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Thread: Wisdom Teeth

  1. #1
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    So I know it's been done....but can I hear some of your experiences?

    I have to get mine out on the 23rd. UGH. and I'm sick right now (cold) and I'm worried I won't be betteR!

    I talked to the surgeon and explained my fear of V* and she said she'd do everything possible to make it comfortable for me, and so I won't get sick afterwards, no T3's for me...extra strength advil and gravol. Ugh. I'm so scared.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    ---------Edited by: discochic90

  3. #3
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    United States


    ahh! i'm having mine taken out around the 23 as well!

    i'm so nervous about it - not only because the dentist isn't my favorite place in the world - but i'm so scared that i'm going to feel sick afterwards! i mean, i've had many teeth pulled before, on three seperate visits... but i never had to be knocked out like this!

    bah! why couldn't my mouth just be big enough for the damn things...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    how is being put to sleep?
    ive never done it sine i lived in ukrain for a while and thats
    where i got my teeth done mostly
    thos people are scary I tell ya.. evil dentists from nightmares
    they even scream at u and s***..
    umm yeah so what is it like being put to sleep/ cuase i have a
    fear of getting higha dns tuff..please help

  5. #5
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    Hey there,

    I got mine out a year ago, and was put to sleep, and I was fine. The chances of you feeling or getting sick are slim. You dont eat anything the nite before, so your stomach is empty, plus theyre not gonna want you to get sick when they have just worked on your mouth! I had pretty good pain, but not so bad that I had to take anything other than ibprofin. They were all 4 impacted (not visible) so it really was surgery (cutting the gums) but I was fine, and you'll be okay!! You WONT get sick! I too was a bit nervous of that, but I just decided not to ask about it, and I was still fine.

    When they put me to sleep, the only thing I felt like was kinda light headed/woozyish (NOT sick feeling, just like funky, it was neat, not scary) like right before I went out, and when I woke up, it took me a bit to get adjusted, but then I was fine, just like tired some. Edited by: Galadriel

  6. #6
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    God, i hope you are ok! I hate the dentist!!! Its not been that long since i had an op and when i woke up i felt a bit nauseas but if you tell them they will give you something so you wont v*. But i didnt feel like i was actually going to v*. I hope you dont have too much pain guys! Good luck!!!

    Sarah xxx

    And its a great feeling about 30 seconds before ur knocked out, the stuff they give u makes u feel like ur drunk lol but a very nice drunk!!
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  7. #7
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    Ok so i get them out on monday, that's coming up pretty soon!

    Just my luck though, count them 4 things going on whilst I'm going under/recovering!!! I'm going to miss out.

    Also, I have some sort of growth underneath my tounge (just another thing to worry about, and this stuff always happens to me) that if it doesn't go away they have to remove it. Ugh.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  8. #8
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    my best friend has hers out yesterday. she didnt throw up or feel sick, just alot of pain. she was put on T3's and felt better.

    you'll be fine!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  9. #9
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    I had mine out back in May. I was really nervous, and they gave me 10mg of Valium before to help me relax, and it definitely did. My legs felt like Jell-O! But then when I went into the room, they said my heart rate was sky high because I was so nervous, even though I didn't really feel nervous. They gave me an IV of anesthesia and I was out before I knew it. I don't even remember it, but my mom and my boyfriend told me that I was fighting the anesthesia, so they kept on having to give me more. And boy, was I out! I don't remember anything until I was walking up the pathway to my house. My mom and boyfriend said that when I woke up I asked for oatmeal and apple sauce, and some wind in the car on the ride home. lol. I don't remember that, but it sounds funny! After I got home, I was still really out of it, and I just crashed. My boyfriend had to wake me up every 20 to 40 minutes to change the gauze in my mouth. I hardly had any pain at all from the surgery, and hardly any swelling. Any pain I did have was taken care of by Vicodin. But then I got a dry socket, which is when the bloodclot doesn't form and your jaw bone is exposed... and that was the most painful thing I've ever had to deal with in my entire life. I couldn't do anything but cry, and even that made it hurt more! Then I went back to my oral surgeon and he packed the hole with some fiberous like stuff with clove oil and some other stuff on it, and it felt so much better within like a half an hour. When I went back a week later, he had to clean that stuff out of the hole... it was so gross. Anyway... the dry socket was my fault, I accidently pulled it out on one of the pieces of gauzeI had in my mouth. Just make sure you don't suck on anything or smoke or spit or anything like that. All in all, I think the surgery takes its toll on people variably. I got a dry socket and slept for like 3 days straight... my sister got so swollen, her face looked like a square lol. My boyfriend was eating solid food the same day he had his out. So, it all depends. Just take it easy, and know that your doctor will take care of you.

