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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    United States

    Default Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Ok, well today I took a pregnancy test after being late on my period. Of course, I'm an EMET to the "T". First test had a + sign. So I was in denial and went and bought one more test w/2 tests inside. Both say Pregnant. Now I'm having MAJOR anxiety and panic attacks. I'm sooo scared if this is true. What are the odds of 3 false positives?? I'm SOOO scared to get n* and V*!!!!!! I feel like i'm in a nightmare, a bad dream or the twilight zone. this seems soo bad, but i feel like I should be happy but I'm not! I'm married, and my husband and i talked about kids one day, but this was never planned!! i dont know how im going to do thru with this if this is the case. I'm panicking really bad. i SOO BADLY dont wanna puke!! omg. im going tomorrow to the doctor to get confirmation, but its almost like im waiting for the day or the morning where i wake up and the v*ing is going start! why am i looking for it??? i didnt start to feel nauseous until i took the test. i have sea bands, i've read about peppermint candies, ginger candies, ginger pills. does anyone have any other remedies to prevent or cure the n* if it comes?? wow. and what make me anxious is i cannot take any of my anti-anxiety meds anymore!! OMG!! I feel a wreck! HELP!! Jetta!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Hey Jetta

    I've been through 4 pregnancies (only two went full-term, though) - and never had even the slightest hint of ms* or even n*

    Just to let you know that it is absolutely possible to go through two entire pregnancies and labour without any v*-related issues

    And I was just like you - completely in panic when I first found out that I was pregnant - but I made it through and the outcome is something that can't be described in words, really... I never thought I could love another person as much as I love my kids

    Congratulations on your pregnancy

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  3. #3
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    First off, congrats I'll tell you .. I've been pregnant twice and never once expected getting ms* - and I never did. I think a lot of it is mind over matter. The only time I felt real ill was with my prenatal vitamins - had to switch until I found some I could tolerate. Be sure to eat, even if it's something small. I did get n* when I needed to eat. Once I ate, it went away. It'll be ok, hon!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Northeast Ohio, United States


    Oh and I am on Prozac for Depression and looked it up - it is safe to take while pregnant. So look up your meds and talk to your dr ASAP - quite possibly, there is something you can take while pregnant.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    United States


    Three pregnancies no nausea here. It's not inevitable. Try to calm down. If you do get MS, there are meds you can take.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    United States


    ThAnk you everyone!! Well so far so good. I don't wanna jinx myself! Lol
    I just feel really gassy and hungry all the time. I really really hope these good feelings stay. I almost feel like I'm waiting for something bad or sickness to happen! It's insane!
    I wear the seabands and take vit b6 at night. I hope I don't experience any ms* like u ladies!!! You're lucky!!

  7. #7
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    United States


    My OB told me that chances of MS run about 50/50, you just hear about the ones who DO get it because it's not fun.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Think about the blessing it is to have a kid! Think of all the people out there in the world that would die for a child but can't for whatever reasons. There might be some tough times ahead, but don't miss the glaring fortune due to the fears

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    just ask your doctor for soem anti emetics. that should put a stop to it. ask your mom if she had bad morning sickness. i hear its genetic, and if she didnt have it, chances are, neither will you.
    <3 ~Julia~ <3

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I'm interested to know if you ever got sick? Thats the one and only reason that holds me back from having children. So sad how this phobia really takes over.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Hello all! Thanks for the support!! So far I'm almost 8 wk on Tuesday! So far so good no ms, no n* or v* ...YET! I say yet bcuz I always expect the worse. I keep reading stories and women who went thru week 1-7 with no ms* and then in wk 8 it started! So i'm still paranoid! I'm always anxious, nervous and panicking. That's not good I know. I'm so scared I'm causing harm to my baby cuz I'm anxious everyday. I do have some good moments. But my heart pounds for no reason sometimes. I think I get really hypervigilant to every little ache or pain. I just wanna relax and enjoy it. I wish icould be as happy as everyone else is for me!

  12. #12
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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Hey Jetta... Don't worry about causing harm to your baby because of anxiety. I went through two pregnancies with my anxiety - and none of my kids were harmed in any way because of it )

    I'm certain that you'll make it through with no ms* at all D

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  13. #13
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    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I am currently 13 weeks pregnant...felt n* weeks 6 and 7 and that was about it. There was one morning where I nearly made a run for it, but started sucking on a mint, and stayed very very still, and it passed. I took 50mg of B6 each morning and tried to keep snacking through the day. They also say that the more hydrated you are, the more the hormones are diluted... not sure if that's true, but i tried to sip water throughout the day. I only ate what looked good and avoided what grossed me out. I was VERY gassy, but I would take that over N* any day! Like others have said, not everyone gets m*s*.... you mostly hear of the people that do, because it's so miserable. Also try to get as much sleep as you can... they say that the more run down you are, the more susceptible you are to m*s*. At this point I'm more afraid of having my child-to-be get sick, but I guess I have six months left before I really have to worry about that! The thought of germ-infested daycare freaks me out. I hope you continue to feel better, and I think if you haven't gotten s* by now, you are even less likely to get m*s* from this point on.

