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Thread: Why me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Why me?


    I'm new here, found you all last week when my middle child was sick-which was 5 days ago and now my oldest started v*..I'm freaking out..I hate it more than anything..I stop eating, I only drink clear fluids, and was my hands after I touch anything and everything until my hands are raw- I can't stand being around my kids when they are sick..Luckily my husband takes care of the mess...But how horrible of a mother am I for not wanting them near me..Has anyone else experienced a sv* taking 5 days to hit another kid?..I have 3 total but now I have to worry about my baby my husband and I..I hate this fear so much..Anyways, just had to vent, ask or whatever it is I'm doing..Thanks for reading, no one else seems to understand this fear...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    Anyone out there?? I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    I am new too. My oldest daughter is currently getting sick. I was home alone, but husband just got home. I am so incredibly fearful that my younger two or my husband or I will get this. I took xanax, but that is not helping. Would it be bad for me to sleep in the basement? Does anyone out there have good advice for getting through this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    By the way Lauren - I could have written your post. I am exactly the same way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    Oh, it makes me feel so much better I'm not alone b/c i really feel that way..I just hate it..I'm petrified that the rest of us will get it now...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    oh, and if I had a basement I would sleep in it..If my husband or I get sick I will be in the extra bedroom downstairs..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: Why me?

    Hey girls- i am a mom of 2 boys and I am the same way. It is nothing to be ashamed of or feel badly about...My husband helps out too and understands that I just cant deal. I have forced myself to give my kiddos a kiss on the head etc, but I clean non-stop and freak out and I have always been fine, never caught the virus (knock on wood!) It is so hard to support our kiddos when we have this fear. I was syaing another time that a couple months ago my 3yr old had gotten sick for about 4 hours, then 3 days later my husband got sick and i was SO angry...I knoew I was being irrational but I was so upset that he had the audacity to become ill hahaha...emets can be so silly sometimes...anyay, welcome to the site! It is a great place to meet people. Just out of curiosity, where are yall from? I only get nervous when I hear of the virus going around...I havent heard of it in a long time and I am in NC, so I am hoping that with spring here now this will die down...I pray there isnt another round coming up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?


    I'm from Houston, and it seems its always going around, but that could be me always on the lookout for it and it just seems that way to me.. Wow, you got mad at your husband- that is exactly me too..My husband had to throw the dirty laundry from my daughter in tonight and he didnt was his hands right away and i got so upset..now he says hes nauseous so im making him sleep downstairs just in case..I'm still shocked that there are other people out there just like me!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: Why me?

    well i agree with you on the feeling like it is always around...once I hear about then I start focusing on it...and I pay more attention to it...It just drives me crazy. I pray and pray that i could just not even let it phase me...I totally envy my friends who can puke for 24 hrs and be like what its not big deal hahaha...i just look at them in awe and ask them a million questions to find out how they feel that way hahaha....

    ugh the husband thing drives me nuts...my husband doesnt even give vomit a 2ndt hought...he is one of those people that can get sick and it not even phase him...and I think that is why I get so mad too...bc he will walk around the house and touch everything. We have been married for 6 years and out of 3 stomach viruses between the 2 boys he has only gotten sick once. so I guess i cant complain, but he just isnt as hygenic as he should be after dealing with sickness...i get so mad, i stand next to him and count how long he washes his hands for...I am a nut sometimes!

    Well, I cant tell you, when I first joined i was so amazed to see people have the smae exact thoughts as me! It is a great support system!

    I hope you all get to feeling better and you wind up staying healthy...I think moms arep retty strong, we cant get sick becasue we have to take care of everyone else!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Re: Why me?

