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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    Some of these freakouts I can totally see myself doing. I just thought of another one...

    I used to go to this outdoor cafe where my friends would smoke hookah. I never even tried it because I thought it would make me cough or gag or become nauseous. After quitting smoking cigarettes, I just don't see the appeal of it at all. Anyway, my one guy friend is a heavy chain smoker and he would smoke hookah to the point where he would cough and start gagging at the table! It would make me very nervous every time he started coughing and I would literally sit there on edge.

    One time after he inhaled from the pipe, he started coughing really hard and I was like a missile about to launch out of my seat. The other people at the table were just carrying on talking and I saw him cough until he gagged. Well! I jumped up and I had my purse and my chair (which was metal) went scraping back abruptly on the concrete and made such a noise that everyone looked at me. I realized my friend was not going to v* and I felt like everyone was wondering why I had jumped up like that with all my things, so I had to play it off like I was fixing my chair or fixing my position. I was embarrassed, but I don't think anyone realized what I had been thinking.
    Last edited by alexikiss; 02-03-2010 at 05:24 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    Several years ago, my best friend and my older brother and I were going to see Mission Impossible 3 in theaters. We were almost there, but I was suddenly very n* and I had the worst panic attack of my life that lasted for hours. I was hyperventilating and crying so much my friend got scared and actually cried herself. I don't think we ever talked about it afterwards, and I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    Welllllll. My stories don't really compare to any of these ones, but ..

    A friend I work with, well, we had decided to go on break together one day. We went for a drive, and he was eating a peanut butter sandwich .. He started to choke on it, and made himself v* out the window (WHILE HE WAS DRIVING, MIND YOU) .. I freaked out, and asked him what the hell he was doing. He doesn't know about my phobia, so I basically squished myself up against the door of his truck and tried to get as far away as possible, even though he wasn't contagious. He thought it was the funniest thing though, v* out the window, haha.

    Another time .. my friend decided to throw a halloween party. Apparently none of my friends can hold their alcohol. One person v* into a cup, one allll over a blanket, another managed to make it outside .. he had been out there awhile so I peeked out the glass door and waved to him but I wouldn't dare open the door because he was still hunched over on the ground haha.

    Umm .. the guy I mentioned earlier got veryyy high one night, and managed to tell me that he was going to v* and made it to the mop bucket. My mom's mop bucket with the strainer part. Yeah .. this may be tmi, but all the chunks got stuck in the strainer and I had to clean it out because he was out of it and my mom wouldn't have been flying off her handle if she had come home and seen that mess !
    "I'd rather cross the line and suffer the consequences, than stare at the line for the rest of my life." <3

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States, MN

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    i have had a few scenarios in school where I Jumped up and ran away when someone was s* or looked like they were going to be.... My 4th grade teacher got so used to it she used to warn me before I came into the classroom after lunch/recess. Idk why but it seemed to happen then most of any time.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    I spent about 3 hours of a return flight from America with my head under a blanket humming when my 2 little cousins both got air sick!

    My eldest had an sv while we were away at new year, there were 12 other people in the house (most of whom had no idea about my emet) and I was running round hyperventilating with a long sleeved top tied around my face - just my eyes showing!

    A couple of years ago me my partner and the kids were in KFC, we'd just sat down with our meal when a little girl (about 3 years old) started crying and threw up on the floor of the restaurant!!!! Yukkk!!!! Needless to say I made us all leave instantly - leaving the food on the table - and we have never returned!

    I got a lot of funny looks on all these occasions but at the time I just dont care - I just do what I need to do to cope and get through it xx
    Those who are brave may not live forever, but those who are cautious do not live at all xx

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    I kind of made a scene..... On my FIRST date with my current boyfriend! We were out in our local pub, and it was late on a friday night. One woman was so so drunk by the bar that she almost passed out. I clocked on instantly to what might have happened next.... they sat her down and got her a bucket.

