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Thread: Who are you?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    hey! my name is jaime. i'm 18 and live in southern california, in a little piece of suburbia hell called diamond bar. i like to describe myself as witty, sarcastic and highly entertaining. oh, and incase you didn't make the connection my favorite tv show on earth is the a-team...

    i will be starting as a freshman at the university of california irvine in late september. go anteaters! however, i have no idea what i want to study or do with my life... yay undecided majors!

    i'm a musician, and have played trombone for eight years. (my boyfriend of threeyears is a trombone player as well, and is studyingto be a music major) in high school i did marchingband forall four years as well as pit orchestra (the music man, oklahoma and damn yankees), pep band, wind ensemble and my favorite, jazz band.

    a big part of my life is circus! i work as a counselor at circus smirkus summer camp, in rural vermont. i have been a counselor for only two years, but have beenspending my summers atcamp for four. juggling is a huge hobby of mine. i juggle balls, clubs, knives, torches, cigar boxes and even a bit of contact juggling (ever seen the movie the labirynth?)! i also unicycle - but not while juggling. still working on that... it's harder than you may think!

    i like to think that i have a great sense of humor, and am especially proud of my skills at tellingdumb jokes! here's a little taste... this is my favorite, so be nice:

    so there's two muffins baking in an oven. one muffin looks over at the other and says "hey... it's pretty hot in here". and the other muffin says...

    "oh my god talking muffin!!"

    so, that's me! yay.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    ---------------Edited by: discochic90

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    *[img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img] I havn't been here in so long*

    I'm Domino, I'm 19 (20 in September ). I live in Nasheville,
    TN sharing an apartment with my cousin and my cat,
    Archametis. My first language is french (My dad is american and
    my mother is french) When I was 8 my dad got a job offer here in
    the US so we packed up and moved and I've been here ever since.
    I'm a fulltime student studying photography and interior design.
    actually hoping to one day be able to open my on business either doing
    photography and or interior design.

    I'm the quiet type. You know, the quiet one that sat in the back
    of the classroom with the "bad" kids that know one made fun of 'cause
    they were the one that "would" blow up the school(I would never do that
    btw) I can play the guitar, violin and piano and I used to be a
    dancer from 5 years old all the way through highschool...but, I ended
    up quiting because of the pressure to have the "perfect" dancers
    body. I'm sorry but when your as tall as I am and weighed 95
    lbs...there's something really wrong with that.

    I think I may have said too much? [img]smileys/smilies_18.gif[/img]

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Louise, Sage, or John:

    I was thinking and is there any way to make this thread a sticky??[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Edited by: NCsmile6
    Smile & God Bless!!!
    The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    I'm Anna, I live in Virginia, USA. I'm 12 years old, I'm going into 8th grade in a couple weeks. I like reading, photography, Internet, Website Design, more Internet... I play piano and trombone. My favorite thing in school is probably Science or Art. for a living I make my bed, set the table, take the dog out, do the dishes, and all the other stuff kids do... oh, and design some of the pages for my dad's webpage. Thats about it.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I am Hayley and I live in Staffordshire, England. I have just bought a 2 bedroom flat with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years which is great, especially as he has been doing most of the housework cos he has been finishing work before me!!!! I work as a learning support assistant with a little boy who has autistic spectrum disorder which I love and every summer for the last 6 year I have worked on a playscheme for children with special needs. My hobbies are reading, walking, shopping, the internet, the simsand spending time with my friends and family.
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    It's sooo cool to hear about all of your lives, but it's my turn!!!!!

    Hi! I'm Danielle, I'm 20 (21 in November!!!). I live on-oh so beautiful but oh so boring- Cape Cod, in Massachusetts.I'm currently going to acommunity college and getting my associates degree in business management. Someday I would like to open a business that is something fun to do for teens (not sure exactly what yet). Currently I work at a kfc/taco bell, which I would like to get out of soon, because you get NO respect in fast food. But it's ok, because my boyfriend's mom is my boss, and she's a sweetheart and makes the job fun.

