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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom



    I haven't logged on in a while - I love the new site, I hope you won't mind me saying thatpeople seem a lot more friendly than when I logged on many months ago!!

    I just wondered what treatment (if any) you guys are getting for your emet? I have been seeing my doctor for four years now and I still have my good days and my bad days. I have had CBT, am on Prozac (40mg daily) and was even admitted to The Priory for 3 weeks earlier this year to try and "cure" me (which was more or less a waste of time).

    I have recently had some NLP and Hypnotherapy with a friend of friend, it's not worked though as far as I can tell, I went on holiday shortly after having it and fretted the whole time I was away. I have been better since my return but still feel queasy lots of the time. It shocks me at how powerful the mind is and how real it can make the feelings of nausea.

    Whilst in The Priory they were determined to get to the bottom of why I am emetophobic (the short answer IMO being I always loathed V* then during my second pregnancy was sick for the whole nine months resulting in nine admissions to hospital for re-hydration therapy - enough to tip anyone over the edge).

    The therapist at The Priory was like a dog with a bone and insisted it was because I have felt *unsafe* a lot of my life - he used the fact my parents always told me I was useless, then seperated, my sons were both in the Special Care Baby Unit at birth, had a few ups and downs with DH) - he says I get a certain thought or trigger that causes me to feel unsafe and this manifests itself as nausea. What rot!! Why can't it just be I bloody h-a-t-e being sick?!!!!!!!!! The therapist and my pschiatric consultant both told me to avoid coming to forums like this too, he says I actively work hard on being emetophobic!!

    Before I went on holiday I was given some Valium for the flight and I have even resorted to that when I feel myself "imagining" I feel sick - but it doesn't seem to help. Does anyone else use a sedative when they feel themselves panicking?

    For me it starts with me becoming aware of my stomach (perhaps because I have over eaten, or seen a trigger on TV or something) - I will then focus and focus on my digestive system until I feel actively sick, and it can last for days on end, it does my head in.......

    Anyway thanks for listening guys.
    Sarah :0)

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    welcome to this site Sarah, welcome to our family, i'd agree this place is becoming friendlier and friendlier eveyr day (if thats a word lol)

    did you find ur CBT helps you? because it does for some, and doesnt for others. im currenlty, ( AT THIS VERY MOMENT! coincidence lol) having a conversation with someone about therapy like that, just discussing whether it works ornot. but i still believe its a very unique thing, it works for some, and will never work for others. i believe, if you have the motivation, self determination, strength, and support around you, you can get thru the phobia alone. so i ghuess what im saying is, dont fret if no professional therapy can help you...

    as for that stupid person said u were actively working hard oin beiong emetophobic, iv never heard nething so ridiculous in my life.. well i have, iv been told that i ENJOY being emetophobic so i wont ever get cured!! these professional people wil never understand unless they have been thru it themselves, and so im glad uwent against their wishes, and came to this site, because it has helped me so much, and i hope it wil help you too!

    just so you know, im Jen, 17, and am currently working very very hard to get over this phobia. i dont do it alone, i have the support of my social worker, and many excellent friends from this site, but i dont have ne professional doing hynotherapyon me or nething.. because, i believe nothing is stronger than the power of ur mind. you can get thru this if you work WITH YOURSELF.

    anyway, i hope i dont stir up too much disagreement here.

    welcome to our family again!!

    Jen xxxxx

    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  3. #3
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    United Kingdom



    I have no idea why I'm posting becuz Jen has covered absolutely everything. (Jen u r a star) I agree totally with her.

    Therapy may work for some ppl but as with most things u need determination, courage, strength and motivation to get through things. Anything can be overcome as long as the time and effort has been put in.

    Success is all about belief - I truly truly do agree with that statement. Every emet has to believe in themselves that they can do it, and they WILL.

    I used to see a counsellor wen I was at my worst to help me get back onto my feet and get some motivation back. After that, it was all down to me and I no longer see any "therapist" of sorts.

    As Jen said, it varies from person to person and its up to them to decide which treatment works best for them.
    When feeling panicky, i find that forms of relaxation and/or distraction work best. I do yoga + pilates which has helped me alot, and I read alot too. Some people find simply having a nice bath or laying down and watching tv helps them to overcome the feelings of anxiety. Its best to just try out different things and see.

    Good luck + welcome to the site!