    Mid conversation, I just looked up at her, and said to my boyfriend 'oh no, look at her..I have a fear of sick. Can we leave like Now?' He just said 'Yeah!' Got my coat and was out of there like a flash.

    Bless him I'm still with him now 3 years later!

  7. #37

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    Once I stepped in v* in a museum...I broke down into tears and everybody was staring at me like I was crazy...needless to say my family was very embarrassed!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    NSW Austalia

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    This thread is good i noticed its old but its good to see we all have reacted oddly LOL.

    I have heaps of freak out stories

    My 6 year old is disabled and has had 8 brain surgeries my husband and i had a routine where when she would be put in recovery he would go in and check to see if anyone else was in there or *s* and if it was clear i would go in and sit with her luckily she was never *s*.
    This time hubby went in and said nope she is the only one in there so i went in with him and i just sat down next to her and for the first time ever she *v* i burst into tears and bolted but as i was crying so hard i tripped over a bed tray and when i got up from that in tears saying sorry over and over i knocked a nurse over i finally made it outside to sit behind the door bawling my eyes out when hubby came out and told me it was ok but i was so embaressed that the nurses would think i was a freak.

    Another time again in hospital ( hate them so much) i had just had a C/section and they wheeled a lady in and put her across from me i asked them to close my curtains but they wouldnt and yep the lady *v* i stuck the pillow over my head screaming at them to get me out of there or move her out. It was horrid as i could even feel my legs so running away was not an option the nurses didnt not get it and they ended up taking me to my room sooner then they wanted to but i wouldnt stop crying

    When i was younger i had a girlfriend live with me she knew of my phobia but didnt get it. One night we were drinking and friends came over and we had a couple of cones anyway she didnt normally smoke at all and later we went to bed we were living in a caravan so im just laying down in bed and she was *s* but she was near the only door out of there she was passed out and i could get her to wake up no matter what and i was to scared to turn on the light to see if i could get out so i hung my head out the window and watched for someone to walk past and when they did i asked them if they could come in and just throw a towel over it so i could get out PMSL i was so freaked i ended up sleeping in the annex the rest of the night id put a bucket next to her bed and forst thing in the morning i left a note saying clean this up and make sure you use heaps of dettol ill be back later today

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    One time I was in the car on the way home with a bunch of my friends and we'd all been drinking (except the driver of course) so anyways my friend in the back seat kept saying she was going to be sick and no one cared except me so all of a sudden she starts wretching and coughing so loudly! i was sitting in the front seat and made everyone roll the windows down even though it was the middle of winter! i was plugging my ears and singing at the top of my lungs some awful song because i didn't want to hear a thing! everyone thought i was crazy! and the worst part was, i wasn't even drunk and i was acting so rediculous!
    "there's a light at the end of this tunnel" you shout, 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. these mistakes you make, you'll just make them again if you only try turning around.. and breathe. just breathe <3

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  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    United States

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    I have spent hours on long car rides with my music up all the way because someone mentioned they were n*. This year we went on vacation and we were on our way back to our rental beach house and my sis says, "OMG I'm going to be sick." I had such a major panic attack. It's the worse thing in the world to be in the car with people v*. Luckily she didn't v* until we got back to the rental, and I was long gone out of earshot by that time.

    Another time we were in a traffic jam (we were riding in a full size van) and my little brother started getting car sick because mom would move forward a bit then slam on her brakes. Anyway, I was sitting next to him and all of the sudden he gags and I jumped into the back seat so fast screaming and kicking everyone in the process. I had my music up so loud. He threw up again in the car later. My siblings thought it was funny that I was freaking out so they videoed me later with my earbuds in. lol

