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Thread: Flying

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United Kingdom


    Hi I'm flying for the first time a week on Saturday It's just an hour and a half flight but I'm absolutely terrified the plane could crash for all I care just as long as I'm not sick or any one else.
    I'm really worried does any one know how likely I am to be sick or other people. Is there anything I could do to prevent myself being sick.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    some people are prone to motion sickness.

    you can't do anything about avoiding plane crashes, they arnt common, and millions of planes fly over the skies every year, and only a few crash. its VERY unlikely your plane would crash, it would be unlucky. so dont worry about that.

    i have only been on a plane about 3 times in my life, i never had motion sickness, but i was younger, i could be different now, but wanna be able to travel, so if anyone discovers any meds to prevent motion sickness, that would be appreciated, but i highly doubt it, motion sickness is your own brains work, i am not aware of meds preventing this problem.

  3. #3
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    United States


    I know I've mentioned this before, but I figured it would be useful to say it here, too: I've been on countless rides on airplanes my entire life, and not once have I come close to v*ing on them and I have never seen/heard anyone v* on a plane either. I've been on a couple flights that had very strong turbulance due to flying through huge thunderstorms (I imagine this is pretty much a non-issue in the UK), and even then no one got sick, including me.

    You'll be fine on this flight... It is quite short and it will be over with before you know it. You can bring a book or a magazine to keep your mind occupied, or you might find that you enjoy looking out the windows at the scenery (that's what I like to do). Are you going with family members or someone you trust? That will help too.

    If you're really worried you can take some motion-sickness medications, but I doubt that will be necessary... You'll feel the acceleration and some air pressure changes when you take off, but after that the plane doesn't even feel like it's moving at all. It is rare for people to get motion sickness on planes, and it's something I've never experienced at all (or seen anyone experience).

    Hope this helps and good luck on your flight. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    ~ Natalie

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United States


    Bring magazines or a book to read! It will help pass the time.

    Purchase some motion sickness supplements (just in case) and store up on antioxidants/vitamin c right before the trip.

    Make sure you eat that day, but eat light.

    I have never felt motion sickness on a plane even when my anxiety level was extremely high.

    The worse part (for me) is taking off..the plane speeds on the runaway and then the lift off feeling is much like an amusement park ride.The important thing to do is lay your head back,close your eyes and BREATHE.

    After the plane levels out it will feel more comfortable.

    If you are claustrophobic, don't look around when the plan is lifting off.

    I got dizzy when I did that.

    Good luck and remember, the more you stress on it, the worse it will be.

    I personally have never heard anybody v* on the plane (been on a plane 4 times so far..least time was 1 hour most was 4 hours)

    Good luck! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    consider sleeping pills maybe, thats what im considering, consult your doctor first though to make sure its safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom


    Hey don't worry about planes I fly on them all the time ihave never been ill, not even from the food, nor have i ever been on a plane where someone was ill! So you dont need to worry, im sure you will be ok, if it helps, try to relax take an ipod or music and just close your eyes!Before you know itthe plane will be over and you;ll just be getting used to it

    Let us know how it goes!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    United Kingdom


    Thanks everyone for your responses you have been really helpful.In a way I am kinda looking forward to it because it will be a new experience and it is something I have wanted to do it has taken 20 years to do it though.
    My boyfriend is coming with me so I know he will look after me.
    Thanks again and I'll let you know how I get on if i don't die of a panic attack.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by frankie100588
    the plane could crash for all I care just as long as I'm not sick or any one else.
    HAHA that's what I feel about flying too! Only an emet. Anyhow, I don't fly, partly because of emet but mostly for other reasons. However, as has been mentioned if you're worried about getting sick take some Dramamine (sp) or something and you can buy those seaband things too ... double protection. Maybe bring some gum or other helpful thing. Also be sure to stay hydrated. You could probably use headphones and watcha movie or listen to music so that IF someone else is air sick you wont know. But really I have many friends that fly and have never heard a v on plane story. Also remember an hr and a half is shorter than most movies. You'll do great and be so proud!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    i would rather be sick than have the plane crash!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    United States


    I would also rather to be sick than die in a crash. However if it came down to be sick all over myself in front of everyone or have a minor crash with no major injuries I'd have to pick crash.

    If the being sick were quietly contained in a bathroom then I would be just fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    London, United Kingdom


    argh,i cant take vomiting, no matter where i am, im just as scared, i shake when i feel nauseas, thats how much fear i get.

    i wish i had the other version of emet, fear of others being sick.

    i'd have way more chance of beating that than this b*l*l*k*S

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    I fly all the time now and I, too, have never felt sick on a plane nor ever seen anyone else be sick. I think the chances of vomiting on the plane are probably the same as in the general population (so in other words...the same as in any crowd of people whether that be at the movies, in a mall, at school, or whatever.)

