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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    I'm a total wreck. I have to have four impacted wisdom teeth out next month. I have putting this surgery off for 8 years because I've been so terrfied to get it done. I'm 30 now. NOT looking forward to this at all, and it totally occupies my mind with anxiety ALL of the time.
    I am afraid of nausea and pain, obviously. My oral surgeon said that he could give me whatever I choose; percocet or vicodin. So of course the question is, which painkiller would be less apt to make me vomit. I will be taking these with Lorazepam (for anxiety and an anti-emetic) and possibly Zofran (another anti-emetic) if I need it.
    I have to be careful with the Zofran because the anti-pyramidal effects of anti-emetics wreak havoc on me. I get so restless that I pace on them.

    I'm terrified of going under general anesthesia. I'm terrified of waking up with blood in my stomach, feeling nauseous and being horrible pain. I'm scared I won't be able to get enough food in my belly to tolerate the pain meds. I. Am. So. Scared. I'm so afraid I'll bail on the surgery altogether.
    Any support, advice, advice on which pain med is appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2009
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    I just did exactly what your going through.. I'm 31 and last year I had to face the fact that my wisdom teeth HAD to come out. They were literally rotting out.. and the rest of my teeth are beautiful so this was a horror show. I'd put it off so long. I've been put under several times and you know what.. I have never been sick from it and in fact look forward to it. The best sleep I've ever had were the few times i was put under (crazy, but you can understand).. I don't remember the procedure and you are fully and completely numb when you awake. It's not scary, almost amusing cause you can't feel your cheeks and your not kinda rested and just can't wait to go home and sleep. I got home and my mom went to get my son from school.. I had not wanted to take the pain killer (it was Hydrocodone) for fear of nausea.. the minute the pain kicked in.. I didn't give a rats a** what it did to me.. I took that med and cried from the pain (hence.. please take the pain med before your numbing wears off.. PLEASE)... I felt wonderful and passed out. I don't know what Hydrocodone is related too, but it had no effect on my stomach. I continued to take it till it was gone.. in fact I'm positive that I only took it to get high after the 2nd dose. I was fine the next day, but was enjoying the numb life a little too much and since then I warm my husband to keep any of it out of my hands unless I need it. If your like me.. I'm always afraid of the (may cause stomach upset), but truth be told.. I can take almost anything without any nausea UNLESS it kicks in my panic.. but I assure you, you won't really care on that day. I hope you fly through it as easily as I did.. I didn't have a tummy full of blood.. they are really good at sucking that out of your mouth and keeping gauze in there so it stays out of your stomach.. remember you'd have to ingest a pint to get sick.. that's a lot of blood and won't happen.. I wish people would stop the horror stories about Wisdom Teeth Removal.. The only horror stories I hear are those who ARE susceptible to medications and most of us just Aren't.. If you take lorazepam and Zofran... your system is used to drugs.. if your worried.. only take it if your in as much pain as I was.. you won't care if you feel icky.. and you won't feel the ick anyway.. really.. I hope all goes well.. don't let anyone tell you horror stories.. ugh..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Oh ya, they will suction that blood right out. I had mine removed and the suction thing did not come out of my mouth once. If you take the pain meds with anti-emetics, I just know you will not feel sick. I would take the pain pills with applesauce or something though, when I had thumb surgery the nurse told me that is why people get sick on pain pills, because they take them on an empty tummy. You'll do great, mine was over in a flash and I looked back on it and did not know why I was so nervous, it was really that easy. It was shot, yank, all done!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    You guys rock! Both posts really makes me feel better.

    Maybe I wouldn't be so nervous if I weren't going under, they weren't all impacted, and I wasn't 30...lol. I can't imagine any of those factors really contribute to anything good.
    Would you say you have a low pain tolerance, Fire? It's wierd, I mean, of course the nausea terrifies me, but I am also terrified of being in pain, dry socket...ughh.
    I wish people would stop the horror stories too.
    I've dipped way too much into my Lorazepam supply since I have found out that I need these teeth extracted.