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Salem, Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    I have attended a group at my church for years, and one of the other women in the group was in the later stages of a chronic illness for which she'd been in a wheelchair and used an oxygen tank since I'd known her. In the last few months of her life, she would v* often enough that she carried a plastic tub with her everywhere she went. She brought it to our group, and one time at a retreat at the coast, she actually had to use it DURING lunch. I felt so sorry for her and for the others sitting at her table. At the same time, I was glad I was seated too far away to actually see, hear, or smell it. Had I been at her table, I would have caused a scene, I'm sure. After that, I told my husband that I could no longer attend that class until after her death. I was afraid of how I'd react and embarrass myself if she were to v* in class. Our friends in the group would have wondered why I was no longer attending, and that would have been awkward to explain. It made me feel TERRIBLE! I wanted so badly to be able to love and support her in person during that time, but instead, I just wanted to avoid her altogether because of my stupid emet. My husband convinced me to stay, but we sat closer to the door so I could make a discreet escape. She never did v* in class, and shortly thereafter she was too sick to come to church and died soon after. I still feel ashamed of myself.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    these are some interesting moments, mine would have to be when i was going out for a girls night with some new mates i made friends with.
    Everything was going well, i was having alot of fun, not feeling any anxiety at all until one of the girls, starts drinking shots at the end of the night, and way too many might i add.
    we ended up outside with her lying on the ground groaning, once the car came to pick us up, she started v* every where, it was horrible, i plugged my ears and closed my eyes. but it didnt help, coz i knew i had to get into the car with her.
    after shed finished we started driving, (never ever sit in the back of a moving car, when ur friend is drunk in the front with the window down!!) we stopped a few times. the whole time i was trying to stay calm, i just wanted to get out of the car. as we got on the motor way, my ex friend v* out the window, the wind flew it back at me and intomy hair and on my seat.
    It was the worst experience of my life i swear, i screamed and almost cried. my friend told me to shut up.
    we stopped at a servo and i jumped out and ran into the store and got a bottle of water, stood outside with people watching me, and drenched myself and i mean drenched myself!
    i was crying and shivering,people were laughing at me it was awful. and i had to get back into the car,
    The girl decided to walk, i didnt really care at all for her safety at all at that moment. i was only thinking about a hot shower, and the washing machine.
    i just told her to go.
    to make matters worse i told her about it at tafe the next day, and she told me to stop being a baby and suck it up. i was so angry.
    thats probably my worst freak out, i find it alittle funny now, but i still get angry at my ex friends for not taking my emet seriously.
    Last edited by Ggirl; 04-29-2010 at 07:04 PM.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    sorry bout the mistakes, im still very angry about it, tho it was year ago

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    It seems to follow US because it clearly sticks out in our mind as something that has upset us so much. i can rememver every instance in which I encoutered someone v*ing. It's almost like an obsession. This is my first day on this site. I cannot even believe that I have stumbled across a massive group of people with the same phobia. I just had to comment on this post because you sound like me.. I can clearly recount event instance, starting with kindergarten as well.

  15. #45

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    I was thinking about this and a long time ago (6th grade) We did this experiment to see how hard it is to swallow in zero gravity. To do this we had to take a sip of water, upsidedown, and try to swallow. I was convinced it would cause me or someone else to v* so I started screaming that I wouldn't do it and was eventually sent into the hall until the experement was over. Luckily no one v*ed but still it freaked me the hell out...LoL Looking back I probably seemed absolutely NUTS. On a good note though, the teacher didn't feel the need to call my parents

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    When In doubt, God prays to Hoffman

  16. #46
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Anyone ever made a scene?

    December last year, i was at my boyfriends house and he was having a party, we were all in the garage and just about everyone was reallyy drunk (except me ofcourse, sif i wanna drink and get sick) but there was one boy who was particularly out of it, i'd told my boyfriend that i'd seen him slumped against a car outside a little while ago so he went outside to bring him into the garage, got him a bucket and helped him drink water but of course IT happened - I was straight out of my seat but i didn't know how to open the garage door so i started yelling "I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, OPEN THE EFFING DOOR, HURRY" as soon it was open i bolted outside and sat on the grass crying, the boyfriend came to comfort me and walk me back in but it was embaressing cause people were like "are you okay? whats wrong?" ughh



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