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Thread: Dad with a sv?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    I really... REALLY wish I could be as nonchalant about throwing up as my dad. But instead of not caring, I'm freaking out and I'm not even the sick one.

    My dad's room is right across from mine, and apparently he's feeling nauseated. He's just sitting on his bed watching a movie with a bowl at the ready, calm as can be, and I'm in my room with ear phones in turned up loud, thinking of every time in the last week I've been near enough for him to breathe on me.

    My dad's told me many times before that throwing up makes you feel better when you're sick, and that it's no big deal. I sooooooooooo wish I felt like that. I'm insanely jealous of people like that...

    As it is, I'm terrified to even use our shared bathroom for fear I'll pick something up, as well as terrified I've already picked something up and it'll hit soon. Sigh. I hate this. I reeeaaaalllly don't want to catch it [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    United States



    I am so sorry; this is such a horrible thing to have to face. The truth about Norovirus is that you cannot catch it from people breathing on you, but can catch it if someone v*s or defecates and then does not wash his or her hands, and touches a surface, and then YOU touch it; or, of course, if you ingest the particles from the v* or feces.

    I also feel insanely jealous of such people. At least I know I'm not alone, and that helps more than I can say.

    Please do let us know how things are going.

    Seventeen-year-old Madeleine, from Rhode Island

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United Kingdom


    Wash, wash, wash your hands and keep your distance, then theres no reason why you should get it. I was in this situation three times last year, so I know exactly how you're feeling.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States


    Whew, update. My dad has Crohn's disease and often has episodes of digestive problems. Fortunately this is just another one of those, and therefore not contagious. That's a huge relief Thanks for the support!!!



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