  14. #14
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    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Congrats Jetta!

    Motherhood is the MOST wonderful experience in the world. It's also the most challenging! LOL! I have 2 daughters (6yrs and 3yrs) and my hubby and I are thinking about trying to conceive #3 beginning in the fall. I have to wean off of Cymbalta before we can start trying, so that's why we are waiting (also, I want a summer baby since I have 1 fall and 1 spring). Anyway, both pregnancies, I had just mild queasiness off and on and no v*ing at all. My biggest trick was opening a can of ginger ale and letting it go flat on my nightstand overnight. I placed a pack of peanut butter crackers next to it. First thing in the AM before even sitting up straight, I would eat the crackers and drink some ginger ale. The low blood sugar makes you queasy, so make sure to keep something in your tummy as much as possible. 2nd, I would always carry peppermints in my purse (or peppermint patties). The mint helped the yucky feeling go away for me. I would take slow deep breaths of FRESH air (in thru nose, out thru mouth) when I would feel off, and the feeling would pass in a moment or 2. I learned what smells I was sensitive too (cooking smells and the cigar shop in our shopping mall that I would have to hold my breath as I walked past). Usually, the tummy troubles are replaced by feeling great in the 2nd trimester and you are only 4 weeks away from that! Just wait until you hear that heartbeat and feel that baby start to kick and move. Congrats again, and try to dwell on the new life inside you, not the fear of what may or may not happen.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    ive had 2 babies and i never got ms* and im planning on making a 3rd one soon!!! ( i probably just jinxed myself)
    "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child with-in us is simple and daring enough to live the secret."

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Hello thanks all!! Well I went to my first OB appt today. I just asked a Lot of questions. They said that I am actually 6 weeks and 3days. I'm s lil disappointed cuz I thought I was further along then i originally thought. I was given anti nausea meds but i don't want to abuse it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Congrats on your good OB visit! Just wait until you can hear the heartbeat - it's awesome (and addicting). I bought one of those fetal dopplers from the internet so I could listent to heartbeat every day! Remember that the due dates the OB gives you are approximate. Only you know when you COULD have conceived. They are basing your due date off your last period, but you know when you were intimate! My cycles are usually 31 days long, so my EDD with my OB was always off by almost a week. AND, my first baby was born a week early and my 2nd was 2 weeks early, so don't put too much faith in the estimate the OB gave you.

    Keep us posted on how that little bean is growing! So exciting!
    Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon

  18. #18
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    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Thanks! My OB based my weeks off the size of the baby not my last menstrual. She measured it and said 6w3d. It's interesting. However I'm still getting panic/anxiety attacks. They're usually triggered when I don't feel well/right. Other times it when I just think about the idea of being preggers and what is it come. Then I start getting anxiety! Trying to relax myself. I sooo wish that I was able to take anti anxiety pills but i know I'm not! It's pretty scarey thing to go thru with all the unknowns andcrazy aches, pains and feelings.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I have an 8 month old and it's so much fun being a Mom!!
    I didn't have any n* or v*. I just felt "yucky" sometimes. I wouldn't call it n* but I just lost my appetite and nothing looked good or tasted good. My friend told me when she was pregnant she ate dry crunchy foods to keep n* down. I did that when I was feeling yucky. I ate dry cereal and granola. Also some women get n* because their blood sugar drops so make sure to eat frequently even if you don't feel like it. Also before you get out of bed in the morning eat something. Your blood sugar drops overnight. I kept a granola bar on my nightstand and ate one before I got out of bed.
    And the heart pounding thing will happen even without anxiety. Your blood volume increases dramatically in the first trimester. My heart pounded all the time. So don't get yourself worked up over that too!
    Good luck. I know it's hard but really try to focus on that beautiful baby you're carrying!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Congratulations! My nausea came on in Wk 7 but as long as I had food to hand, like Channy suggested, I got through it! Sugar-coated Ginger or even keeping pastilles to hand is worth it to just keep your stomach thinking about something else! Keep away from tea and coffee until you know you're in the clear!

    Somehow you get through it and focusing on the baby in your tummy can help that - use the little one as a kind of trigger for good things. That's the only way I got through a root canal at the dentist, where I have sedation due to emet/gag reflex! I held the nurse's hand (nearly tore it off) and she said think of your little one... I remember just silently weeping and visualising him (knew he was a boy) and he got me through it. Wish I'd done that before I got the tooth infection and sorted things out earlier!!!