  5. #5
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    I was fully knocked out because my lower two were impacted. The pain, it wasn't like you think. It was pressure from one of the bottoms being really bad impacted, but it literally took 15 minutes and was gone from the med. It was the only time I had pain and it was from being stupid and not taking the pain med like they told me too. I never would have known it was at all painful. I was also 30 and it wasn't a factor. I really was worried about dry socket, but I quit smoking years before and my mom is a dental hygentist. She explained that it was simply.. if you sucked the bood clot (scab) out before it was time. You can barely get your tongue back that far and you should resist looking, but blood doesn't bother me at all. I made sure not to suck out of a straw or any of the warnings they told me. I was a good girl and went by the rules. I want to stress.. it was oddly.. no big deal. I was so scared of the procedure that once it was over.. I could have jumped through fire and been fine.. lol.. I was ok.. and if I had just taken that pill.. I also have heard that it's the empty stomach that may cause stomach upset.. so yes.. applesauce would be perfect since you won't be able to chew.. My teeth came in when I was 19 and I put it off till I was 30.. wish you were having it done sooner so you could see how not a big deal it is.. NO LISTENING TO HORROR STORIES....

  6. #6
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    Well Vicodin and Percocet have pretty much the same chance of causing nausea. Ah you actually get anti-pyrmidal effects? I'm soo sorry! ): Also,, Were all here for you for your support so I hope everything goes okay, Were all rooting for you! (:
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  7. #7
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    United States


    Jwavrek, I DO get those awful symptoms. I have taken Compazine a few
    times, and while it worked very well, I felt like I was going out of my
    MIND until the drug was out of my system (it's taken two whole days
    before). I feel SUPER anxious, I pace, I can't stop moving, I feel like time
    isn't going fast enough, and I just feel like I am losing it, if that makes
    any sense. So now I'm trying Zofran because my doc says there is less of
    a chance of those symptoms.
    I need to tell them to please give me Zofran through my I.V and not
    Compazine..I hope they can do that.

    I was just thinking; this forum is the best. I seriously appreciate how
    supportive these posts are. You guys really are making me feel better
    already. I posted this on another forum I belong too, and they just didn't
    "get it," you know? The whole wisdom teeth extraction being wrapped up
    in my emet.
    Based on what you guys are saying, I am going to try and make myself
    truly believe that this anxiety will be far worse than the surgery and the
    recovery. Man, if Sage could go through all she went through, I can make
    it through this.
    LoL I'll probably be singing a different tune as the date grows closer, so
    please bear with me.
    Again, thanks you guys and I really appreciate all your input.

  8. #8
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    May 2008
    United States


    Zofran does have a less of a chance of that Compazine is known for its side effects): I take trimethobenzamide (tigan) but I don't know if it works on nausea from opiates.
    Life is a wonderful ride.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    ohhh..I see. I'm going to go research if Zofran is good for opiate-induced

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I was in my twenties when I had all my wisdom teeth out. They were all impacted to. They didn't put me under general anesthesia. Something in my IV that sent me to la la land and I could not care less what they did to me. THe only thing I remember is them telling me "try not to sing honey". And then I woke up. I just wasn't bad at all. Don't be scared- really. The drug part was fun. The pain set in 24 hours later, but even then it's bareable.Edited by: lgood22573

  11. #11
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    United States


    Good to hear that the pain is bearable, since obviously that's the other fear.
    I'm afraid of being in excruciating pain. THEN taking the pain meds, not
    tolerating them, v*ing, and then being too afraid to take anymore, then
    remaining in excruciating pain.
    These guys are all fully impacted, under the gum, laying sideways. I don't
    anticipate a pain-free recovery, all I want is for the pain to be manageable,
    with no nausea. That's it!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    i went for two separate surgeries- one side of my mouth done at a time. i was under anesthesia both times, and they gave me scripts for vicodin, but i never needed to fill the scripts... i barely even needed typical OTC painkillers. and i wasn't even n* from the anesthesia either time!! most of my friends have had their wisdom teeth removed also, and none of them were n* from the anesthesia either. anddd none of them were in excruciating pain either. only one of my friends filled her script for the vicodin, but she just loves her vics lol. you'll be just fine!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    Well I just had the surgery done over the summer and let me tell you - it was SOOO not worth the worry! If you're all over the internet researching side-effects of this and that and other people's horror stories STOP NOW. I wasted sooo many hours over my summer doing that and it was so stupid of me. I have 2 things to tell you

    1. I NEVER got any infection or dry socket
    2. I NEVER v* (though I came close...)

    Basically, the anesthesia isn't that bad, you go under and you're out, next thing you know you're awake. I was just fine when I woke up, no n* or anything. If I were you, I'd just take 2 Tylenol extra strength tablets during the day and save the vicodin for the night. That's what I did, cuz honestly, the vicodin didn't help me anymore than the tylenol, and all it did was make me close to v* and I did faint for the first time in my life. So accept the vicodin but only take it at night.

