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  1. #1
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    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    .....been feeling queasy all day (I hate it when I feel like this) - so all I can think of today is the dreaded v*. I made myself eat tea and felt OK (ish) whilst eating, but now am fretting - I agree with everyone who says that it's always worse at night. For me it's because you have the most food in your stomach in the evening, whereas earlier in the day you have less. I also agree that I tend to associate v*ing with night-time.

    Anyway, I've just made an appt to see the GP (again) tomorrow, and in the meantime I've taken 6mg of Valium (which was given to me so I could get on a plane for my hols!!) - does anyone else use meds to calm them during an active anxiety stage? (I won't call it panic attack as it's not that in it's classic form - just a kind of quiet terror).

    I don't know what I'm going to say to GP - she's not my normal one (I saw her to get the Valium and she was lovely) - my normal GP is a bit "pull yourself together"........

    Waffling now, just feeling a bit crappy today......thanks for listening......Edited by: SarahB
    Sarah :0)

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  2. #2
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    I have ativan that was given to me to use when I'm anxious, as well as some that I was given to travel by airplane. I've stockpiled them for just those reasons you're talking about. I think it's ok to do that, being that's what the medicine is there for. You know best how you feel and when you need to take them!

    I hope you're feeling better soon, and that the valium kicks in soon. I associate v*ing with night time too, don't know why. I felt sick at work this morning, still sort of do, although it's more in my intestines. I hate that.

    Feel better!
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  3. #3
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    Sarah, i was once told " u are no more likely to be sick with food in ur stomach, than without food in ur stomach". it made me think, because, i used to be pretty un-easy about eating, until i was told that phrase.

    maybe it will make u feel a bit less anxious? hope ur ok.

    im sorry but idont take ne kinda meds apart from anti-depressants, so im no help there!!

    Jen xxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  4. #4
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    I only take anti-depressents to help with my aniexty,even thou i do have vallium in the house i have never took it if i'm having a bad time,i just try to work through it myself and tell myself i'm going to be ok,but since taking the anti-depressents my aniexty is no where near as bad as it was before.....I only take vallium if i'm going to the dentist and thats normaly once every 3mths,as i'm agrophobic i find it difficult to do those sort of things....But i've just started to get out again and the anti-depressents are enough......My doctor advised me not to rely on vallium as if u take it on a regular occasion u can become addicted to itand then the next time u take it thedosage u take is not enough and then u have to up the dosage.....But as long as u only take it occasionaly i can't c it harming u,tablets don't get rid of the aniexty long term,it's only there for an emediete effect

    I hope u feel better soon,i'm sure u will be fine,it sound like aniexty to me,as if u have eaten your tea ok and only felt worse because it's evening,it sounds like u are connecting vomiting with the evening and this is making your aniexty worse,it's like a viscious cirlce really....keep us updated

    take care vicky xx

  5. #5
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    I take stemetil, which is an anti-emetic and although i have reduced the amount a lot ( i used to take 12 a day) i now take them when i feel very sick, to the point where i start to really panic, i usually take 3 ata time then the nausea eases off. But be careful how many you take, because although i have reduced my intake im still addicted to stemetil. Its my safety net, i panic if i dont have any in the house and i carry them with me evrywhere. I wish i could cope without them and soemtimes i do but its nice to know they are there....

    Hope that made sense lol

    Sarah xxx
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  6. #6
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    Apr 2004


    I take 1/2 a tab of Xanax as needed...which isn't often. I'ts addicting so i want to be careful. It takes the edge off my worries and panic attack symptoms.


    Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly...it\'s hard to breathe. Now and then I get insecure, from all the pain, I\'m so ashamed. I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won\'t bring me down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I associate any kind of drug to get high with vomiting.. im terrified of
    them so Id just tek sleeping pills (which i never come across yet)

  8. #8
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    I don't go anywhere near anxiety/anti-emetics asI don't think they are necessarily are the best thing totake as a lot of our nausea is imagined, I don't think it would have a very good effect on your body. I'd probably only take an anti-emetic if there was a contagious virus going around that I was likely to get.

    But I am sure many of you wil disagree with me; I am not saying that they don't help people, as they do, but they shouldn't be relied upon.

    Please don't think I'm preaching or anything, I don't want to upset anyone.
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=BLUE>Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.

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  9. #9
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    Aw hun Big hugs. it is too bad that you are feeling that way. Nights are worse for me too. It is usually night that I feel sick or night when I have been sick.
    I take Gravol and use to take Ativan SL but I managed to get off that. The Gravol calms me though not right away. If I take too much though I get very sleepy.
    I don't take anything else other than Celexa.

    As for your Valium I suppose it was a good thing to help level you but I hope that you don't always need 6mg to easeyou and that you can get more for your trip.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  10. #10
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    cwarren I agree totally with ur post. I dont take anti-emetics either. I have nothing against those that do take them, dont get me wrong - its just since all of our symptoms are "in our heads" if u like, then I dont see how they could help?

    Rachel xxx
    <center><font size=\"2\"><font color=BLACK> If you\'re going through hell... keep on going... </font></font></center>

  11. #11
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    even if they really dont do anything to help, they make out brains think that we are going to be ok, so in a way they are very effective... but for people like me who suffer from daily nausea they are a god send.....

    Sarah xxx
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  12. #12
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    I agree so much with Sarah, they fool your mind into thinking they will work. I once heard a story about how people who feel nausea every day come in once a week to their doctor to recieve their 'magic needle' which is nothing but a clear, pure fluid such as water. The patients think that this will stop them from feeling nausea, so it does. It just goes to show that its all in the mind.

    Anyways, I think thats it normal for emets to have queasy days, I know I do.

    Feel better soon!

  13. #13
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    Apr 2004


    Oh yeah. If I feel sick my husband is never suprised he just smiles and says "and this is something new?...You are always feeling sick" I could kick him some days when he says it but he is right.
    It is just us, we get confused with tummy feelings and it turns into nausea.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    i feel sick on a daily basis too! Wow, not alone.
    I'm having a bit of a panic flutter because i think iv over eaten ( i probably haven't ) My doctor prescribed me domperidone a couple of months ago, but I have little faith in tablets, so naturally they did not do me any good.
    When I experience nausea, i like to smell something familiar to me such as perfume, it really calms me down.
    Peppermint is great too, but that is an actual aid for nausea as it works with your gastric juices. Although peppermint is geat for nausea ( especially motion sickness ) i would recommend perfume, because then you KNOW it is psychological, does this make sense?
    If every time we felt sick we had anti-emetics to take...that would be great. But we won't always have something to make the nausea go away, so we need to improvise and use our own devices.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    yeah I use lavender oil and peppermint as well. Though I have IBS, ulcers, something wrong iwht the large intestine because it has knotted up so many times and reflux which means that sometimes I truely DO feel sick and Gravol works for me.I know its in my head the days I can down 2 Gravol and still feel sick.
    Sometimes meds are what it takes. I just hate when people consider me weak minded because I have to resort to taking an anti emetic.
    I didn't use to and I don't all the time. I am too cheap to buy them all the time. Maybe not as cheap as I am poor. LOL
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.



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