    You are living my nightmare right now!
    I have an 8yo son and a 6mth old and I'm terrified that they will one day have contagious vomiting. My fear is so great that despite wanting another child, I keep thinking how the odds of a vomitting virus would increase if we added another child to the family!
    I have just joined this website today. I have suffered this life-restricting phobia for as long as I can remember and i'm now 35yo. I knew I had to do something when yesterday I read a friend's facebook update saying that her and her 2 children were on their way home in the middle of a 7hr road trip and one of the children had been vomiting from a virus the whole time. I have not been able to get this out of my head and wonder what I would do if that happened to me? I think I would literary die on the spot. Anyway, it has been about 20hrs since I read this message, but I'm so traumatised over it still (and I haven't even been near any of them, so no fear of catching it from them). I wonder if there is such a cure for this horrible fear we all have?
    Corinne from Sydney.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: Why me?

    the cure, i am guessing, is just realizing how irrational our thoughts are, i think therapy could help, hypnotism, and other things like exposure therapy...but I just think it has to come down to the reality of how often people actually vomit and how hard it is to actually catch this virus if you are a hygenic person...and i know there will be a vaccine coming sometime soon hopefully hahaha. welcome corinne!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: Why me?

    Hey girls

    I know exactly how you all feel! I have a 16wk old daughter and already I find myself obsessing about nursery and school and what I'm going to do when she gets a virus! It literally rules my thoughts every day and drives me mental, I hate it.
    Not wanting to be near your kids when they're ill doesn't make you a bad mum, you have a phobia which you can't control so don't beat yourself up about it. I know it must feel horrible for you though as it breaks my heart to think that I'll probably be like this too.
    I have an appointment tomorrow as I've recently found out that there's a specialist clinic in my area that deals with emetophobia. I am hoping and praying they can do something to help me even if it's just a slight reduction in anxiety!!
    When our kids get ill though, we'll all get through it, we literally have no choice It's good to have this place for comfort and support!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    I'm freaking out right now...My oldest daughter who was sick last night just came in my room and asked me for a drink since she hasnt been sick in a while..She also informed me my husband has been sick all night with v* and d*..OMG i think i could have a panic attack right now...I dont know what to do.. i cant stop shaking..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Re: Why me?

    I would be panicking too Imtn427, but I guess that's why we are all here!
    Is it too much to wear a face mask like a Dr in surgery (not sure how comfortable this would be during sleep)? I have often thought I would do that if in the same boat? And only do any cleaning with gloves on? Open all windows for fresh air? Even stay at someone elses place? And maybe even Echinaecea tablets for yourself & the strong (1000mg) vitamin C (boosts the immune system) for the next few days. These are all the things which I'd be considering as an emet. Not sure what everyone else suggests?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    NSW Austalia

    Default Re: Why me?

    Lauren first off try to think clearly you havent been near your husband i know its hard i feel like i am completely alone if my husband gets *S* and i stress that if he is sick and one of the kids get *S* what would i do.
    BUT you havent been near him or the kids and if you have been keeping hygiene up you will be fine your husband is dealing with the kids that have been *S*. Make sure you drink some water as dehydrating will make you feel worse if you cant eat today its ok but drink water.
    ALso not being near your kids when they are *S* doesnt make you a bad mum when they are healthy do you do everything for them or with them ? Im guessing yes and its not like they are alone your husband is with them as my husband tells me when im beating my parenting up over *s* "It never said anywhere that it had to be the mum who looks after the kids when they are *s* as long as someone is with them it doesnt matter if its me or you" Its true my husband also goes to hospital now with our disabled daughter as one of her symptoms is *v* and since i cant do that he goes to hospital i hate it and wish i could be with her but i wouldnt be of any use to her if i ran out of the room all the time.

    CORINNE:: Im on the central coast and yep ive had a FB friend go in detail on one of her kids illness's i freaked for days about it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    I am so glad to see others like me. I wonder if I have passed any of you in the mall, but not noticed you could be as weird as me. Does that make sense?

    My daughter feels fine today, but I am in a state of depression, thinking whether my other 2 kids will get it. How do you handle a v-ing 2 year old? What if I get it and I am home alone with them? All I have done all day is sit here when I could be out enjoying the beautiful day....
    I feel pathetic...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Why me?