    That being said, I do take Ativan when I fly and then I'm not the least bit anxious!
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Ah, but if there was a small plane crash probbaly the anxiety, drop in cabin pressure, whatever would cause quite a few people to get sick [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

    I have flown alot in the past five years and no flight was shorter than three hours and many were as long as 7-8 hour flights. I always take dramamine just in case (as well as chew gum and bring a drink that I can drink before they start to bring out the drink cart) but am always fine and though I always get nervous, I have NEVER heard or seen anyone around me get sick except for when my son was anxious to get off the plane (we had just landed and were waiting for them to let us off the plane)because his ear hurt so badly from the pressure and he had a headache and got sick into one of those bags. Other than that, out of all the tons of times i've flown, nope.

    I think your alot more likely to see/hear someone get sick on a boat than an airplane.Edited by: alycat27

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    hi, i have flown thousands of times since i was small, from as little as an hour up to 5hrs and i have never ever felt sick or have i ever been on a plane where others have been. although i do hate the sight of those bloody s*bags and hide them quietly before the kids find them and i have to explain what they are for!!!! oh god this bloody phobia, gets us to do all sorts of different things for avoidance!!!!!!!!!.
    life is tough sometimes....to love me you have to understand me
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  15. #15
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    I've also flown a good few times - 10+ times at least - and have not once felt sick. That said, I don't get motion sickness so I guess I'm lucky. Sometimes when the plane hits an air pocket you get that 'dropping' feeling as the plane drops a few hundred feet but it's not nausea inducing at all.

    I've also yet to see anyone or hear of anyone on a flight of mine v*.

    It's good you're going on a short flight considering you're also worried about the plane crashing, but flying is the safest form of transport :-)

    The one time I flew transatlantic I found that I ate loads because I was bored (7 hours is too long for me to sit still), but it's a fact that the digestive system slows to pretty much a halt at high altitudes - so it is best to eat light things like crackers if at all on a flight. I got very bloated and full you see - not nauseous but just uncomfortably full. When I flew back over the Atlantic I just ate crackers and felt much better.

    So, eat light, take peppermint/ginger if you're worried about feeling sick, and best of all, take some diazepam/valium or whatever it is and you'll be nicely sedated - I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Oh and if you're flying with friends or family, it's useful because you can spend time talking instead of worrying!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I love taking off, its kinf of fun. For some reason I get really dizzy if I look out the window while the plane is turning around on the runway before it takes off, but I usally just close my eyes or look at a magazine and it goes away.

    The only other thing that bothers me is the landing. The plane will sometimes tilt from side to side and I actually felt pretty sick the last time that happened - granted I had been ill the whole time I was on vacation ( different country, didn't react well to the foods) so I'm sure that was part of the problem. I always bring gravol with me... but make sure if you take it you take a BIG drink of water with it... It can give your major heartburn otherwise... and major heartburn/neverending bloating/burping is no fun and 32,000 feet. so.... water. lol.

    have fun!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United States


    i have flown many many times and i havent been on a flight with a person who is getting sick. i dont really even think its all that common. ive never been sick on a flight it is really pretty smoth. the captian will let you know if theres gonna be turbulance.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Yeah, honestly the only time(with the exception of my sons earache that caused him to dry heave AFTER we were getting off the plane)I have ever seen/heard a person get sick on a plane was on tv or in the movies.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States


    Im terrified of flying but am going to fight my fear and fly to Cabo in January for my 40th. Dramamine works wonders before travel but it must be taken at least 1 hour to 1/2 hour before travel time.
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  20. #20
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    I'm wondering how the OP's flight went; he hasn't given any updates yet (maybe he's still out of town).
    ~ Natalie

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Hi I got back yesterday and the good thing is I didn't v*
    but I did come very close to It. It was worse coming back than It was than on the way there because on the way there I had taken anti travel sickness pills and I still felt really ill I had bad stomach ache and my ears really hurt so it was making me really n* and I was worried the same thing would happen on the way back.
    So I ended being so anxious that I was dry heaving In the lounge and I was ready to walk out the airport because I thought I really can't go through with this. I had taken anti travel sickness pills again but they just gave my a really dry mouth. The flight itself was bad as well because there was turbulence so my tummy was lurching and my ears were really sore again and I felt really n* but I didn't v* . Nobody else v* though not that I noticed. So lets just say I won't be flying again for a really long time.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Sorry to hear the flight wasn't too hot and that there was turbulence. You did very well though! I have to say the anxiety probably contributed a lot to your n* but it helped that no one else was ill.

    Are you prone to travel sickness? I think those sorts of people are probably more prone to air-sickness too, naturally.



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