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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Norfolk, VA

    Default Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Hi Everyone. Im new to this site and curious of others stories on avoiding seeing someone throw up. I have some pretty terrible but funny stories. One day during my best friend's pregnancy I was driving her to her car after work and she started to feel like she may throw up so I abruptly stopped the car and pretty much pushed her out, she wasn't mad I just told her I couldn't see her do that! If I can't get away from somone throwing up I put my fingers in my ears and hum, I find myself doing that a lot, even during a movie LOL. Anyways, hope to hear some stories....

  2. #2

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Yeah, I can't believe anyone else would do what I do whenever I feel stuck being around someone who is going to be sick. There have been times when I assumed that my husband was going to be sick. One time he had complained about some stomach upset before going to bed so of course I was so panicky about that complaint that I had a difficult time going to sleep from worrying about it and so in the middle of the night when he got up to go pee I thought he was going to go get sick so I put my fingers in my ears and move them around to where I can't hear anything for as long as it takes and when he finally came back in the room was when I could stop.

    I always feel so weird if I'm out in public somewhere around a bunch of people in a room and if I see someone that looks like they might be sick I start to plan my escape, but there have been times when it's happened unexpectedly and I make a mad dash out the room and feel like an idiot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I jumped off the top bunk bed to avoid seeing my friend v* .. even though he was drunk. I ran out of the room as fast as I could. Haha.
    "I'd rather cross the line and suffer the consequences, than stare at the line for the rest of my life." <3

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmiekoko View Post
    One time he had complained about some stomach upset before going to bed so of course I was so panicky about that complaint that I had a difficult time going to sleep from worrying about it and so in the middle of the night when he got up to go pee I thought he was going to go get sick so I put my fingers in my ears and move them around to where I can't hear anything for as long as it takes and when he finally came back in the room was when I could stop.
    I've done that too. I used to live with a guy who often complained about his stomach (and quite often got d* or became sick after eating - the horror I never got used to) and many times I panicked (fingers in ears, humming, shaking) in the middle of the night only to find out he had just gotten up to pee and was perfectly fine.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I jumped out of a moving car once when someone v* in the backseat... Maybe that's not actually funny but yeah...
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    Strange how the heart expands in the absence of a plan,
    There's nothing left on the page but I'm okay with that,
    I found my resolution was designed for stronger hands"

  6. #6

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Quote Originally Posted by vixki View Post
    I jumped out of a moving car once when someone v* in the backseat... Maybe that's not actually funny but yeah...
    I was almost out the car window myself because my niece was asked if she was fixing to be sick, I was only 8 or 9 yrs. at the time but was so frightened that I didn't seem to care that the car was moving, I just was willing to do anything at all to avoid having to be near her.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Hm...ive done so many weird things when people get sick near me. But one time I remember i was with my friend and I was like 10yrs old when this happened...anyways she said she had a stomachache and we were in the living room watching tv when she suddenly sat up and started coughing/gagging. I instantly jumped away and ran out out of the condo all the way downstairs and was shaking. I had never been so terrified! I must have looked like a dork! I felt so bad that i couldnt be there for her but i just HAD to get away. I didnt go back up to the apartment until my mom came home. haha
    "This too shall pass"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    We're all so much alike! Sorry for writing so much, but I just like to tell my crazy stories to people who are like "oh yeah, I do that" instead of "what the hell?" So here we go....

    Anyways, here is some of my crazy: Bus riding. I do it. And I feel like I've calculated all the possible v* related risks involved in bus riding so I can do it as safely as possible. I ALWAYS sit on the window side of the seat (yes, trapped!). I figure I'm not going anywhere near a bus if I feel even slightly s*, so I dont' have to be worried about myself being s* on a bus and trapped because I will NEVER let it happen. However, if I'm "trapping" somebody by sitting on the outside isle seat, and they have to be s* on the bus ride, it's gonna be on ME if I'm trapping them. I'd rathar be trapped and let them p* in the isle. And if, God forbid, this ever happens, which of course, would suck severely even though it's not directly on me, I know for a fact, I will have NO trouble pushing and climbing over people and insisting I be let off the bus immediately! (haha, hope it never comes to that!)