    I'm in a huge state of depression today, worrying if and when i will get sick and if my 14 month old baby will..the husband hasn't been very nice about it either..i know he doesnt feel well, but he has not been nice.. he even told me it was only a matter of time before i got sick and the baby..made me cry..well, i have been depressed and crying all day..i sprayed everything down with lysol and wash my hands after i touch anything..

    jnifferg- aside from taking my middle child to preschool and taking the baby for a booster shot this morning i have been in all day ignoring the beautiful day as well, petrified of what the night will bring or the looming hours..i hate this..pathetic

  18. #18

    Default Re: Why me?

    Hi girls,

    I'm not sure I can help here, as my almost four year old potentially vomiting has caused my emet to be entirely out of control these days. that said, she has vomited on me MANY times since she was 17 months old and on. How do you deal with a 2 year old? Well, what I did (and again, might not be best) was put her in her crib (with a towel on it) and sat on the chair. When she'd start to feel sick, she whine and want to be picked up (I'm awful, but I could not do it). I'd close my eyes and just talk calmly to her "it's ok, you're fine" and sing. And she'd be sick and I'd clean it up and get her out. The worst is that it's unexpected. Actually, the worst is anticipating it happening. But, when it is happening, you just deal with it. Toddlers don't need you to help them, they simply need to know they are OK. It bothers us WAY more than it bothers them.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Why me?

    A couple things-first, it was rare for my family to all come down with the sv, usually a couple or one of us lucked out and didn't get it. Second, I think getting some sunshine would make you feel better. Also, remember, if you get this, it does not mean you will v*. You may feel crummy but I never have v* from a sv. In Feb, my boys were horribly ill, and both ended up in the hospital in the SAME WEEK with dehydration. And because they're older (10 and 12) I thought that if I got the same thing as them, I would be as sick as them. Well I did get it, and I did not v*. I felt pretty bad, but didn't even really come close to v*. I had horrible stomach pains and d*, but I can handle that. Also, my hubby, who took care of one of my boys when they were sick, did not get it. My mom also got it and my dad and brother, and none of them v*. I do hate the anticipation, it is my own personal hell, as I know you are feeling right now, but you will get through this. Let us know how you're doing!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Don't feel bad everyone. I don't have kids yet and I worry about this all the time. Like will I be better when I have kids? I just keep telling myself that when it is your own children you are not afraid of it, but judging by everyone else that has this phobia that is not the case! We spent Easter with my husband's family at his parent's house, and his cousin, his cousin's wife, and their 4 kids showed up and they had all had a sv this week! One of the little girls wanted to sit in my lap and I didn't know so I let her, then their grandma said o thats the only one who hasn't thrown up yet! Ahhh! And his wife was actually v* while she was there! OMG why wouldn't you stay home?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia

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    Griffdiz - OMG that makes me so angry when people are s* and don't care if who they pass it onto! I remember one day at work there was 2 of us Receptionists. When we arrived to work I noticed she had a bucket next to her desk. So of course, straight away I think the worst (I do the same in a supermarket when I see a mop & bucket or if it gets announced that a bucket & mop is required in an isle! Ugh!) anyway, of course I had to ask her straight away why the bucket was there and she casually replied that she had a v* virus. WTF??!!! I was getting married 3 days later and for someone who is usually polite, I had no hesitation in telling her to go home or I will and it wouldn't be fair if I had to go when she was the s* one. Grrrrr!!!
    Also when i was pregnant, I had one month to go and was at my 8yo's school carnival. I couldn't believe my ears when a lady who walked passed with a 3yo on her phone said "Ugh, they wouldn't even let him stay at daycare because he was v* all night". I couldn't believe it - she was bringing him to a sports carnival with hundreds of kids there! I just don't get some people at all.



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