    Rachel xxx
    <center><font size=\"2\"><font color=BLACK> If you\'re going through hell... keep on going... </font></font></center>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    HI there. Welcome (or welcome back) I am sorry that I don't recognize the name at the moment.
    [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]Friendlier? did you have a bad experience the first time[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    Anyways I think I kind of get what your doctor is saying ( I could have read it all wrong) As emets I think we often sense things wrong and panick as soon as anything feels "different" with out stomachs and automatically label it as nausea. Of course that sends us into apanick and the anxiety makes us nauseated and we get MORE panicked and get more nauseated.
    We do have triggers which start panick attacks. Sometimes we aren't even aware. If you read one of the threads some people can't even wear a shirt or be at a place they were ill because it sets them into a state of panick as they remember the fateful day.
    I am a total freak out if I think I am going to be sick. I hate it more now than seeing pics or watching a movie where someone is sick. I use to hate all the above equally but I have been trying out exposure therapy.

    I am not sure I have ever heard of that saying "activly being emetophbic" but I nkow a few people that have left the forum because talking about it all the time and listening about other people was making it worse than better because they were thinking about it a) more offte and b) getting ideas that they wouldn't have though of before so it was giving them more to dwell on

    I know my mom told ME to be careful because SOMETIMES talking about it all the timeswon't help. So far (and I think it is because I have had this all my life) I can relate to most of what has happened and knowing other people have it and know what "I" am talking about has helped me.
    I think you will know personally whether being here is helpful. I really hope that we (someone) can help.

    Different things work for different people.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    I've been admited to the priory and they arnt very good. It didnt help me. I too am finding it hard to find a therapy that right for me. I've just started CBT but its not going very well.

    I'm not sure what to say. But keep trying new treetments. But remember always give then a try first. You can never tell if something will work after a few sessions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I am currently not in therapy, they one time I did go I had a bad experience, but I do think I would like to go again. For me this website has been a big help just in realizing that I'm not alone and others understand, but I can see the concern that it could cause you to dwell on it more. I guess there's an up and down to everything and it depends on the person. BTW, I haven't been a memeber here for very long, but I have come across nothing but caring people who work to lift each other up and are very friendly, so hopefully you won't have a bad experience this time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Thanks for your kind words and warm welcome, especially Jen - you sound wise beyond your years hun.......

    It's not that I found this site unfriendy before -I just found it rather *clique* - I felt unless you were a regular you got a little ignored - could have just been me being paranoid, lololEdited by: SarahB
    Sarah :0)

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  8. #8
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    aww Sarah, thankyou for saying that. i have to say though, all the words i said were mine and Rachel's so i'd like to take this opportunity to say that shes very wise beyond her years as well! a very very good friend.

    i have made, infact, a lot of good friends from this site... so i really hope that u dont start getting paranoid that the 'newbies' wil be left out!! your all as special as the rest of us!!

    (((welcome hug)))

    Jen xxxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Love new people!!!!
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I have also been accused of enjoying being an emet!!!! Apparently, so my counsellor says, i havent got much going on in my life so i 'manufactured' a phobia to comfort and entertain me.?????????


    i have never been so angry in all my life, i wouldnt wish this phobia on my very worst enemy! Why on earth would i want to be this way?

    I am waiting to see a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist to see if they can do anything to help? ANY improvement would be welcome!

    Everyone on the site is always nice to new people as far as i can tell! They have all been lovely to me anyway.
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I know thatthere are people that "manufacture" problems and ideas because they thrive on the attention and the "ohh poor you blah blah"
    I can't see ANYONE coming up with something like emetophobia just because I think any of the above people come up with something that is more common and more likely to get the attention they want.
    I am soo sorry that you had to have that experience and that doctor should not have his licence or at least until he gets a little more compassion and empathy. That was an unproffesional way of putting it to you. I am glad that you aren't giving up on professional therapy though.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    I think your therapist's main error was in telling you his/her "diagnosis" or "psychological theory" rather than making himself the "safe relationship" or "safe place" that you really need in your life. Lots of therapists make this error. It's like they get frustrated when they're not skilled enough to help you, and you stay the same or get worse, so then they "scold you" with theory. As it proved in your case, it doesn't help. While his theory about attachment issues manifesting in nausea may be correct (who knows? - the brain's a funny thing) it would have been better if he'd just thought it, but not said it. Then it's his job to create a trusted, safe and loving relationship with you so that you can begin to heal.

    I always recommend going back to the fools and telling them what effect their therapeutic technique had on you. I have done this many times (and I'm too harsh saying "fools" - that was a joke) with my own beloved therapist. I'll say: you screwed up, bud. That comment made me feel ______. In the way the relationship between the two of us is then repaired, lies the key to the safety we are all searching for. Once you have a "safe base" you can explore the world. If the rug's pulled out from under you, you will be anxious all your life.

    Hope these thoughts help! Maybe give the therapist another try - see how he reacts to your honesty. If it doesn't help, there are excellent professionals out there if you just keep up the search for them!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    It's interesting...It is almost a learning experience for both parties in some cases. It is just too bad that the effect may not be evident to the therapist till another patient.
    It truely is the therapists job to just listen and make mental notes and think it over before jumping out with a diagnosis or idea.

    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.



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