    As far as great lengths I go to avoid it when it's actually happening, this story was when my emet was at it's least intrusive. I had two friends over and we were all drinking (I was ok with drinking then, because on the rare occasion that I drank enough to be s* I never remembered it (the only reason I know it ever happened is friends telling me the next day.) so I wasn't afraid to drink again...if that makes sense). They drank wine with supper and then they starting drinking vodka with me after supper. I guess the timing and combination was AWFUL and they were both in the washroom right after they started with the vodka. I was NOT drunk and I slept on the balcony even though they were both fine like an hour later, and I KNEW it wasn't contagious. They thought I was nuts, and they also were offended and annoyed. Oh well.

    I have also slept in the car when someone got s* when I lived with my parents, even in the winter. Haha.

    Again, sorry that was so long

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I remember waiting for tutor to start in my school once, and I was sitting on the floor, my friend as stood up beside me and said she felt sick, then lent over me and started retching, to which I leaped up, knocked 2 people out the way and legged it out the building, only to find she was just joking, but at the time she wasn't aware of my phobia so I forgave her, but she sure found it amusing
    I'm guilty of being innocent
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I do the fingers in my ears and hum thing too. I hum if other people are in hearing area, or if i know i'm alone i sing, random words or whatever comes in my head.

    Once when i was little, around 7 or 8, i was watching one of the Home Alones and so saw it coming. My mom's new boyfriend was over. I leaped over the both of them and the arm of the couch and FLEW up the stairs, closed my eyes and hummed and cried.

    My mom got really embarrassed about me fleeing in front of her new bf. She's never understood it and thought she'd reassure me by telling she had last night and a couple nights ago and its a normal thing.
    That soooooooooo didn't help.

    I was in college and 2 of my roomies and 3 of their friends got drunk on Vodka. I so got the hell out of there as soon as i could with my blanket and pillow and tried to sleep in the lounge. I realized i had forgotten my keys though. I went back with the only other sober girl, ran in, went straight to my ipod, turned it up, put it in my ears, when one of the girls came into my room yelling 'elizabeths getting sick!" I shouted over my ipod "OHMYGOD CARRIE (sober girl) GET ME THE F*** OUT OF HERE WITHOUT SEEING ANY KIND OF SICKNESS"
    I still have no idea how i got out of there.

    Fun times :-P

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I cannot believe I forgot this story. I deleted my last one because this is a million times better...

    One time my friend and I were walking out of a diner and we were approached by two guys who looked completely wasted. One of them was begging us to let him do magic tricks for us. We kept trying to blow them off and get to the car. After some back and forth, we realize this guy is named David Blaine (right before his peak of fame, so we didn't really know it was significant).

    So he starts doing all of these tricks and my friend and I were totally amazed and freaking out. We had never heard of him or the type of things he does, so to have some "stranger" come up to you and start doing this stuff. It was surreal! After about 20 minutes, his friend started walking away, saying he was going to be sick. He walked about 40 feet away and started to v*! WELL!! I immediately launched into a panic attack and flew to the passenger side of my friend's car, demanding she let me in. My friend was just looking at me and then back at David, like, "Um...we have to leave, my friend just snapped." I don't remember exactly how it ended, but it was abrupt...and obviously we wanted to stay longer and see more magic. But I was freaking out! Luckily the surreality of the evening made up for that part. When we used to tell the story to friends after it happened, we didn't mention why we left...haha. But now it's funny.
    Last edited by alexikiss; 02-25-2010 at 04:12 AM. Reason: Had a better story

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Well, I've been a waitress and had a little kid do it once... I told my boss i would quit before cleaning it up, and wouldn't go back to the table, deliver the food, nothing.... I had someone else switch sections with me. It must have seemed rude, as I was right there talking to them when it happened. I just left.
    Also, on a cruise with friends, one of them got a "bucket" of maragrita on Cozumel. I was in the shower when they came back to the room. The wife knocked on the door and asked if I was going to be much longer cause the husband was going to be s*. I wouldn't leave the bathroom at all. I had to wait for my bf at the time to come and bring me some clothes so I could make a run from the room to the lobby. It was totally mismatched and I must have been waiting for ages. He ended up using a trash can, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave the safety of a door between me and the v*. If they would have insisted to get into the bathroom, I would have went into the lobby in a towel I guess.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Once my roommate was watching TV. It was a medical drama, and I can't watch any of those because I saw v scenes a couple of times while friends were watching them, so I was listening to music loudly with earphones. I was about to go somewhere and wanted to straighten my hair, so I straightened my hair with earphones still in :/

