. Now I don't drink at all, partially because of medication but also because it doesn't seem to agree with me anymore.



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