    You are NOT going to bleed like crazy. I bled for a few hours but when I checked the gauze it was brown blood and not "soaked", so it was all just dead dry stuff. And even though you'll still see blood on the gauze, take it out after a couple hours so your mouth has a chance to clot.

    I ended up feeling really n* from tasting and swallowing blood a couple times, but if you start to feel that, take an anti-emet drug (I didn't though) and get a cold ice pack on your face (though you'll probably already have one) to cool you down. You most likely WILL NOT v*. My case was super severe they had to go DEEP and that's probably why I felt like that.

    if you wanna know more, just PM me, I can tell you anything

  14. #14
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    Mar 2009
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    I was 18 when I got my wisdom teeth out. I'm not 20 but I wasn't an emet then so I did'nt think of the side effects. The anesthesia was fine. It actually made me feel really good. The doc prescribed me vicoden, I took it, i didn't like it. It didn't make me feel n* or sick, I just didn't care for it. The pain wasn't bad at all and they had to go deep in my gum because my wisdom teeth were growing sideways. It was more anyoing than painful because of the bleeding. It wasn't as bad as I though it would be. I had no blood socket or infections. I did look like a chip monk though. Lol..but all my other friends said they were fine also.

  15. #15
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    United States


    I am 29 (soon to be 30) and had my wisdom teeth removed (all 4 under general anesthesia) back in October - this was 7 mo after having my gallbladder removed. I was prescribed percocet, and I had NO n* whatsoever. In fact, I felt more n* after my gallbladder surgery even though they gave me anti-emet drugs. I will say, however, that the percocet did make me constipated so high fiber and or stool softeners are a must. THen again, my body is different now that my gallbladder is gone.
    As for the pain: I thought it was tolerable. My right lower tooth gave me the most pain as it was the most impacted, but if I took my meds, I felt fine.
    You will do just fine, and it really isn't as bad as it seems. I also panicked big time before having it done, but that stems from other trauma I've had to my face. If this is the only surgery you have on your mouth, it'll be a piece of cake!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    Percoset or Vicodin? Yes please!

    Seriously, I was worried when I had to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth out (also impacted) because I had heard so many horror stories. I remember when my cousin had hers out (years ago) and I heard someone say she was 'sick as a dog'. I was worried, the idea of v* is not pleasant, but the idea of v* with holes in my mouth and worry over not dislodging the blood clots.

    Anyway, I worried for nothing! The surgery was easy because I don't remember anything from the time they put the needle in my arm to the time they were ready to help me to the car. I don't remember the car ride home. No n* at all. Yes, they gave me vicodin and I took them (on a 4 hour basis for the first few days).

    The only time I had any pain was before I took my first dose of meds after I got home. The numbness started to wear off and I took the cotton balls out to change them. Worst pain ever. After that I made sure to take the medicine before the pain starts.

    I prepared for the surgery by making chicken/rice soup...I cooked it til it was really soft so that when I needed to take my medicine I could mash it until it didn't require chewing. I was worried about not being able to get enough food to keep me from getting sick from the medicine...this made it easy. Besides, having something salty was good, I don't know if I could live off jello, pudding, and crap like that.

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  17. #17
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    there has been awesome advice and much reasurrance in this thread, thank you guys so much.
    I'm going to have to keep reading all these posts the night before the surgery!

  18. #18
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    United States


    I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out when I was about 28. So 4 years ago. The recovery for me was pretty rough. I was to afraid to take any of the pain killers they gave me so I was taking plain tylanol. I slept a lot afterwords and just let my body heal itself.

  19. #19
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    Yeah. A rough recovery and being too scared to take my pain meds is what I'm having so much anxiety about.

  20. #20
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    1. what the heck are wisdom teeth for when everyone always gets them removed?

    2. how do you know if your wisdom teeth are impacted? I haven't gotten mine yet so I am wondering if they are even in there.Do you feel them back there or something under the gum?

  21. #21
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    May 2008


    ^ wisdom teeth used to be used for grinding up raw meat etc. but seeing as humans now cook their food, there's really no need for them. Most people's jaws are just too small for the wisdom teeth anyway, and even if they aren't too painful, they often screw up any orthodontic work people have had done, so it's best to get them out early.

    And believe me, you'll know if they're impacted...mine are and they're SO painful. There's a lump and it will show up crooked on an x-ray.

