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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Hi everyone, I have heard lots of stories about people and their dreams….some say it scares them….some laugh at it….some see something good coming……I have never experienced such dreams…..I would like to know that does a dream mean really anything……does it hold a special meaning…or its just that people build something up!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    There are two faces to it…some believe and some do not. Everyone has his own story. But I feel that the dreams are somewhat a part of our life and they do convey a message. Like I had a dream of going on jogging and I was continuously jogging ….and the dream broke. And when I had the dream analysis I found that it meant my motivation was becoming higher and when I put it in my life…its true. I am feeling motivated with the things around i.e. to be more hard-working and achieve something.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    If you're really interested in finding out about dreams, I suggest picking up a dream dictionary. I've tried several, and my favourite is one by Tony Crisp. Too many "dictionaries" are actually lists of old wives' tales about dreaming, and don't teach you to understand the LANGUAGE of dreams like Crisp's.

    I recommend that book to everyone I talk with that's interested in dream analysis, and I use it in my own work with dreams (one of my hobbies). I've also emailed the author and found him extremely personable, supportive and interesting. Really cool.
    Normalcy is merely indicative of a lack of courage.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Personally I don't think there's any way to really know what our dreams mean. I know people try to analyze them and decide that certain symbols/places/things mean certain other things, but how can you know really? I usually try to forget about them as soon as I wake up because mine are often totally confusing and weird!! [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    I think theres lot of different types of dreams. I honestly believe in premonitions, as I used to have them a LOT when i was younger. I think that sometimes things/objects/events can be symbolic and mean something totally different. I also think dreams reflect your life and your feelings and whatevers going on in yuour life at that time. So your feelings come out in the dreams. I dream every night (always nighmares), but i can generally always interpret mine according to whats going on in my life or has gone on in my past that has traumatised me in some way.
    I think theres loads of ways to look at dreams, but i think they can also be nonsense too!! I dont often read anything in to them, just try and forget them and get on with the day!! xxxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    Musicmaam-- that's where personalizing the symbols comes in. Too many dream books/sites give only the "traditional" meanings for symbols and neglect to mention the personal aspect.

    A thirty-year-old woman who runs a daycare, for example, may have a VERY different reason for dreaming about babies than a teenager in high school. The subconscious of someone who's been attacked by a dog will use the "dog" symbol differently than someone who owns three happy poodles that would do Cesar Millan credit. It's vital, in trying to analyze a dream, to focus first on what the pieces of that dream actually mean to YOU.

    I love the way dreams speak to us, if we pay attention, and understanding what your subconscious is doing can be a huge tool in developing your sense of self, targeting character flaws and overcoming them. I have done analyses for friends and family that have absolutely astounded them-- but it's all very straightforward. Dreams don't use mystical language, they use only the language that comes most naturally to ourselves... whether we recognize it or not. :-)
    Normalcy is merely indicative of a lack of courage.



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