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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Hey all, I just have sooo much to say!!! This is the most posts I have ever,,,,uhh,, posted, on any type of e group. I talk alot in person, but on the net I find it hard to break the ice. But Im good.

    Just thought I would tell you sumthin interesting, last month my phobia was started to affect my whole day, usually its after 6pm. So I went to a friend, who is an experienced psychic and past life reader. I asked her what I could do, spiritually to help me deal. She told me that in my past life my grammas sister had an infant boy, (which is me in my past life) had gotten sick on milk and choked on it. She told me that this was the root of my phobia. I didnt understant this because before I had a phobia of being sick, it was of germs, car accidents, stalkers, etc. It wasnt until I was about 11 that I was scared of v)%iting.

    I asked my gramma about her sisters and if they had babies that died. She told me her older sister, who had a baby, and well my friend was right.

    This might be a strange coincidence, or sound plain stupid to some, but I find it quite interesting. Just thought I would share.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    I am very interested in this kind of subject and I
    strongly believe in past lives too. Where in Canada are you btw? I am
    in the Toronto area. Can we chat about this sometime? My email is
    [email protected]



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Hmm... Interesting, I guess that couldhave triggered your phobia.

    I'm not sure exactly what to think of past lives. I've read several stories about people and their past lives, but I can't remember what exactly was in them, since I read them when I was about 8. Sometimes I get a feeling when I go to something, that I've been there before. This happened a lot when I lived in England for a while and sometimes went to the old churches and such.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Well I am sure my other phobia (necrophobia) may also
    stem back from a past life. I keep on saying the trigger of that one in
    this life started when I was 9 (saw a corpse on tv) but... I dont know,
    I have always had some pretty weird and nasty dreams about being in
    some kind of concentration camp, even before I was 9. It may
    sound weird but I think its a soul memory more than anything. However
    my emet was triggered in this lifetime, pretty sure about that.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I have always thought that that kind of thing was interesting. I have often wondered too that someone that you feel very connected to is someone you were close to in a past life as well.
    I know I have felt that way with my husband. Even when we hadn't known each other that long we had a connection that couldn't be denied.
    It would be interesting to find out more about how a past life might be connected to an incident in a past life.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    I truely believe that things happen for a reason, we are
    all put on this Earth for a reason and we all have to fulfil our paths.
    The crap that we go through happens for some reason, good things we
    experience happen for a reason, its all different for everyone but I
    dont think we will ever know why we go through the things we go through
    until its.....our time. I know what you mean about feeling very
    connected to someone, like having some kind of unsual connection. It
    can be both positive and negative. I dont feel that I have that kind of
    connection with my husband, maybe we were meant to start a new path
    together, who knows. But when my grandmother on my mother's side that
    was, alive I felt a great connection to her, I absolutely adored her
    and I felt there was something more to my relationship with her other
    than her being a wonderful grandmother. I miss her She passed away 6
    years ago but she has been in so many of my dreams and has even shown
    up in dreams right before an important event is about to happen, and it
    ALWAYS works out that way!! Odd huh????</font>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    hey i often thought that too....i also noticed all the other stuff that we all have in common beside emet....likethis tendency to believe in past lives.i don't think that's a very common thing in our western society.

    i had heard of this thing of past lives and i am very interested in finding any possible cause for my fear,,,because when you face the 'evil' as a grown up,if it's something you got when you were a kid maybe, helps alot.....

    very interesting topic though....if somebody finds out anything new or something else that could link us all,please let know.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    I strongly believe in past lives too. This has also been a strong interest of mine. If anyone wants to chat with me about it, feel free to email me at [email protected]

    Blessings, Arcta

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I believe in past lives also, and I've always wanted tobe regressed to find out about my phobia. Did the regression cure your phobia???

    Thanks, Kelly

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    well all i really did was find out about my past life, i think its up to me to regress and put that part of myself to rest. I feel like I am the only person that can heal me, takes alot of work though") Im working on it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I always have felt that I must have surely choked to death from V** in a previous life. I'm very interested in finding out about it. I too have a very strong connection with my husband and I just know we truly are soulmates.[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]I hope this topic keeps on going. I'm very new to the computer and I'm amazed at the knowledge ithas given me. There are real people out there that are just like me. Thank you cyberspace for putting a name on what I thought was just my problem.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I believe in past lives in a manner of speaking - I believe in spirits (although not in the religious sense). Actually, I don't believe in spirits - I KNOW they exist (there is a difference!). I believe that there are a finite number of spirits that are 'recycled' into new generations. When you feel you know a place, or a person, that you have never seen before, it's because that place/person is familiar to your spirit. I believe it is very rare to be able to remember your spirit's past lives though, even under regression hypnosis. If we could remember our spirit's past lives, we would all be geniuses (as we would have the knowledge of numerous life experiences)!

    Best wishes, Jill xxx

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    this is fun ppl.....!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    I consider myself on the Shamanic side of religion (its a pagan
    'religion') but I decide what I do and do not believe. I have heard of
    past-life regression but always was afraid that was something too
    advanced for me. Often when in groups and trying to meditate or 'see'
    things, I was the odd one out who always felt like I was making things
    up on my own instead of actually seeing them. So I have been afraid of
    trying this. But maybe I will. Too bad the one person that I know could
    do this for me is someone I have broken ties with because she began to
    get politics into religion and lumping us all together.. but this is
    something to consider. Thanks for sharing.



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