    My boyfriend, Josh is the most wonderful person in the whole world (sorry if you thought you were) He is 23 and a HARD worker, he builds underwater imaging equipment, is a fire fighter, and works at a GNC selling vitamins! He and I are going to get married I think in April '06, but that all depends on when he gives me the ring[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] He is the most supportive person I've ever met, especially when it comes to emet

    I love drawing and painting (even though I'm not very good). I also love the piano, and would love to own one someday so I can get better (i'm not very good at that either) I love computer games like the Sims (the sims 2!?!), and Final Fantasy XI. I also like to LARP (live action role play- it's kinda like acting out dungeons and dragons, or performing a play with no script and not audience, if that makes sence). My favorite band is FIVE IRON FRENZY!!!! I love my car a volkswagen new BEETLE!! and obviously I LOVE SNOOPY!!!!!!

    so I guess thats a little bit about me!!


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hiya my names Beth and Im 17 years old. I quit school in January whilst doing my A-levels becuase I wasn't doing any work and there was no way I was going to pass so I've been working since then. I'm going to college in September to study English language Theatre studies and communications at A-level again hopefully I will do better this year!

    I've got the most amazing boyfriend in the world! We are exactly alike! We walk the same talk the same and like the same things and people we are both idiots aswell which makes it wuite funny! I love him more than n e thing in the world!

    I like swimming watching films (especially disney) I love hook and petes dragon (any one ever seen that?) and i love to see my friends I have a few very very close friends and we would do any thing for each other!

    I love monkeys i just think there funny I'm gonna adopt one! lol! I also love tigger and betty boop!

    I have one big sisters and three big brothers!!!! we get on sometimes but not wen there blaming everything on me! just coz im the youngest and wen we were little they always used to make noises of vomit to freak me out!

    One day I would love to travel! I want to travel the whole world!!!! And I will do one day! Next summer I am going to Thailand for a month with my boyfriend! cant wait but havent started saving yet and the tickets r booked oops!

    I want to be a primary school teacher! my emet isnt gonna stop me its stoipped me doing enuf already!Edited by: bethie_bear
    elizabeth jones

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    confused- You live in Cape cod? Lucky! I used to live in the Boston area, up until I was 10 (I'm 12 now) We used to go up to Cape Cod and stay there with friends during the summer. 'Twas really nice there.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Hi Everyone....great idea!!!!

    I'm Kats, I am 21 today!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] I am at university studying Psychiatry. During the summer, I work at a riding stable as am instructor and taking people out on rides. I love horses, dogs, and I LOVE 60s music!!!!

    Oh yeah, I am from Switzerland and I speak 3 languages (people always find that fascinating for some reason). I alo like to play jazz on the piano.


    xxx Kats

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    wow - ive spent my whole lunch break reading through all your lives. its really interesting and great to have such a diverse and interesting bunch here! and guess what - im nearly full time again - well i have the computer - i just gotta get the internet connection now!!

    Anyway - abt me. I grew up in St Albans, studied German in Southampton where i met my now boyfriend. I have been with Jon for nearly 3 years. We now live in Weston Super Mare and work in Bristol. we just bought a house together in May. obviously im a fellow emet, but i am slowly getting through it now. I am not really restricted at all now and eat pretty normally. I work in Bristol, selling software to Germany.

    My hobbies include reading, watchin films, music. Im not really sporty - try to go to yoga/pilates a few times a week tho. Suprisingly i love travelling - studying German meant that i would need to travel to Germany. I have flown over 30 times and never been sick. There are tons of places in the world i want to visit and im not gonna let emet stop me!

    speak soon guys,
    love emma

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United Kingdom


    what languages do u speak?
    elizabeth jones

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    oh only english and german. i will be starting spanish again son. did GCSE but want to revise that now!

