My Mum and I were chatting about my Emet and where it came from. Now it doesnt drive me nuts trying to work it out but I told her it was cos I had gotten ill in my School dinner hall aged 6. She said that cant be right and that even though it hadnt made things better for me I had been phobic and had reactions since I was 3. When my little sister was born she was sick a lot for 6 months, had lots of hospital tests etc Turned out she was allergic to dairy, but about that time she threw up on me once and I cried and didnt know why she had done it. Then apparantly aged 4 i had my first kind of panic attack. My sister was sick while my Dad was driving and i started crying and screaming to get out of the car.......though we were on the motorway at the time lol

I don't think it makes a difference to me at all, but it was just interesting that i was phobic even before i remember.