    I live in England and for my second pregnancy I lived on Gaviscon - indigestion remedy. It's worth keeping it by the bed!
    Have a great pregnancy, hon.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Western Australia

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I love reading the pregnancy posts - Hubby and i have been trying for this month 11 months to get pregnant and i've taken the whole ms thing out of my mind deciding i will deal with it when i have to.

    Also i find comfort which may help you in knowing that when it is advertised as MS* the definition of ms* does not mean v* it is just the nausea feeling because out of those who do experience ms* less than three quaters actually v* so as said majority is just the n* feeling - which with being an emet we should be pros in hehe

    Just go with the eating little amounts over a few hours as suggested. Also i have heard if you leave some dry crackers and open a can of lemonade before you go to sleep and leave it on your bedside table when you wake up it will be flat and take sips of that as soon as you wake up and eat a dry cracker or two and it should settle your tummy

    Congrats on the fantastic news! I know that we all know that a child as a end result is worth anything but sometimes our emet drives off that fact - so i hope that the first trimester is a breeze and you can enjoy the rest of this beautiful experience

    And remember there is no rule on the earth to say that just because you're pregnant means you have to v* - There really is no need for it so if you keep the positive outlook it may also help! Maybe a nice little walk in the mornings may help subside the feeling, and if you feel you cant make it down the street or around the block just walk around the back garden.

    Good luck!

  22. #22
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    United States

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Thanks Kristy. You're so right. It's all about perception. My thought of MS is v*. I always picture it horrible, unbearable and debilitating. But as u said it doesn't have to be that way. You can just have n* and no v*. some people have neither. They're soo lucky !!

    I think my main fear/ phobia now is the n/v during labor!! That frightens me to no end!! I hope I can get an antiemetic during birth!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    Hi, i´m new here. Sorry about my bad english, i´m a spanish speaker. I¨m 35 and I had emetophobia since i was 12, It´s been a long fight with it... Now i´m better, but i´m so scared about pregnancy, simple i can´t even think about that. I´ve this mixed emotions... sometimes i think i could do it, sometimes i think it´s my worst nighmare. Now i´m stuck in the decision and very distressed. Although I had no pannic attacks since 27, I know they´ll come back when I start feeling strange sensations (i always read body sesations wrong, every time i feel them like n* or v*). Reading about it, Knowing you could do it, it´s the first possitive thing i find in two years. Please, continue with your emetophobic pregnancy diary, it helps me a lot.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!


    Hi y'all,

    I'm new here, but I have googled the subject many times and hit upon several threads that were helpful on these boards.

    I too wanted a family but was worried about the whole ms thing. Hubby and I stopped actively preventing pregnancy soon after our wedding, and I found out I was pregnant a month later. I have thankfully avoided the ms thing and used many of the same remedies listed above (though, I know I'm not out of the woods yet). I'm 26 weeks now and feeling fine, but for a while in the 1st tri I would feel a little off b/t lunch and dinner. Carby comfort foods, ginger candies, and gum helped.

    I'm currently freaking out though b/c I've heard recently women v* during labor. How 'bout those emetophobes who are so used to fighting the urge... did any of you during labor?? My mom had a BM and didn't v*, but she also had terrible ms.

    I've been under general anesthesia once and only had heartburn; I'm hoping for the same with the epidural. But I'm reading both transitional labor and the pain meds can trigger n*. AAACCKK!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I almost threw up just because of the severe pain! I got an epidural at 4 cenimeters, and then I felt perfectly normal. Get an epidural, and you'll be fine. I also worried that when I was pushing, it would make me feel like throwing up. But you're so determined to get the baby out, that throwing up isn't even in your thoughts. Lol

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    congrats!!! what an amazing thing you are growing inside of you!!! i have 2 boys, and never got sick either pregnancies. Felt a little yucky, but now that i think back it was just anxiety...i never took anything during my pregnancies either...as for labor, both of mine were all natural, no drugs, i thought I flt like i was going to get sick right about 10 cm when it was about time to push, but I wanted to see my boy so bad, that feeling went away...I think it was more of an adrenalin rush anyway...you will be fine...its not too often that people get sick during labor...and if you feel it, the drs can put something in your IV. Best of luck to you...i am going to try for a third when I get all my issues worke out hahaha like my emet fear...i am more afraid of having a toddler than being pregs and having a baby...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Pregnant and freaking out!!

    I was N* throughout my pregnancy but I promise you, not once did I V*. Not even during labor and delivery! Congratulations! This is very exciting!!
    "there's a light at the end of this tunnel" you shout, 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. these mistakes you make, you'll just make them again if you only try turning around.. and breathe. just breathe <3

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