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    know what I just noticed this thread lol, anyway I'll shoot here. My
    name is Miriam, just turned 29. I am married to Brian and we have 2
    kids, Stephanie who is 2 and Jordan who is almost 5 months and a dog,
    mini schnauzer Brady. I live in the Toronto area (actually a suburb
    just north of the city) I am of Estonian descent and what else is there
    about me that you would like to know?? Hmm well I enjoy swimming,
    eating out in nice restaurants (I KNOW how unsusual for an emet) and I
    love taking nightly walks. I also have this fascination with the polar
    regions lol. I love travelling as well (I KNOW once again how unusual
    for an emet) I am a One Life to LIve addict, I am also a chocolate and
    carb addict, how bad I know but its the truth! If anyone wants to email
    me please do so [email protected] Take care



  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    um..lets see..my name isWing See. i'm..15..yea. I live in the United States... I am a big anime fan [Hope i can go to the Big Apple Anime Fest next year...ehehe]and i love reading...There is nothing reallyinteresting about me. Edited by: wing
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey cool this stuff is interesting!!

    Okay, well my name is Laura, I am 21, and live in New York State. I am currently going to college to get my associates, and after that who knows what. I have a wonderful boyfriend (William) and we are making plans to live near each other, so we can continue developing our relationship. He is the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life, and I am going to marry him someday soon here. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    I love to read, I love LotR, and walks in the woods, and to read some more, and I love American History, and museaums and history type stuff. I think maybe I should do something in either the line of history or books (librarian?), but we shall see. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    This has been so fun!

    My name is Misty. I am 31 (yikes!). The age thing freaks me out. Anyway. I a have been married to Bob for almost 12 years and we have a 9 year old son Addison who is the smartest most handsome and loving child known to man. I have a sister who is 28 and a brother who is 18. My mother has been my rock in crisis. I live in Louisiana, USA. Very small town. Only has flashing caution light at the intersection. I do go to the theatre and to restaurants. I am a shoe HOG! I am convinced buying shoes is an excellent therapy for other problems. I read anything I can get my hands on. I worked in insurance until I was layed off in February when our company was bought out and transferred to California. I am currently a stay at home mom until I can find something worht my while. I am also obsessed with beauty products and constantly enlist my friends and family to let me do makeovers when I buy something new. I sleep best in the daytime and function better at night. I am definitley not "normal". I also like to collect antique shoes. And there is nothing more relaxing than a beach vacation.


  18. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I'm Dan. I'm 19. This upcoming semester I'll be a sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago, studying political science and biology (pre-medicine).

    I've been an emet for a little over a year.

    Being so interested in medicine, and looking forward to an eventual career as a physician,I understand that v*ing is totally natural, sometimes useful, and nothing to be afraid of. Unfortunately that knowledge has no impact on my phobia.

    So far I haven't told anyone about my phobia. I don't think I'm going to. It's not exactly something my friends and fraternity brothers would understand.

    It's great to know that there are other people who go thru the same thing as I do. Props to everyone here and the creator of this web site.

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    my name is chris. Im 14, although will be 15 in november! I enjoy playing the piano and writing my own material. I also enjoy playing squash (which i am more than preefficient in) and tennis. I am also hoping to learn to play the guitar in the near future (Acoustic and electric).

    I enjoy going to the cinema-My favourite films are pulp fiction, kill bill 1+2 (Big quentin tarantino fan here!!!!), the ring, dark water, american pie 1+2+3 and donnie darko, but the unltimate is the LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY!!!. My favourite bands/singers are red hot chili peppers, no doubt, maroon 5, britney spears, avril lavigne, sean paul etc.

    At school, i enjoy meeting up with friends. When studying, i enjoy studying biology, maths and R.S.

    All you guys are great and i love yall for all the support youve all given me as a group and individually. God bless yall!
    ISAIAH 41:10

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    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2004



    This is my first post here actually, my name is Sarah, I'm 16 and I
    live in Sweden and I speak both fluid swedish and english and I know a
    little japanese and german too.

    I've been emetophobic for as long as I can remember too, and I didn't know there was a name for it until now.

    I have a wonderful boyfriend who can understand my phobia too, and we've been together for almost three years now.