  10. #10
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    YUgh. a dry socket? oh god.

    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  11. #11
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    I had mine taken out in March... over my spring break (ugh!), but since it was about30 degrees outside it didn't make much difference:O)

    I was really nervous to have them out and to topit all off I had some sort of horriblecold virus with a sore throat and lots of drainage. When I went in for some reason I was a lot less nervous (I've had 13 teeth pulled with novacaine, but nonewhilst I was sleeping, so I guess it made me just a hair more prepared). First they gave me the laughing gas so thatI would feel less nervous for the IV, but I made her turn it off because I didn't like itand explained that I've given blood half a dozen times and I'd be fine. Then the dentist came in and put in the sleeping med andthe next thing I remember is waking up in the recov. room where my mom was and I was shivering cold, but he'd suctioned out my throat and it felt MUCH better believe it or not. Then we went homeand I rested that day and night and only took Advil forthe pain along with the antibioticand the anti swelling meds (none of them made me nauseous at all). The only time I ever really felt bad and it was just extreme dizziness was when I would get up rightafter being home and change the gauze... that just made me feel like passing out. My cold cleared up for three whole days before returning with avengence, but oh well... I guess I felt better briefly

    Other than that, the only real adviceIcangive you is to relax and rest up. Remember to eat soft foods such as jello and mashed potatoes the first48 hours and NO milk products for the first 24 hours (IE;milkshakes orIce cream) even if they tell you it's okay because if you've swallowed blood and you pour milk into your stomach on top of that it will make youqueasy (I can say from experience). Absolutely NO sucking out of a straw for the first3-5days and no smoking (these can causedry sockets). Make sure you take the pain meds (Advil or whatever) as quickly as you can after you get home so you can be on top of the pain when the numbness wears off... and do that over a sink or trash can the first time because when your mouth and tongue are numb, 90% of what you put in your mouth will come pouring back out *still haven't figured out the logic to that... I swear I thought I swallowed it all!*

    Other than that, you should do just fine... both of my brothers, my dad, myself, and several friends have all hadour wisdom teeth out here within the past couple years and none ofus have had any trouble with vomiting (well one did, but it was only because she took percocet on an empty stomach). I was even out and about the next day and went back to work inventory two days after and was fine with the exception of being a bit disgruntled that everyone else got to eat good food and I was eating jello and cream of chicken soup!

    You'll do great... let us know how it goes!


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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2004


    Thanks so much for that!

    I've never heard of dry sockets, and i'm worried now about infection. Ugh. shouldn't I my dentist have told me about them??
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  13. #13
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    Hmmm... usually your dentist gives you a sheet of paper with a list of important info, such as not eatingor drinkinganything, even waterafter midnight the night before you have your surgery. You will probably be given some info on how to take care of your mouth after you actually have it done.

    A dry socket is just where the blood clot loosens and the hole doesn't heal properly. The only person I've known to get dry sockets is a coworker of mine and she smoked the day after. My teeth were all impacted (meaning not through the skin) so I had to have stitches on all of them and that helps prevent dry sockets as well. The best way to keep the clot in place is not to drink out of a straw or suck on anything. Also, you shouldn't swish or spit for a couple of days, but I'm sure your dentist will explain all of that. Don't brush your teeth in the first 24 hours and then when you start don't brush the area around the incision and just let the water sit in your mouth and then lean forward and let it fall out rather than spitting (not easy... but you can do it!)

    As far as infection is concerned... I know a lot of people who've had their wisdom teeth out and I've never heard of anyone ever getting an infection. The dentist should perscribe you antibitotics that youstart as soon as the surgery is over(I recieved Amoxicillan sp? like they give for strep and ear infections). Just make sure that you take all of them when you are supposed to and you should have no probs with infection.