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I always block my ears and and hum, or say a bunch of jibberish.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    In the Navy I always took the top bunk so if in rough seas there wouldn't be anyone above. Luckily most of my mates could make it out onto the deck beforehand but I'd get paranoid whenever the seas kicked up. Same down on the mess decks. Seemed that on stormy days the Cook always made smelly greasy pork chops.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Once I was on a bus... the window side and my friend next to me ate a sweet... then she was like 'Oh my god this tastes disqusting I'm gonna be sick' - so im having a mini heart attack but I knew I had be brave as I couldn't get out... I bravely handed her a plastic bag, pressed my cheek against the window... got completely prepared - she spits the sweet into the bag....... nice one drama queen

  17. #17

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    i was skiing with my friend and she was like omg i think im gonna be sick and i got off the t-bar and she was like WHAT THE HELL and i was like loool xx she wasnt ill at all x

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Once, on a car trip, my sister said she thought she was going to be sick. We have an SUV, and she was in the middle seat, and I was in the way back. As soon as she said that, I apparently dove into the trunk area. I don't remember doing it at all lol, but when I 'came back' to reality I was painfully contorted underneath the suitcases.

    She didn't even get sick. My mom had to pull over and open the trunk to let me out I was so squished. It was an awkward moment, to say the least haha.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Ironically enough, whenever I thought someone was going to be ill, I would speak to them, and not shut up, as if talking them would distract them; and they would not be sick. It only worked a few times, and those people it worked on were never sick to begin with.
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  20. #20
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Most of the time I run far, far away. Or close my eyes and yell something.
    However, there was one time. My fiance had kidney failure, I thought he had the stomach flu because he had been ill for 2 weeks. I went with him to the ER and they handed him a bucket to be sick in, and I was like "...please go in the bathroom, please go in the bathroom, please go in the bathroom." He agreed to do that. However, once they had him in a makeshift bed-type thing (and hooked up to like 2938193 machines), and he started to gag, I was like "omgomg." and couldn't run anywhere because it was a hospital and there are people who are probably ill like that all over the place (or so that how I thought). Also, I was there to give him moral support, and didn't want to look like I didn't care by running away. So I turned away from him (he was like 3 feet away), curled my knees to my chest, put my head on my knees and cried loudly until a nurse came and took the bucket away. I still don't think he totally understands how hard it was for me to not run far, far away and never come back. :/

    I envy him because he's his friends "guardian angel" who holds their hair when they get sick (usually from drinking too much) or just stands with them in the bathroom until they're good, and I can't do that.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I was once on a short cruise with friends. We had all been drinking. We arrived back to our cabin and my friend started v* in the bin..then went into the bathroom. She v* all over the bathroom. I went to bed..then woke up as I need to wee. I walked for about 10 mins in my pj to find a toilet as I was not about to go into the bathroom in our cabin!!! She looked and felt a lot better than me in the morning!!!

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    When my little brother threw up in the back seat right next to me, my mom pulled over and I jumped out of the car running down the street.

    When my baby cousin spit up while I was holding her, I basically threw her at someone else!

    And most recently, when my roommate was coerced to do way too many shots at a party we were having, she said she was going to get sick and I basically ran into the next room. Some of her friends put her to bed, though, and after everyone left, I thought I heard sounds of her throwing up in her room. I didn't go in there like a good roommate - all I could do was call out, "Are you okay?" She didn't answer, and luckily my guy friend called me to say he left his jacket and was coming back. I burst out that my roommate had probably thrown up and asked if he could check on her for me when he got to our place. I told him I had a legitimate phobia of it, and luckily he was very understanding and checked on her for me. The next day she got sick several times, but always left the room to do it, so I was fine being around her.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Last year, my boyfriend broke his leg, and I spent the night in the hospital with him and his mom. The morning after his surgery, I woke up to hearing him v****, so I plugged my ears. I waited about three minutes, unplugged my ears, and as soon as I didn't hear him anymore, I ran out of the room into the waiting room, without my glasses or shoes or anything. I sat out there not being able to see for an hour.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Hey All

    I've also done the humminmg and fingers in ears and have a go at singing a song. I remember once I was at a camp and everyone got a sick bug and one girl who had it came up to me and I thought she was going to be sicvck so I stuck my fingers in my ears and started humming loudly when was only coming up to speak to me.

