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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    United States


    Have any extensive studies been done on emetophobia? I'm looking for any scientific information on emetophobia, particularly it's causes.

    I've searched the web a bit, but haven't been able to find too many medical/psychological studies that focus on emet. I figured I'd ask here and save myself some clicks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    There's a website http://www.gut-reaction.freeserve.co.uk/

    which is the one i came across years ago when i first found out that "emetophobia" had a name and was actually a recognised phobia, i haven't been on there in a long long time but i remembered there was a medical study being done, and it looks like you can buy it on a CD, it says it's a 52 page thesis but i don't know if it's exactly what you are after? Might be worth contacting them for more details before shelling out any money!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    to be honest i dont think an awful lot of research has been done on emet. i think thats half the problem for doctors and professionals in understanding the phobia. there is a guy in the UK who specialises and does seminrs and things - David Veale is his name.



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