    And hey... if you have anymore questions and/or concerns I'm always here to listen and answer any questions you have, as are all of the other posters who've gone through the experience I'm sure.


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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  14. #14
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    Ehhh. =/ I'm still so concerned and worried about it.

    I've never even heard of dry sockets until today. I'm especially worried because I have a weird growth thing underneath my tounge. (The webbing right underneath the tounge). I went to the doctor today, and she said it wouldn't interfere with my wisdom teeth surgery. But if it doesn't go away within a few weeks, I have to get it cut out. I'm so scared that it's cancer or something. My doctor said it wasn't, that it was like a skin tag (but in your mouth), just a part of the mucus membrane in the tounge, or something. eerrrr. I am just worried that it's cancer, I have been told it's not, but I can't shake this feeling.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  15. #15
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    Aw... sorry about the thing under your tongue... but I'm sure if the nurse said it's nothing to worry about... well, then it's nothing to worry about. I have a tumor like thing(not cancerous or anything) in my cheek that's been there for years... it's apparently a salivary gland that got swollen once when I was ill and never went down. But it's not really in my way... I can grab my cheek and feel it though, it's kinda creepy. You said you weren't feeling well last week, a cold type thing and that can often make you have swollen glands in your mouth. I used to get them on the roof of my mouth and under my tongue and it sounds like what you're saying. It's just an annoyance more than anything and it typically took a week or two for them to go away. So I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that that's all it is.

    And as for dry sockets... just remember if you hadn't heard about them before today... that means they must not be that common. Really, just take care of yourself after surgert and please at least try to relax a little. I was so pumped up by the time I went in by constantly reassuring myself "You can do this... you can do this... you can do this." and I went in and sure enough... I did it. You will too and you will come back on Monday night or Tuesday and you can join in with the group of us who are being reassuringfor the nextperson whohas to have their teeth removed... and you'll be so proud of yourself. It's a major triumph!


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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  16. #16
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    I had mine out a few months ago (May) because my insurance was running out. Only two of my teeth were near the surface while the other two were WAY up there.But I ended up getting all four out. I was also extraordinarily nervous because I knew a friend who got really sick from the Vicotins.

    Anyways, I went into the office and they took me in 1/2 an hour late! I finally get in the room and the girl places the mask over my face for the nitrous (laughing gas). I requested that I wasn't knocked out all the way because I can't stand losing control like that. So, she just gave me the nitrous and the local anesthetic. I put on my iPod and listened to Sheryl Crow. He had to crack one of my teeth in half because it just wasnt' coming out!

    The entire procedure took 20 minutes from when he started putting the shots in my mouth until my mom came in the room. Let me tell you how awesome nitrous is. My heartrate went from 130 to 80 in a matter of minutes. Anyways, when I came down, I was shivering cold. The girl wrapped a blanket around me and I headed home.

    I was extraordinarily hungry but couldnt' eat a damn thing due to the fact that my mouth was stuff full with gauze. I was afraid that the blood would drip into my stomach and make me sick so I was super anal about changing my gauze pads. If I saw blood, then I put more in. I kept them in over night because just having the pressure felt so much better.

    Due to the fact that I don't take antibiotics, I only took 1000 mg of Tylenol every 4-6 hours. The pain isn't excrutiating. It's more like an aching. It was definitely tolerable.(I couldn't take Advil because of my stomach problems). Unfortunatley, I got an infection in my cheek because I didn't take any of my anti infection meds. I kept biting down on my cheek due to the swelling in my sleep. So, that was by far the worst part of the whole experience. I got a really bad fever and couldn't stand up for more than 20 seconds without feeling like I was going to pass out. But once I got some 'hardcore' meds into me, I was totally fine!

    So, my personal feelings on the whole thing were: A) I was so freaking hungry for food that I couldn't eat....B) I hated sleeping on my back...C) Tylenol PMs work wonders [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Just keep ice on your face for the first day then switch to the heat.. Those two things will definitely help you get through it all! And Believe me when I say that I didn't feel like throwing up once during the whole thing! In fact, I felt better stomach wise than I have in years!!!!