    Some of my hobbies are videogames, like the final fantasy-series,
    silent hill and resident evil. I also like art in all it's shapes and
    music. I'm also keen on anime and manga.

    Bleh, pretty boring and generic info

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Its lovely to read about everybody. My name is Rachel, I
    am 23 and have just got married to my boyfriend of 5 years. We
    live in York, UK. I have just finished a psychology degree and I
    am starting a teaching course in about 3 weeks! I have a hamster
    called Tetley. My hobbies are socialising, drinking Tia
    Maria[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] and playing the bass guitar. </font>
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    Laughing is good exercise, it\'s like jogging on the inside!!!

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  22. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    hi every body[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    i'm reham from egypt &amp; now i'm 23 years old ,i'm an electrical engineer,single i speak arabic of course[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img],english &amp; a little germain &amp; i look forward to learn italian &amp; albanian.

    about my hobbies i enjoy music ,middle eastern dance ,shopping ,hanging out with my friends,reading

    &amp; that's it[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hey all!!! I was gonna post a separate thingy but decided just to do it in this one!!

    Im Kat, Im 19 and Im a drama student in Edinburgh. I used to be on here every day but recently been very busy and not had the chance. Anyway, hope you're all doin ok!!!! nice to be back!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    I'm currently workin at the edinburgh festival, handing out leaflets in the pourin rain on the streets of edinburgh. grown to love waterproof ponchos!! also met lots of crap celebs such as tad and jack from neighbours and i chased will young up a staircase!!! Goin back to uni in a few weeks. yay!! i shall miss the rubbish celeb aspect of the fest but the work is pretty harsh!!!

    Emet wise, Im doin pretty good. Hardly an issue any more which is weird and liberating!!!I dont know what happened to change things but im doing so well these days, i hardly ever panic!!

    Anyhoo, its good to be back and i hope you're all well!!!

    Fae Kat!!! =sweetie darling luvvie mwah mwah mwah=

    \"Nay faith, let me not play a woman, I have a beard coming.\" Flute, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Shakespeare

    !!$H!nY hApPy K!tTy!! =^..^=

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'm Alli, 19, from Canada [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    I love any kind of art, especially watercolor painting and sketching. I'm a
    writer and love acting. I someday hope to be in a Broadway musical and
    wish to work for Disney. I speak a little bit of German and have just
    started teaching myself aramaic and greek. I want to travel the world,
    once I learn to deal with this emet.
    I work at a video store and volunteer at an aquarium. I love books by
    Stephen King and Dean Koontz and my favorite shows are Scrubs and
    Spongebob. I've been playing guitar for over three years. I love music by
    The Beatles, U2, and Josh Groban (whose concert I'm going to in a week!!)
    and dream of someday playing in a band.
    I believe in true love, but haven't found it yet. I'm a christian. My favorite
    color is blue. I hate the sound of bagpipes. I love the LotR trilogy and the
    original Star Wars films.
    I'm glad that you all found this site and wish you luck in dealing with your
    phobias. If you need to talk, I'll be here to listen.
    Feel free to add me to msn: [email protected]
    <font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\"><font size=\"2\">Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.</font>

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    Hey and hello. I'm Monty (And yesh, I'm female) I'm from Germany butafterI will have finisheduniversity (Japanese language and culture) I'll move to Northern Ireland (Yeah, should have learned english then ^^).

    I'm gladly married with my Playstation2 and when I get sick of playing, I love to read some good ol' books. I'm obsessed with languages and still increasing my Lallan skills . People always ask me, why I'm learning scots, since it is not a "language" you have to know in your life. Outing myself as a big fan of Robert Louis Stevenson, his poems and tales woke my fascination in this complex labyrinth of Lallan.

    I'm an emet since the early years of my childhood, which hasn't been a good one anyway. It went really crappy when I was 14, but I guess, I made it pretty well to climb out of that hole of daily emet panicking. Tho' I still run away if I hear that people got a stomach flu or at least diarrhea.

