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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Clearwater, Florida

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    you cannot catch it, I promise
    I hope your dog is better. I just went through this with one of my dogs earlier in the week. $500 at the vet, and she is just fine...she ate acorns, and they can be poisonous if they get too many.

  2. #32
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    United States

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    My dog is better, thankfully. Still no idea what caused it but glad it's over! He probably ate something yukky in the yard like yours did.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    With pet v* I still plug my ears, but I dont have to ru out of the room and I don't get butterflies. But I can't pick it up. i have before, but I gag. I'd much rather be around pets V* than humans.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I don't feel as bad when my cat is sick. I don't like the noise, but it's nowhere near as traumatic as when we get sick. Without being too gross, it seems to come up exactly the way it looked when it went down.....so doesn't get me in a panic!

  5. #35
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Personally, it really freaks me out!

  6. #36
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I know pet sick can't make me sick, but it's just gross looking.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    When my dog would v* it would scare the crap out of me, and I'd cry in my bedroom until my parents would clean it up, and the dog wouldn't be allowed near me for a few days. Since I got my own dog, a chihuahua, I've been able to to deal with it a little better and can even clean it up sometimes, and let him lick me a few hours later. It's a bit easier when it's smaller and less disgusting.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    It actually has never really bothered me at all. I have 4 dogs and 2 cats and have had pets for years, so I guess I'm used to it. When my Jack Russell gets sick (which thankfully isn't very often), he sounds like a person, so I do hold my ears. My mom usually cleans up the vomit, but I have before. I've certainly never gotten sick from it that I know of.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I can't deal with it very well, but still way better than if it's a human. My girlfriend's cat v*s quite often and I'm at her place basically every night. When it happens, my anxiety starts kicking in, so I bolt out the room. Then after my girlfriend cleans it up, I tell her I'm leaving and apologize for freaking out or overreacting. So for the next couple days, I'll get anxious when the cat comes in the room near me, and I'll be hesitant to pet him. It's pretty pathetic...

  10. #40
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I'm afraid of every and any type of v* it can be from dogs, babies, whales, or anything, It'll scare the crap out of me.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Greater Boston Area

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Definitely bothers me... I have to plug my ears and sing "lalala" while an animal near me is v*ing. Can't look at it happening either. After composing myself I am able to look at the result... but have a hard time cleaning it up. I clean it up when I have to... but usually use about half a roll of paper towels in the process!

    Totally jealous of animals and their ability to get over it so fast... seems like v* doesn't phase them at all. I wish that's how I was!
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  12. #42
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I used to freak out whenever my friend's cats would get sick. I would sleep over sometimes, and if a cat was ever getting sick, I would run into another room where I couldn't hear it.
    I've actually gotten better about it now though. The people I baby sit for had 2 old cats. One of the cats got sick fairly often, and I would end up having to clean up the mess. I was ok with cleaning it, I guess, but hearing the cat... I can't really handle that. So if it ever happened I would try to make noise or go in another room and wait until it was over.
    Although something that actually helped me was that one of the little kids would always point out that the cat was being sick. The way he said it was really cute, and it made me kind of laugh.

  13. #43

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Doesn't bother me, although you're right. I wish we were more like them! My dog just goes about his day like nothing happened. Oh to be a dog...

  14. #44

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Strangely I've got a cat & a dog, both are v* every now & then and apart from looking and smelling a lil disgusting I'm fine with it ..Jealous of the fact it doesn't seem to affect them in the slightest!

  15. #45
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    United Kingdom

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    It still freaks me out, but not as much as when people do it. I remember my cat v* under my sister's bed, and even though i didn't have to pass it, i jumped out the window.

  16. #46
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    England, UK

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Well my poor dog actually runs to the back door when he starts *v-ing so I can kick him out into the garden, and I didn't train him to do this consciously, he just realised while he was a puppy that it upset me!

    With my cats, I used to be really bad about them *v-ing. They make some awful noises don't they. Now though a few years down the line, I've got used to it and I can be in the same room, and clean it up after, but still can't have them too close to me while it happens.

    It's a bit of a victory for me really, because when I was younger, my grandfather's new puppy was sat on my knee in the back of the car and started getting motion illness and I actually had to open the car door and get out while it was moving. My Dad went mad at me for doing it, but then he never really understood how bad my phobia was. Soo it used to bother me, A LOT, but now I can cope with it.