    Goodluck with everything and feel free to email me with any concerns you have! You will feel SO much better about yourself once it is all over with!!Edited by: allyryder

    \"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key\"

    \"We are all just prisoners here of our own device\"

  17. #17
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    Hey ally! Thanks so much for your story. I'm going completely under, so we'll see what happens!

    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  18. #18
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    Ok, so it's done! I'm not out of the woods yet!

    This is how it went: I went in the office around 130, went into the office and they told me what was going to happen, I started crying (lol) and freaked out, but I didn't take the lorazepam they offered. Then I went back to the waiting room and they called me in. It was kinda hectic when I got in there, there were 4 people doing stuff to me, one putting a thing on my head, another putting in the Iv, the Iv hurt a bit, then I felt woozy, and fell asleep. I don't remember waking up, but they said I had fallen asleep because of all the gravol I requested!!

    So I was probably in recovery for about an hour....felt kinda queasy, and felt like I was going to faint, but they put a cool cloth on my head (that was caused by my anxiety!!!). I was finally able to go after an hour, went home. I was really hungry, but in a lot of pain, the extra strength advil wasn't kicking in!!! I refused the T3's because I heard too many horror stories about them.

    So anyways, I rested for a bit, and my dad bought me a slurpee, then i had some lukewarm chicken noodle soup, and ended up eating the whole pot I was so hungry! Then the pain killers kicked in....I got a bit of rest, and my brother bought me another slurpee. I then had to take some more advil, some anti-inflammatorys, and some penicillen! YUMMM! lol. so many drugs.

    Anyways, I should be off, I'm a little swollen, will update more, when I'm feeling better, as you can tell from this post I'm rambling alot, I'm not usually like this. And it took me forever to type this. haha.

    I'm just scared I'll be sick, but I have gravol next to me, and alot of water and gingerail.

    Ok, time for bed. Night!
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  19. #19
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    Congrats on making it through!!! See... you CAN do it and you DID do it

    If anything were going to make you ill... which clearly you did fine, then it would have been the anesthetic, which should be completely out of your system by now, or the perscription painkillers, which you are refusing. Other than that, blood in your stomach can make you feel a bit queasy if you put dairy products in there on top of it, but it's good to put something like the chicken soup or something kinda bland in there so it's not just blood and meds sitting on your stomach. Watch the temperatures of the soup and the slurpees (I assume the slurpees are cold?)...I was told I wasn'tsupposed to be eating anything really hot or really cold... everything should be closer to room temp... try putting a piece of ice in with the soup... that's what I did.

    I'm amazed that you're able to eat already... that's what I had the worst problem with, but I'm not normal when it comes to the length of time I stay numb. For most people it's a few hours... for me... it can sometimes take 12 or 13 for it to wear off... and it's not easy to eat when you're entire face is numb! Sounds like you're lucky you're doing so well with eating.

    The main thing to remember now is to relax and be careful. Remember DO NOT drink out of a straw AT ALL for at least 3 days, and do NOT swish or spit for 48 hoursas this can cause loss of the clot. If you don't have stitches, keep food particles as far away from the holes as you can and if you do have stitches just be careful not to play with the area with your tongue. I lost one of my stitches the next day and was fine... but you just don't want to pull them out too early.

    And lastly... remember that this is a definite triump... and if nothing else helps, find comfort in the fact that you will never have to go through having your wisdom teeth pulled again!

    Good Luck and feel better!
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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  20. #20
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    Hey hey!

    I barely slept last night, I was too uncomfortable! I'm a little concerned because one of the meds I'm on for anti-inflamatory says to be careful if you are on birthcontrol (i am!) and also that it makes you susseptible to other illnesses! EWW!

    My jaw feels really tight this morning, like I can barely open it! Still a bit sore, and my tounge keeps hitting the stiches! ew! Slurpees are really cold, but they said that'd be okay, and the soup, I drank it really lukewarm. hahah best food I've tasted for a long time, since I was so hungry.

    Today, I'm moving onto applesause. Also, going to call the pharmacy and ask about those meds.

