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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default I survived an SV in my house

    I unknowingly survived an SV in my house and remained unscathed! I figured I would post about it, because I see a lot of you on here who are very worried about catching it after being in different situations and surroundings.

    Before the site changed and the posts were lost, I had posted kinda freaking out because my younger sister was up all night getting sick...and I heard it...and it really disturbed me...and at the time, I didn't know if it was a SV or food poisoning. I pretty much stayed in my room, did my own thing and fortunately, I have my own bathroom. However, I do have to use the kitchen, and walk through the house and breathe the air, haha.

    My parents had brought her to the doctor where she received an anti-emet injection and had a blood test to determine the cause. (Viral.) Her whole experience with it lasted about a day (for those of you who wonder about having it).

    This was two weekends ago. Today, I found out that my step father (who rarely gets sick) had caught the bug from her last week! My mother told me that he had gotten sick while at work. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal and he didn't have it that bad, because I didn't even know. I was kind of irritated that I was just being informed of this now, considering I borrowed his car a few times last week and I totally would have freaked out about getting it. It had been very cold, so I was wearing gloves most of the time anyway. My mother, on the other hand, actually slept with my sister while she was ill and she never caught it.

    I just thought I would post about that experience here because maybe it will make some of you feel better. I know my stepfather is not a germaphobe (he used to eat off of my fork when I had strept throat when I was younger) so I'm sure he didn't go out of his way NOT to catch this bug.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: I survived an SV in my house

    Always nice to read a story of NOT getting IT!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    great yarmouth, uk

    Default Re: I survived an SV in my house

    yeah aggreed as i think all us emets this is the worst fear i hav 3 kids and if they get ill i have 2 deal with it cos no1 else will but garenteed ill b a nervous wreck 4 days afterwards nightmare x



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