its so hard being a single parent with this phobia and dealing with your sick children alone. my eldest son was ill quite a lot when he was little and i called my mum countless times during the night in tears begging her to come and help me deal with my sick son, but people just dont understand what the fuss is about, my mum used to tell me ive got to learn to deal with it! but thats easier said than done!! im now a single parent again to my 4 year old and i rely on my elder son to help me when he gets ill which is not very fair on him but i just cant deal with it. my family all live in the isle of wight and my son has no contact with his dad so im completely alone really. my eldest son goes to his dads every sunday night so im alone with my youngest son on that night, i spend it absolutely terrified!! im more worried about scaring my son with my reaction when he vomits than anything, i would hate for him to develop this phobia because of me. i have tried many councillers but am still trying, maybe i will one day be free of this. wish you all the luck with your son, and also with help getting over this. know what your going through. x x x also apologies for posting in wrong place, im new to this to!!