    What are you talking about when you blod clots? And did you have alot of blood? the nurse told me noooo spitting too! So I've just kinda been drooling, if I need to get rid of anything in my mouth, haha ew i know!

    anyways, thanks again for replyin!
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  21. #21
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    Well it sounds like you're feeling a little better this morning... that's definitely a good thing!

    I thought sleeping was a tough task too... really uncomfortable to lay pretty much anyway. I sat up for the first two nights. As far as the anti inflammatorys go, it says to be more careful with birth control when you're on them because it can reduce the effectiveness, not because it will make you ill. And it can make you more susceptible to colds and such, I don't know anyone who caught anything though.

    It's going to be tough to open your mouth for a little while... but it will get easier each day. Just remember that within the next few days it's important to start opening your mouth and working out the soreness. Also remember to use cold for the first 48 hours and heat for the next to reduce swelling and pain.

    As for blood clots, anytime you have a cut or injury that's bleeding you have a blood clot. A blood clot forms within the hole in your mouth to keep you from bleeding excessively and any kind of swishing and spitting or sucking can result in loss of the clot, or dry socket which means the healing process has to begin again. I had a lot of bleeding the first day and then for some reason one of the holes oozed a little for several days. I think I actually had a dry socket because it hurt a lot, but it got better after a while. One thing you can do to rinse your mouth is to get a glass of water and add about a teaspoon of salt. Then you take it and put the water in your mouth and let it sit for a minute or so, maybe shake your head from side toside a bit,then lean forward and let the water fall out into the sink, then do the same with just plainwater to get rid of the salt taste. (Just don't swallow the salt water... YUCK!)

    Sounds like you're doing pretty well though!

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  22. #22
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    Oh! I see, well I'm on the birthcontrol for my periods, and not using it for actualy birth control at the moment! phew!

    Sleeping is the worst, I couldn't get comfortable. and my jaw is so sore and tight, they said it would be like that for a 7/10 days or so. I put lots of ice on it. It feels like my stiches are coming out, I keep hitting them with my tounge. Ugh.

    At around 4 Im going to finally wash out my mouth, it feels so yucky and gross.

    How long did it take you to get over it?

    I'm dissapointed because my work is having a party tonight, well one of the guys from work is, a get to know you party, we all just started working at this new restaruant! So now I can't go! I might go for maybe an hour, I just don't wanna overdo it.

    Thanks again for being so supportive.

    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  23. #23
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    That is awsome. I am soooo glad that it went well for you hun. If you aren't in a lot of pain then go for a bit. Sit when you need to and sip on some icy cold drinks which will feel sooo nice.
    It took me about a week to get over it but it only took 2 days for the pain pain to go away. I had impacted teeth though and was knocked out so they could get in there. So it may not be too bad for you at all.
    It just kind of stops.

    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  24. #24
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    Thanks Melissa!

    Yeah I was totally knocked out, 4 teeth, all were impacted! YECK, hopefully though I'll be feeling better by tonight, I just need a bath, a teeth brushing and some makeup. lol.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  25. #25
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    Hey again... it sounds like you're getting a bit better with each entry

    For me, overall the healing and everything took about two weeks total. It was about a week before my jaw loosened up and about two before I could start eating completely normally again. Unfortunately I also have a tendency to grind my teeth or bite down really tightly while I sleep so I had some pretty bad jaw pain from that a couple weeks after and they gave me some muscle relaxers to keep me from clenching my teeth at night. Hopefully that won't happen to you though!

    I know what you mean by not wanting to overdo it too. I had them out onFriday,went shopping with my friend the next day and then back to work for inventoryon Sunday. Like I said before, the only thing that really bugged me was that during inventory (which goes from 6-around midnight or 1 am) they always order yummy food for everyone and I had to sit there eating jello while everyone else ate great food! BLEH!!! Be careful not to overdo it though... I started to feel pretty puny, like I'd pass out by around 10:30 and had to go home, mainly because I hadn't eaten much and I was still in some pain.

    And the whole shower/teeth brushing thing... I'm totally obsessive compulsive when it comes to hygiene and I think the worst part for me was I was too weak to shower that night (I usually take 2 a day) and that I couldn't brush my teeth! ICK!!! Clotting blood has a nicely distinct smell and taste and neither are pleasant!