    Well, I think that's all ^^Edited by: ripper bait

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  26. #56
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I'll add my detail on here - tho most of you know me from the previous forum!

    I'm Chloe, 22 from Guernsey in the Channel Islands (in between England and France - closer to France) I've known I was an emet since I was about 6-7...well maybe not KNOWN but started doing some of my emet behaviours - maybe even earlier then that but thats as far back as I can remember doing the emet stuff.

    I graduated from Bristol Uni in 2003 and then spent this last year travelling Australia, New Zealand and the Cook Islands. That is one of my most amazing triumphs - considering I did I sky dive too!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Was well proud of myself for that - an amazing - almost relaxing experience!!

    I've been dealing directly with emet for two years - been on seroxat since Sept 2002 and saw a psychologist (for 6 measley weeks) whilst at uni.. Only told parents about phobia year before...think they knew something wasn't right but not quite what. In Sept I return to uni to do an MA - am investigating hypnotheapy as a method to overcome emet...as this sort of treatment I wanted when I first went to doc about emet but got given meds instead - rah!

    Thats about it really - anything else? Just ask away. Hope to get to know some of you newer members soon and to reaquaint myself with the oldies (name on previous board was Sarnia!)

    Cheery bye for now [img]smileys/smilies_46.gif[/img]
    <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Reach for the moon - even if you miss you\'ll be amongst the stars...</font>

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Hey all!

    I figured this would be the best thread for me to post my first post in. It's been lovely to read about all of you!

    My name is Mara and I live outside Chicago. I'm just shy of 25 and married to my job. I am an interior design architect for a small general contractor in Northwest Indiana. I'm sorta single and don't do much but work and walk on the "beach" (that would be Lake Mighigan, I know it's a little pathetic). I'm a fairly simple woman, but pretend to be complicated. I'm a big fan of architecture andRobert Doisneau.

    Anything else? Ask me!

    Wait, last thing...thank you all for being here. There are not words to express how much it means to me to have a place like this to realize that you are not alone.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    I just noticed two new members from the Chicago area! Let me know if you ever want to meet up; I am always up for meeting new emets!

    My name is Mary and I am 31 and live in the Chicago suburbs. I have had emet for as long as I remember, but discovered it had a name when I found this site about 4 years ago now. I am a music teacher in a Catholic elementary school, and I teach kids from 4-13. I love to travel and I have travelled far and wide to meet many emets from this board! I play the guitar and love to sing.

    Feel free to contact me if you ever want to chat!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Hello, I thought I would introduce myself in here before posting my story. Earlier today, my therapist/EMDRspecialisttold me that there was an emet site on the internet. She didn't give me a link, so I googled it. I don't know what site she was referring to but, obviously, I found this one. I wish I had known about this site many years ago. At least I know about it now!

    I'm 21, I will be 22 in December. I have been an emet since I was 5 years old. I live in the States. I consider myself a Texan, but I live in Jackson, Mississippi.

    For the first time since I was 13-14 years old I am single... by choice. I tell interested parties that I cannot be with anyone right now because I am focusing on becoming independent, working on my anxiety, and my studies at school.

    Currently, I am attending a community college 15-20 minutes from my house. Hopefully, in a year I will be at a university. I am thinking about majoring in English and getting a minor in Philosophy. I love learning; it is my passion.

    I love traveling. I hope one day to travel across the ocean and go to many places. I'm scared of getting sick on the plane though, but I still hope to travel!

    When I get the chance, I will write my story. I always feel that my story is something I need to tell to help people understand me (unfortunately, no one ever has understood me.)

    Take care.
    seems like salvation comes only in our dreams

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Hey! I am 25 years old, married, no children (yet...) I have two wonderful dogs, a boy and a girl, both beagles. They are my pride and joy. I am currently working as a customer service rep, but working on my photography career...something I have a great passion for. I am also passionate about the theatre, and I am involved in community theatre in my area where I have done numerous shows. I love to sing and dance! I am a huge baseball fan, and try to get to games as often as I can (go Cards!) This is me in a nutshell...



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