  17. #47
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I have no problem with pets v*....my cats v* a lot and I've always cleaned it up. It's kinda gross [duh] but it doesn't effect me or the phobia at all. My phobia only kicks in with me or other people (

  18. #48
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    It used to bother me when I was younger. Now I'm the one who has to clean it up so I don't really mind it anymore. I wish I could feel the same way about people. Imagine a V*ing person with a sad puppy face...maybe that will help....?? Nope, not gonna work!! :P

  19. #49
    Join Date
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    luvs2laff75, you will not catch a virus from your dog. I am a vet tech...there are certain things that you can catch, but gastro things (unless it is a parasite, which can only be caught if ingested) you will not catch. I hope your pup is ok.

  20. #50

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Completely embarrased myself at the vet when our poor old cat was given a shot of tranquillizers. Simply said: "I have to go"...

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulmonster View Post
    Well my poor dog actually runs to the back door when he starts *v-ing so I can kick him out into the garden, and I didn't train him to do this consciously, he just realised while he was a puppy that it upset me!

    That is too funny. It's so strange how pets catch on. My yorkie would love to lick peoples faces but I would always pull away because i hate dog's licking on my face. Anywhere else I got used to, but never the face! But anyway she learned it was not ok to lick my face. Sometimes she would forget and want to show me some love and try and go for it but then would remember half way to my face to not do it!

    I posted this same question months ago about pets and V* It really varies. I posted it back then because my boyfriends dog V* and it really freaked me out, but other times it's like "so what."
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  22. #52
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    its really funny because im scared to death when it comes to people, but I have 4 cats and when one of them gets sick it hardly bothers me. Im use to it. I remember when I was younger, I always had cats and my mom would freak out if one v* and I had to run in and calm her down and clean it up....i dont connect cat v* with people v*

  23. #53
    Join Date
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    I don't really mind it. I'm not keen on cleaning it up, but I feel like I can't catch what my pets have so it doesn't squick me out as much.

  24. #54
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    United States

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Quote Originally Posted by + kozi + View Post
    ~ I was wondering if anyone else freaks out when an animal (say your dog or cat) does you-know-what.

    Also, do you ever get envious of animals?
    I mean, like, they do it and then jump around like it's no big deal.
    I wish I were like that.

    Tell me what you guys think. ~Edited by: + kozi +
    Used to, does not anymore. =)

  25. #55
    Join Date
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    you CAN NOT catch viruses from dogs, it doesnt sound like your dog has one anyway...I am vet tech, have been for 10 years...have never caught anything throw up related from an animal. I hope your pup feels better.

  26. #56
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Pet v* doesn't bother me too much to clean up. I don't like to be there while the pet is doing it though or like in an area where I can hear it. It's still gross, but not to the point of panic attack for me and I'm able to clean it up with A LOT of paper towels and floor cleaner. Then scrubbing my hands afterward . I just can't deal with watching a pet v* or even animals on TV doing it. I once saw a documentary about giraffes and how they chew their food like...2 or 3 times. I barely got through that part of the documentary!

  27. #57
    Join Date
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    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Tuesday my daughter was I'll with a sv. Later in the morning, one of my cats decided to gorge herself. I saw the mess and declared to my husband that he needed to take care of it because I refuse to clean up more than 1 species of v* in any 24 hour period.
    Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon

  28. #58
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Its unpleasant but I can deal with it. My phobia of people doing it is really, really bad but my cat has IBS and goes through bouts of doing it frequently. I think there are a few reasons its not so bad--mainly, its not something I can catch, no germs to worry about. My cats are indoor only so never eat anything gross like mice so its just food or spittle. Yuck of course but somehow its different. I imagine, this must be how other people, especially parents feel about children...I wish I were like that!!

  29. #59

    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Quote Originally Posted by sammykat View Post
    Yuck of course but somehow its different. I imagine, this must be how other people, especially parents feel about children...I wish I were like that!!

    Yup,I wonder that too.

    I'm not afraid of my pets v*. But I am afraid of them getting the virus all over place when my kids are sick. My cat has a strong bond with oone of my kids. When he was v*ing the cat was RIGHT there. Practically in the bucket wanting to know whats going on. I was afraid he would trail particals all over the house.

    really gross ...

    my frinds dogs EAT their kids v* when they are sick.

  30. #60
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    Default Re: + How Do You Feel About Pets V*? +

    Quote Originally Posted by LyndseyMacD View Post
    my frinds dogs EAT their kids v* when they are sick.



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