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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Unhappy v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    im really scared right now. i havent eaten anything more than a few crackers in the last two days. im scared for my baby. this v* phobia is turning into a phobia of eatting. i just need help and nobody wants to take this seriously. i feel alone. helpless and hopeless. and i want to die. i dont think im going to ever get any better because no doctor wants to take me seriously.......I NEED HELP BIG TIME
    "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child with-in us is simple and daring enough to live the secret."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Greater Boston Area

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    Hi there, I know how you feel. I went through a horrible time with my phobia a few months ago, and I thought there was no way I was going to pull through. I was eating very little (pretty much eating only saltines and Jello cups. I ended up losing close to 25 pounds. Just know that all of us here on this forum are there for you, and (unlike people in real life), we do take your phobia seriously. It is a real fear, and we all know how it feels. Stay strong, and know that you are never alone.
    "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." ~Pablo Picasso

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    north carolina, usa

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    please try and eat........get some healthy food and just eat small portions.....maybe some yogurt or scrambled eggs.........alot of times eating helps with the n.........eat several small meals a day......not big meals...just snacks. they won't make you s......and they will probablymake you feel better.....maybe some ensure or some type of nutrient drink......both you and the baby need some nutriton........try not to be scared......
    how i feel about emet
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    Hun I know your scared, but there like like a zero percent chance you will V* anytime soon, seriously it isn't SV* season anymore, you take your precautions seriously, with all that mix there is no chance of you getting sick or even V*.The only thing you will get from this is anxiety. Hun do yourself the favor and stop worrying and start eating for the health of you and your baby.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    same as mentioned, plus eating will most-likely make you feel better, as not eating causes nausea. start out small, eat frequently but just little meals. if you want to stick to easy foods. are you feeling sick and not eating because of it or are you not eating because you worried it will make you ill? xox
    im a girl

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    im worried that im going to v* if i eat because every time i eat, i feel a weird feeling in my throat. i try to tell myself that that lump is from anxiety but, my mind just wont give up, its forcing me to tell myself im going go v*
    "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child with-in us is simple and daring enough to live the secret."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    I learned first hand what not eating while you're pregnant can do to you. It makes you feel 10x worse than usual and you have very low energy, not to mention your baby isn't getting the proper nutrition it needs to grow healthy. The few times that you do eat, try to make it something healthy that will give you and your baby the nutrients you both need. Good luck hun!
    "there's a light at the end of this tunnel" you shout, 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. these mistakes you make, you'll just make them again if you only try turning around.. and breathe. just breathe <3

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA west coast

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    I've been through the same thing. The best things to eat, according to my doctor (at that time, they thought I *actually* had something wrong; not that I wasn't eating b/c of the phobia...long story) are bland things: apple sauce, oat meal. I subsited mainly off Kellog's Mini Wheats (dry, eating straight from the box) (tastier than saltines...more nutrition too) and plain white rice- though if you cook it with coconut cream (half water, half coconut milk/cream), it will give you some extra fat and calories- which both you and your baby need. When you drink, make sure it's something like Gatorade- you need the extra electrolytes. It isn't easy...the fear of getting sick is all consuming. But as mentioned in the above posts, a few bites several times a day...start there. Do you have anti-nausea pills? There are some that are safe for pregnancy; see if your doc can hook you up. Even if you don't take them, they'll provide a "safety net" for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA west coast

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    PS- if your doc isn't taking you seriously, IT'S TIME FOR A NEW DOC. Period.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    upstate NY

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    While a father and grandfather a few times over, I never myself had to contend with taking nourishment for two but I'm fully aware of the importance of your needing calories and our common problem.

    So I'm not sure if this tip would be helpful but my first inclination would be to try the comfort food of a little ice cream. Not a whole pint or gallon, and even if only a tablespoon or melt some in a cup and sip it. Treat yourslf to your favorite flavor- ASAP.

    When teaching me to drive my dad's ulcer would kick up and once when I stalled the little car on the railroad tracks our first stop was the next Good Humor truck so he could soothe his nerves and stomach.

    Take care.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    United States

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    I am going through the same thing. Over the summer, I thought I had conqured that fear as I had put on weight. However, nausea and a bad virus in the fall have sent me spiraling backwards. I have lost 10 pounds. I have a fast metabolism, and I lose weight much easier than I gain it. Currently, the nausea has been bad, and I haven't been eating well. My low weight does effect my heart rate and blood pressure. I too worry that I won't get better and will eventually die.

    My doctor did me for a gastric emptying test to see how quickly my stomach emptied after I ate food. She called with the results, saying that my stomach empties too slowly, and she wants to see me Wednesday. I see her, and I see my gastro for my 6 month check up. I'm not looking forward to seeing him because he doesn't seem to understand how my IBS and emetophobia effect me.

  12. #12

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    I totally understand as I've lost 7 lbs in the past few months. All I can say is that maybe the lump/feeling in your throat is hearburn? Have you tried taking TUMS?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    Hi there!

    I myself had exactly the same - Only not pregnant. My emet came about out of the woodwork when i caught swine flu and had an elergic reaction to the tamiflu. I have always been afraid of being v*, but suddenly feeling ill all of the time set my anxiety soaring trough the roof. I started obsessing about food - I couldn't eat curry because it was hot and it would make me v*, I couldn't eat chocoloate because it was sickly and it would make me v*, I couldn't eat acidy foods like oranges or apples because it would make me v*. I started eating just plain pasta, rice crackers and plain bread/toast. Not that I'm turning this into my sad story, but I wanted you to know i totally understand where you are right now. I went to the doctor and got some anxiety tablets, and I started to be able to eat; I was still afraid but the difference was that I felt I could at least try a mouthful of things I was so afraid of. A mouthful turned into two, and so on and so forth. I've put back the 30 pounds that I lost too! Now, could I suggest something? Perhaps going to see your doc or counseller is a good idea. it may be your pregnancy hormones that are triggering your anxiety to be so high. I know how it feels to not eat, and be afraid that you are going to die, and wanting to do so, but not actually being able to eat anything. Every night I'd go to bed thinking I wasn't going to wake up. You aren't alone poppet, as so many of us have said, and everybody's thoughts are with you. I hope this has helped you at least to feel some comfort within, let us know how you're getting on. Be brave and Be safe.

    Tori xxxx

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: v* phobia turning into a dangerous eating phobia

    I know how you're feeling! Last month I didn't eat for a week, and lost half a stone. I know how terrifying it is, but please eat something because I promise you, NOTHING is going to happen. Just start slowly, little bites of something here and there. You are NOT going to be sick!



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