    I've also been on a flight before and a little boy was fed a huige bag of sweets by his mum and then due to bad turbulance was ill. He was really brave about it and very quiet (I think he was 6ish), but I was going mentle and screaming - full on panic attack ensued.
    The guy sat next to my bf then looked like he was going to be sick and I told my bf to hit him if he was - they guy could hear all this!!
    I tried to apologise to the people when we landed - needless to say they were having none of it and looked at me like I was a nutter!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I've definitely done the singing and humming thing before. When i'm at school I either go home when someone says they're going to be sick or make sure i'm not looking their way at all and try to move as far a way as I can. Then I start freaking out about if anyone else around me has Emetophobia to where they get sick when someone else does and it all turns into a big mess.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Lets see, I remember a few times where my sister would be like, "OMG I'M GONNA V*" and I would curl up and plug my ears and hum or sing until my mom yelled at me to stop doing that LoL.

    I remember this one time in 4th grade, we had just moved to a new house but were staying in the same school for the year. My mom had to drive us to that school across town. That day my one sister was sick with a s*v and she was at home with the babysitter. Well the whole ride to school, my OTHER sister was talking about how she was going to be sick. It was winter and stormy and I insisted my mom let me out of the car two blocks away from school. I said I'd be fine I would just walk with the other kids. Luckily, she let me out and I found out later that about thirty seconds later my sister v*ed all over the car!

    Also this one time I was sick (Feverish, cold, that sort of thing) at sunday school and wanted to go home but when the office lady called my mom I heard my mom say "Hang on my littlest one just v*ed all over my shoes" after that I was trying to insist that I was fine and could go back to class, but they wouldn't let me LoL!

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  27. #27
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I havent done anything funny..but as a child when my brother would get sick I would plug my ears, scream and run out of the house!

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I don't feel like so much of a freak anymore reading everyone else's stories.

    A few years ago I was out with a bunch of friends at a local bar. None of my friends are big drinkers (lucky for me), however one friend decided to drink a lot of wine because she didn't have to drive. It was all good, we were having a blast for the first few hours. Then my friend started to feel n*, and couldn't make it across the very crowded bar to the bathroom. I bolted and was clear across the room in seconds, which is a difficult feat to accomplish when you are very petite wearing 4" heels in a very crowded bar. Good thing I got away though, she ended up v* in a water glass at the table...

    If I know someone is v*, I run away and panic usually, sobbing with my fingers crammed into my ears as far as they will go. That combined with the pounding heart beat and racing thoughts generally makes it impossible to hear anything

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I can remember one time when my emet just started when I was about 6 years old. My mom was taking me and my two brother's and sister to Toys'R'Us. At this time we only had one store around us which was about 25 minutes away. Anyhow, I can remember it being freezing and I had on a hat and gloves. We were about 2 minutes away when my brother started to 'v'. I was in the bacseat with him and I immediately rolled the window down the whole way and literally let half of my body hang out the window in a moving car comming OFF a ramp..lol.. I took off my hat and gloves and threw them on the road. I remember telling my mom to pull over and that I wanted to walk home... It made my emet so bad. It even made me officially call my brother 'puke boy'. A couple years ago I brang it up to my mom and she said my brother had motion sickness. I don't think so because I remember my other brother getting sick a few days later.
    Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.- Colossians 3:17

  30. #30
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    Red face Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    So my husband has never been a big drinker. He goes straight from slightly drunk to completely sick. He doesn't always v*, but he has, and it always makes me nervous when he drinks anything other than beer.

    At any rate, when I first moved in with him, about 6 years ago, we only had one bathroom in our tiny loft apartment. We also had two dogs who were indoor trained because the closest grass for them to go on was a couple blocks away, and they're fairly small weenie dogs (they go in a litterbox lined with what we call "Puppy Pads," which we dispose of when they get used). Well, one particular night, my husband and I had been drinking, and he went into the bathroom saying he didn't feel well. I freaked out, of course, put the TV on loud and tried not to hear anything. About an hour later, I REALLY REALLY had to pee. I mean, REALLY had to pee. I was pretty sure my husband had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, but I was very scared to wake him up, in case he got sick because I had disturbed him. So... I peed in the litterbox.

    This is but one of many lengths to which I have gone to avoid dealing with my fear.



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