    Thanks for all this advice btw, you may have seen my other post where I was stressing about the anaesthetic, bleeding, etc. myself. Quite reassuring, and I'm taking it along to the oral surgeon to show I'm not weird and lots of people have the same problem (emet)!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by wallflower
    ^ wisdom teeth used to be used for grinding up raw meat etc. but seeing as humans now cook their food, there's really no need for them. Most people's jaws are just too small for the wisdom teeth anyway, and even if they aren't too painful, they often screw up any orthodontic work people have had done, so it's best to get them out early.

    And believe me, you'll know if they're impacted...mine are and they're SO painful. There's a lump and it will show up crooked on an x-ray.

    Thanks for all this advice btw, you may have seen my other post where I was stressing about the anaesthetic, bleeding, etc. myself. Quite reassuring, and I'm taking it along to the oral surgeon to show I'm not weird and lots of people have the same problem (emet)!
    Oh yeah, forgot about the cave man days haha

    Sometimes, it hurts where my gums are (back where the wisdom teeth are suppose to be) but it doesn't last long.

    Maybe I should just have all my teeth pulled and have fake dentures put in permanently.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    ugghh this surgery is 16 days away and I feel like I'm going to chicken out and cancel. My anxiety is growing

  24. #24
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    United States


    YOU CAN DO THIS.. I was up and running the next day even though i should have been.. I was SOOO relieved to get it over with the pain didn't matter... seriously.. you can do this.. your going to repost in 2 weeks and tell us how easy it was.. I admit that for 4 hours after, you'll need those pain pills, but I was on hydrocodone and FINE.. plus they worked.. weeeee.. no n.. no v.. no blood swallow.. you can do this ... chanting.. lol.. Mine were rotting out of my mouth.. and since I hve great hygene.. YUCK.. get er done..

  25. #25
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    Sep 2006
    United States


    Thanks for the response, Fire. I needed that. Now it's 8 days away, and my nerves have (thankfully) reached a plateau where I don't think I'll bail, but if I think about it, I can't eat.
    Can anyone explain what the pain feels like? I fear that as much as I fear the nausea. I'm so scared it's going to be unbearable since these things are so far under the gumline.

  26. #26
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    It felt to me like pressure and throbbing.. but only for the 30 minutes that the numb wore off and before I got the med in my system.. once that was done... NO PAIN.. and I'm serious.. as long as I didn't touch my cheeks I was fine. I had to forgo brushing my teeth very well.. but not for long.. I went with my husband to pick up my kid that day.. and the next day took him to soccer practice.. Both my bottom teeth were completely impacted and under the skin.. top ones were only half impacted.. so it was a throbbing pressure, but like I said.. was gone quick after the pain med and never came back. I had the chipmunk cheeks and they were really hot.. ice really felt good.. I can't believe I put it off for so long.. I've been thinking about you.. waiting for the time to get closer.. can't wait to hear your afterthoughts..

  27. #27
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    Thanks Fire. Your responses have helped me lots. It'll probably be because
    of you that I actually go through with this lol.
    Still, I'd by lying if I said that I was not at the phase where I am reasoning
    with myself in terms of WHY do I have to have these things taken out? Only
    the bottom right one is peeking out a tiny bit and it's like the top ones don't
    even exist. I fear my teeth spreading out and getting gaps if I take the top
    ones out. Maybe I'll just go for the bottom ones.. ughhh I can't wait til this is
    over. I'm the biggest baby ever.

  28. #28
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    I now am envisioning that Wisdom Teeth hold your other teeth in place.. NOOOOO.. lol.. if they continue to stay they may push your teeth together and make them crowd, but I've never heard of someone getting gaps from having them taken out.. your other teeth are firmly in place I assure you.. Have them all done at once and get it over with...

    Your not being a big baby.. even non-emets totally freak out about wisdom teeth. My husband still hasn't had his out.. he says he never will.. he won't let them.. lol.. he's a baby.. at least your doing this.. and if you leave them in.. even the ones you don't see.. they can get a stupid infection and abscess... not fun.. you'll already be there.. might as well get it all done.. how many days left now?

  29. #29
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    six! It's next Friday.
    I totally hear what you are saying, and you are right. I might as well just get
    it done. ughh!!!
    lol was it silly to think they hold my other teeth in place? I guess it was,

  30. #30
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    just made me chuckle.. they can cause crowding and make your teeth crooked, but I've never heard of your teeth gaping cause you had them out.. I thought it was kinda cute..

    I've been right where you are.. and not able to get my mind off anything but that surgery.. I was a little more encouraged since like I said, they were rotting out.. it was bad.. just knowing they were back there... ugh..

    I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts..



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