    Keep up the good work though!

    ~RachelEdited by: kentuckygalrk
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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  26. #26
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    Yeah, my mom told me my breathe stunk! lol. I think I'll go brush my teeth now anyways!

    Did it feel like the stiches were coming out for you? I keep hitting them by accident with my tounge. I'm just so scared of getting a dry socket. It sounds horrible.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  27. #27
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    I think the thing that bothered me most about the stitches was what you're talking about and how your tongue keeps touching them. I'm not bigstrings hanging here and there throughout mymouth either!! The first one fell out the day after for me and other than feeling a little tug when it did (I'd rubbed it with my tongue and knocked it loose) but it didn't really hurt too bad. The other three kinda fell out on their own time, the last was I think about five days after. I didn't realize that the dentist had actually run the end of the stitch between my tooth and thenstitchedit to thetop of my mouth when the second fell out but it was completely out of the actual area and just hanging their from the roof of my mouth and I pulled it out and that hurt bad for just a second or two... so be careful of that... I don't know if most dentists do that too or what. Other than that the stitches just slid right out and didn't bother me a bit.

    It's best to try and keep your tongue away from the areas, but I found that quite difficult! The dentist was actually surprised when I came back for my week later checkup and all of the stitches were gone, but he said that's perfectly fine and shouldn't have made a dif. which it didn't.

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

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    Ugh, I feel worse today. I was kinda expecting it. this afternoon I got two red patches on my face. I got all anxious, and made my mom call the pharmacy, but she said it may be caused by the swelling, and bruising and such. If it were a reaction to the meds, I'd have the rash somewhere else too. (And it's not a rash, it's just warm spots on my cheeks). Weird eh.

    Well, I'm definitely not going out tonight, my face is a bit more swollen, I've lost my appetite, and actually have a bit of an upset stomac.

    How much meds did you take? I've been taking an extra stregth advil every 4 hours or so, and I'm worried because it says that on the bottle you should take 3 max a day. WEll, I'd assume, that this is safe because the doctor told me this right? Also taking peni and some anti-inflam stuff. Yeack, I'm considering taking a gravol to help me sleep, PLUS by bc, that's ALOT of medication in a fairly empty stomac.

    I didn't eat much today, had a slurpee and some soup, a bit of blueberry cake my mom made, and that's pretty much it. Two scoops of applesause, I just can't handle it right now. I'm so scared of getting sick. I'm jealous because my parents and family and such from out of town are having a big greek salad and ribs!!! It's making my mouth water, and making me kinda turned off at the same time. Haha. My mom offered to get me a milkshake and icecream, but I cringed at that suggestion.

    anywho, I'm going to watch my movie, keep your fingers crossed for me.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  29. #29
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    Apr 2004
    United States



    I hope that you get to feeling a little better. The swelling is supposed to be the worst between the second and fifth day and I too had very red cheeks from the swelling. I guess I can't really say that my stomach felt fantastic after having it done... there were times throughout the next week that it was a little off, mainly because my normal diet was being all messed up. Once I got back to eating normally I felt fine. Try drinking a little bit of gingerale or sprite... you may still have some blood in your stomach along with the meds.

    As for Advil... I was only taking 1 or 2 regular strength Advil every 4 hours along with the other meds, so I'm really not sure about the extra strength thing.

    Just try to eat something... always keep foods in your stomach when your takin' meds (well, unless your med. says to take it on an empty stomach). Other than that... hope you're feeling better!

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    So I'm feeling a bit better today. I just woke up and took all my meds. I took a gravol last night to help me sleep, and it sure did. I slept really well.

    It still feels like my stiches are coming out, and they also feel like they are sticking to the side of my cheek. UGH. My face is still swollen, though it hasn't been 48 hours yet. I don't think I'll be going into work on friday....I'm going to give them a call tommorow, it hurts to talk and that's pretty much my job, talking to people.

    So anyways, I hope everything is okay in my mouth now....I'm really scared of infection and I'm REALLY REALLY Hugry!
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3



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